Business Etiquette series 2 episode 1|| Workplace Etiquette

in hive-120861 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Hello business men and women. I welcome you all to the Series 2. I will be putting them in episodes so that it won't be boring when reading. In series two, we are going to be looking at workplace etiquette.


  • How to behave in the workplace
  • How to behave in the business setting.
  • Why is it important to understand workplace etiquette?

When we understand workplace etiquette, It helps us prevent unnecessary tension.

  • It helps to promote effective communication, we know how to speak, we know how to communicate with our colleagues and our business partners.
  • It helps avoid misunderstandings.
  • It also creates job satisfaction.
  • It will increase productivity because everybody knows how to behave, so they will put in more effort to do their jobs.
  • It also creates a workplace environment that is conducive and stress free.
  • In the workplace, it is important that we respect diversity, and what do I mean by diversity?
    Remember that we are all different, we all come from different cultures, we all come from different backgrounds we all have different values.
    There are many forms of diversity that can lead to misunderstandings, conflict and trust issues. Diversity could come in form of communication styles, learning styles, religion, beliefs, values, culture, i mean culture could be family or national and boundaries. It is important that we understand that everybody has their differences and we must respect these differences.

In the workplace, we must respect boundaries, and
what are boundaries?
Boundaries are the restrictions you put on the behaviour of others around you. Boundaries can be physical, it could be psychological. So it is important that you're aware of people's boundaries. Once you're aware of the boundaries people have put around them, then it's your responsibility not to cross those boundaries. You must use this understanding to approach people respectfully, observing the boundaries of others helps to prevent conflict and strengthens relationships.
Displaying affection a degree of fondness is actually necessary in any relationship, even a business relationship that is going to endure pass the necessity. But you must remember that it is important that you avoid showing inappropriate physical affection to others some people do not want you to hug them, some people do not want you to peck them on their cheeks, some cultures don't even agree to it. It's inappropriate in some cultures. Some cultures do not expect you to shake hands with their women, so be conscious of how you display affection in the workplace. Sexual advances which is inappropriate at the workplace anyway can be considered as sexual harassment. So please, in the workplace, let's be conscious of how we display affection, it can actually be misconstrued to mean other things.


How do you address colleagues and business partners In the workplace?
Call your colleagues by their names not their nicknames. If a term of address offends you, you must politely tell the person and give them the name you prefer. Never address anyone with words such as honey, darling, love, dear or sweetheart in the workplace. Remember, it is a workplace, it is a business setting and it is important that we are professional in everything we do, even the way we communicate.
Conversations at work: when having conversations with your colleagues or your business partner in the workplace, you must take note of the following.

  1. What avoid excessive social cheat chat, Office gossip and Politics it always leads to conflict.
  2. Do not criticise or reprimand someone in front of others it's shows insensitivity. If you need to reprimand your colleague or your subordinate, take them into your office and do so.
  3. Give praise where praise is due.
  4. Don't discuss your personal affairs at work. Keep your personal problems at home.
  5. Avoid racist jokes, extensive jokes, especially in organisations where you have a diverse workforce.
  6. Avoid asking personal questions at work.
  7. Don't shout to get someone's attention, It reflects laziness and disrespectful to the person you are calling and others around you, you could be distracting someone who is on call or with having another conversation.
  8. Don't converse in front of others in a language they don't understand. In other words, don't converse in vernacular. If the third person or the people around you don't understand the language you're speaking it avoid conversing in that language, it's official business after all.
  9. Make sure that anything shared with you in confidence, whether it's work related or personal, stays that way.
  10. Avoid losing your temper at work or becoming aggressive. It shows poor emotional intelligence and it is not professional. And most importantly, always remember to say your please, thank you and excuse me. It show you're well brought up and well behaved.

To know more please click to episode 2
Click for episode 3
Link to episode 4

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