in hive-120861 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Life can be one hell of a JOB I'm I right? well without beating about the bush, I would be revealing how your level of productivity affects your cash flow and income, SO LETS DIVE IN!

A random search on google or in your dictionary best explains what productivity means, thus: the ability and efficiency to produce goods and services expressed by some measure. in whatever works of life we face as humans the urge and need to constantly increase our rate and mode of income is incessant, if you are reading this article its more or like a help or a tip on how to amplify your cash flow and income .


It places your brand identity on a pedestal
It increases your cash flow
it increases work output( gives good PR)
it restructures and makes time management convenience
it boost the effectiveness of resources available
reduces your cost of production
with these few lines I've been able to lay down the few importance of productivity, next question that you might be thinking in your head, how can i gain these importance?, stop with the nerve racking I'm here to proffer solutions.
There are different components of productivity so, instead of boring you with long talk and write up I'd state only 4 on we move on..


we've come this far we should as well move forward isn't it? so moving forward like i said there are various components of which make up productivity but id be listing out a few which i feel are fundamental.


Now, what I'm about to write most are a victim to, the big question thus: what to wear, what food to eat at a certain time and other co-related questions too, now strategic planning helps in avoiding this question,
as it also applies to increasing your productivity you might be wondering how?, let me show you, setting goals and placing them per day to achieve is a way to planning strategically , of course this is not an easy task but at the same time, we are looking for a lasting solution to this, many articles on this topic would surely hamper on you setting goals, some might end up not showing or help you build on your set goals, well i might not hit the nail on the head but I'm pretty sure I'd make some points:
As a starter you don't actually need to set large goals, you start small, by making smaller goals, which would definitely grow to bigger ones, for example TUNDE a young guy has been desiring to get muscles and decides to go to the gym, on joining the gym and getting a membership, he doesn't go straight to carry weights bigger than him and heavier than what he can support at that time he starts small, starts with smaller weights and treadmills, etc., same thing applies to to our income, investments, our daily life, so in order to grow in productivity we start by building our strategic planning by taking baby steps ,setting smaller goals and in no time we realize that we've started making those big goals without knowing!.... easy right? lets move unto the next one.


Focus is built, desire can also be built, someone reading this might start asking how possible it is, I'd would make it clear as you read on!, desire is driven by focus and focus at the same time is driven by desire, sorry for confusing but it is what it is...smiles... focusing on a particular project is actually a very hard task to do and when it comes to productivity, it really is tough, because you might be subjected to undergoing the same process for a long period or depends, i would still talk about this deep in this article; consistency, all these components work hand in hand as you don't talk about one without chipping in the other... Back to the focus! ... when you choose to desire a project, of course desire is all about choice, or you focus on a project do not I repeat DO NOT!! flip in between other projects... that takes us back to our strategic planning doesn't it? so once you have a list of goals you take one at a time and just like I said, small steps per day and you'd see that at the end you've achieved what you thought impossible!, so put all your effort into a task until its complete, its not magic but you can make it look like magic...


As we all know, time waits for no man, as well as we know that we are all provided with 24hours in a day, how you deal with it and what you do with it... knowingly or unknowingly affects our productivity, as an entrepreneur or a business person you find time very important that's why schedules and alarms are always recommended, as it is clear that we don't have all the time in the world its also clear that the amount of time we got should be put to best use, but this can only happen if we make the right choices, just like i would always pinpoint and go back to strategic planning, which involves you placing projects in hierarchy, choosing the project that would give the biggest bang or lure the biggest client, and surely you would agree with me that this is not the easiest of decision to make, I'd give a quick tip that would actually help and of course has helped me mostly in choosing and making decisions, also this doesn't only affect projects to put out it also affects every other thing about you and your business, so whatever tip I'm going to give you, you should try and input them in every other aspect of your business or lifestyle... its builds the productivity!


I am not one guru, or an expert but, this tip has actually worked for me million times!!! {I can't count how many times so I used a million}... now here goes:
this tip is more like a question you ask yourself, when you are facing a situation of decision making... the question should be you asking yourself what really matters, WHAT PROJECT ACTUALLY MATTERS, WHICH CLIENT ACTUALLY MATTERS MOST, it is always a situation of hierarchy, get a note write down your pending projects and check which of them can wait till tomorrow, ask your self where or how you have made your customers smile... choose and perfect on the area... at this point, I even feel you asking yourself such questions, you find out now that it works!!!! doesn't it?. so the whole thing is about choosing that one project that deep down you know would bring out your best, and in the limited 24hours we have and BOOM!!! you have a solution.


now, finally this is also a very important factor in building your productivity, look whatever someone chooses to do if he/she does not do it regularly or the person is not consistent then that thing would never produce result, as everything requires perseverance and consistency... therefore the key to positive productivity is keeping a consistent pace, so while being consistent try not to compare yourself with others rather see yourself as the best in the game!!! always have it in mind it doesn't matter how slow or fast your movement is it always differs from person to person, consistency always pays off, so no matter how long the journey is focus on where you are going and not where you are at the present time.
and also no way is right or wrong, EVERY ONE HAS WHAT WORKS FOR THEM!

Man! I guess at this point you'd really see that i wrote an enormous write up but i guess with this few points I've been able to help and clarify how you build your productivity, I'd actually be doing a part two on this where I would be linking to how it affects your income, but for now I hope this goes as far as solving some of them now!

thanks see y'all later!

@campusconnectng @whitestallion @steempreneurship @tucsond @harferri

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Real ideas bro
Clean messages for we entrepreneur
To put up

I must say The Government of the day has failed to understand the effectiveness of productivity to our society at large.which I believe if looked into properly they will be a positive response in our Economy...

very correct i totally agree on that!

Productivity is the road to success, the key is how we use our time to effectively get there... success for you friends

Productivity is the road to success, the key is how we use our time to effectively get there... success for you friends

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Keep up your good work, best regards and good luck !

Thank you very much sir