Assalamualaikum, I am Labib.. Welcome to the popular platform. Hope everyone is well. Today is Holy Friday Jumma. Jummah is a holy day for the Muslim community. So today me and my friends went to pray together. The famous Keramatiya Mosque of Rangpur is full of history and tradition, I will discuss about this mosque today. Hope you like my post.
Keramatiya Mosque |
Before discussing the Keramatiya Mosque, it is necessary to shed some light on the person with whose name this mosque is exclusively associated.
❤️ Mosque History❤️ |
1800-1873 AD, the most successful and respected person of the Islamic reform movement of Bangladesh, Maulana Keramat Ali (RA) was born in Jainpur on 1215 Hijri 18 Muharram. All his life he devoted himself to the propagation of Islam. He came to Rangpur to preach Islam and is laid to rest in the Keramtia Mosque.
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The said mosque is rectangular. Its interior measures 42 feet x 13 feet. The width of the east and west walls is 3 feet 3 inches, the width of the north and south walls is 2 feet 10 inches. Perhaps due to modernization and reforms some discrepancy is observed in measurement. The height of the mosque from the plain is 18 feet.
The mosque has three (high) round domes. The domes are built on octagonal drums. Each dome has marlon ornamentation at its base, and colsmotif finials or pinnacles are placed above lotus blossoms within the dome.
At each corner of the mosque are octagonal pillars surmounted by cupolas. Also, the presence of bands can also be noticed along with the decoration of various arches and panels by keeping a certain distance.
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On the other hand, slender pillars (pilasters) can be seen attached to the main wall on both sides of both the arches and the other two eastern entrances and the aforementioned doors (located at the north and south corners). The upper part of these pillars is decorated with Pallava leaves and the lower part is of kalsa form.
Marlon decoration can be seen on the edge of the parapet or roof of this mosque. The main entrances are square arched and have pilaster inserts on either side of each entrance.
Each round dome (interior) of this mosque has rows of marlon decoration and the domes are elaborately built on squints and pendentive arches.
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I feel very fortunate to be able to pray in this mosque on the holy day of Jumma. So we, the people of the Muslim community, will always pray in the holy mosque and pray to God.
❤️ Thanks Everyone❤️ |