The Diary Game Better Life // I was busy working on my new store all day today. (22-05-2024)

in hive-120861 •  2 months ago 

Assalamu Alaikum

This morning I woke up and washed my hands and had breakfast. Then I left the house to work in the shop. I went to the shop and swept the shop. I cleaned the inside of the shop. I went to Mistry to fix my shop shutter had a little problem. I went and brought it to the shop with the masons. I fixed the shutters of the shop. It was noon to fix it.


I came home from the shop at noon. I came home and took a bath and had lunch. After eating and drinking, I lay down and rested. Then I woke up in the afternoon and went out to go to the shop again. On the way, I entered the shop of the craftsmen. There was a drug store there after some conversation with Mistry. I took it. I left for the store in the van with it.


Then I opened the shutter of the shop. Then the shopkeeper would get some tk. I gave that tk to him. Because my shop is supposed to open on Friday. I am going to buy some goods for the store. If you want to buy goods, you have to go to Rangpur. If you buy goods at Lalmonirhat, the price is a little higher. Rangpur charges a little less. So I will go to Rangpur and bring the goods. It can earn some money. Buying goods from Lalmonirhat will reduce some profit.

I am supposed to go to Rangpur tomorrow to buy goods. I have never purchased such a store before. I have no experience about it. I talked to someone. Where can any goods be found? He gave me the address. Then I came home. It was eleven o'clock at night when he came home. I came home and talked a little with the boys and girls. Then I went to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and came to the room fresh. I came and played a little with the children.

Then I went to the dining table to have dinner. After dinner I went to bed to sleep with my sons and daughters. I see my little girl crying. Because his body is not very good. My daughter's body temperature is mild. His mother's health is also bad. So I took a little walk outside with the girl.


My Achievement-1 Post by @masum1989

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