in hive-120861 •  2 years ago  (edited)


Oh hi everyone! it's me again, well what's in it today.. lets gooo!!!
Today, all I'm going to be talking about, are the challenges entrepreneurs face when they want to start a business, so if you just started a business or you plan on doing so, automatically this article is for you and of course, also for those in various businesses even if you've been in the industry for years and who knows, you can get help from here. Well enough of the long speech lets dive in! Starting a new business is a thing of joy, a challenge, and a bold step.
Most business owners reading this article would totally relate to that feeling, the feeling of starting your own business,
The feeling of having your own ideas and the feeling of being unstoppable. But I'd really have to hand it to you straight on this one "STARTING A BUSINESS IS NOT EASY AT ALL" and just to Clarify if you disagree, I'd suggest you take a good look at the models which you idolize, check their history you'd find out what I meant there;
just to skip the motivational statement of "every thing is achieved by hard work" , which is very true and should not be underestimated, which i preferably call the keys to excellence/success. But that's not what we are here for today, that's a story for another day.
Starting a new business as an entrepreneur can be stressful, even to the point making decisions . But there's a way out.
you see, all of them depend on each other, just Like i citied out; in situations where you face indecision, you scale and weigh from the most important to the least important,starting a business demands you starting from the decision making, to development of the business plan, social media management, customer relationship and a host of other things. that sounds hectic! but not to worry I'd try dropping a few solutions too, all those i mentioned would actually help you to maintain stability as a business, but it can be quite a lot to manage and of course if not properly handled your business might begin to struggle, which is not we'd want. Of course this takes us back to growth and productivity.
Here's what I will do I'd list out these challenges and drop a few tips on how to manage them. Fair enough??
lets go then:


This guy!, always takes the front row seat, As a starting business it gets really hard to get a sponsor , FOR EXAMPLE people who believe in you and your ideas and abilities, this is one of the stages that affect businesses it either makes them grow or fold, YES! I said that. of course you might just stay at your corner and you'd begin to wonder how things are supposed to work when you don't have funds or investors either!, well there is a light in the tunnel, smile, the tip here is this: "GET A COACH" that is someone experienced and CAPABLE, Read carefully, only an advice or encouragement can actually push you to keep on believing in yourself... there isn't much to say lets go to the next one, lest i forget: if you are thinking of starting a business... brace yourself for the journey ahead its not so great, but I'm sure you will make it through.


This guy, This guy!!!, he has a host of other names but just to mention a few, Some call it 'BROKE', but you see, where I'm from we call it "SAPA" pronounced "sakpa", this particular guy has caused a lot of havoc and brought a lot of tears to the faces of budding and starting business owners. every business needs MONEY, because it affects almost everything in the business, for example you need money to put up ads for your products etc, or raising the capital for the business is also a function of funds. whether we like it or not all businesses are privileged to sufficient cash for start, and of course the insufficiency brings disappointment and loss of faith, you might begin to tell yourself " sapa is not my mate" but heyyy don't give-up. let me help you with a tip; First off as an entrepreneur never get greedy or selfish, if you find yourself at the stage of "sapa" of all things you need to do,
you need a focused mind, calm and unwavering mind, it can be hard to get that but you should try, anchor on what brings you the small income you are earning, Secondly, maintain a flexible budget; helps you manage and support your business at the moment.A little secret here is once you have mastered this process , when the LARGE MULLA starts coming in you find out that your monetary management is excellent.... so i guess that challenge has become a blessing... you'd start controlling and managing your finance well.


unbelief, doubt of ones self is a very SERIOUS and contagious disease, yesi said that, come to think of it, every action taken in life is shaped and affected by what we have in mind about that particular action, either positive of negative, or otherwise we get affected. As an entrepreneur there's no way you'd not face innumerable challenges, but the goal here is not to let it affect your emotions , never doubt your confidence and your energy . Like i said doubt is contagious, so it can rub off on anyone including your customers and investors!!!.
No one wants to invest in a growing company that does not believe in themselves neither would a customer buy an item that is not trusted, so you see, it is actually contagious, No one wants their business turn into a "SNOOZE FEST" but don't worry I've got an escape plan:
First, choose to remember , remember all your achievements, small or large, regardless of the size, be proud of it, if showcasing those achievements make you feel better, do it! make sure you leave that mental state , its more or less a method of making you believe in yourself!
if you can remember me telling you to get someone you can talk to an experienced person that's close to you? then this is also where he/she comes in, fix a meeting, i assure you it works too, and with a few words of advice and proof you ready to start again!!


honestly this can also be called blurry vision, I'd tell you how. An entrepreneur even WHEN he/she is starting a business encounters setbacks, situations that make you look at your your business Goals and shout "THIS WAS NOT THE PLAN!!!" you might not be in TANDEM with your plans due to delays but count it as joy, keep your head straight and focus, push forward, review your mistakes, take important decisions, remember, these circumstances will help you look at your business goals differently, amazing ?, it will actually help you keep up to date and as well as handle different challenges with different strategies!

And finally


In every aspect of life there's always someone who is more knowledgeable than the other and another over the other, that's just how it is!, knowledge is infinite, so as entrepreneurs we need to see it as an opportunity to learn new things and apply them, Because in one way or another we'd face challenges that require a certain skill above what we have, and there is no other way but to learn and get yourself refreshed/updated, it also normal to feel confused but the question is what you do about it.
There is only one thing which is to "LEARN" find courses , GROW yourself, gather knowledge, get closer to those who have been in the game, and finally, practice to perfect yourself!

@whitestallion @noskiart @circwall @harferri @steempreneurship @campusconnectng


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Hello brother @smart-lebe - Thank you for consistently contributing and sharing quality posts with us on the Steem Entrepreneurs Community - Steem On !

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Keep up your good work, best regards and good luck !

You really talked much of the issue as if you have been in those shows.

Thanks for taking us in this journey of business start up

With pleasure ✅

I must this is an educative one ..... With the way you laid things down on this write up I think you got some experience as an entrepreneur ✌️