TOP POST Joined #club75 & #club5050 - November 09, 2021 | Steem Entrepreneurs

in hive-120861 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Hello #club75 & #club5050 members, let's keep the spirit of investing and Power Up to become a Dolphin!

Since hastaq #club5050 was campaigned in mid-October, the Steem Entrepreneurs community is one of the communities that fully supports the campaign and takes the initiative to encourage all subscribers to participate in the success of hastaq #club5050. Campaigns and support continue to be carried out as motivation for all users of the Steem Entrepreneur Community page. Now we also fully support the #club75 and #club100 hastaq campaigns. It is an honor to be a part of a smart program with a big purpose for Steem. As a tribute to all members of the Steem Entrepreneur Community who have joined #club75 and #club5050. Steem Entrepreneurs will release a daily list of top posts from publications on the Steem Entrepreneur Community Page.

Top post qualification #club75 and #club5050
  1. Eligible to join #club75 and #club5050.
  2. Posts are well written and of high quality according to the rules of publication on the steem entrepreneurs community page.
  3. Using taq #steemexclusive and prohibited from mentioning @steemcurator01``@steemcurator02 and @steemitblog.
  4. 10% beneficiary set for @steemkindness for empowerment and charity activities
  5. Not using Upvote Bot (buying Upvote).
  6. No plagiarism and other cheating.

Note : We do not guarantee that the post that is released will get support from @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 or @booming because it is the decision and full rights of the upvote giver. We recommend that you continue to be consistent to power up and make good publications then the generosity and support will come.





Posted by : @afrizalbinalka - Hallo Sahabat steemians. Hari ini saya melanjutkan perjalanan saya sebagai member aktif dalam platform steemit, untuk melakukan power up kembali sebagaimana pendapatan saya dalam steemit. walaupun tidak seberapa besar pendapatan saya dari para steemians yang lain, yang lebih awal berkecimpung dalam platform tersebut. Akan tetapi saya yakin pada diri sendiri bahwa apa yang saya dapatkan awal dari proses perkembangan saya dalam platform steemit yang berbasis blockchain, dalam hal ini saya berupaya untuk meningkatkan akun kurasi saya dari semua pendapatan saya dalam steemit dan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan saya dalam komunitas, dan dapat menjaga ekosistem steem. ......

LINK : Menyalakan power up dalam satu hari 2 kali | bergabung dalam #club75 dan #club5050 untuk menjaga ekosistem steem

Tracking results on from 09 September - 09 November 2021 : Total Transfers to Vesting : 531.703 STEEM and Total normal transfers or transfers to external wallets : 12.000 STEEM| 10.000 SBD (117.134 STEEM) = Total : 129.134 STEEM.

Wallet activity table for 2 months

Transfer to Vesting
Normal Transfer
531.703 STEEM
129.134 STEEM




Posted by : @f2i5 - Hi all friends. How are you today ? Hope everyone supports and enjoys the #club5050 Campaign. Of course all we hope for, One of The Dolphin Challenge - can we reach 1500 by the end of the year ? us is.Then how will this be achieved if we always withdraw the Rewards we get? Today I got two Rewards in one day at different times. I exchanged 100% of the Rewards for Power Ups. So today I ma naged to do Power Up twice. My total Power Up today is 49,254 STEEM as a result of exchanging SBD from Rewards on the #steemit Internal Market Platform. certainly a platform that we are very proud of. ......

LINK : [The Dolphin Challenge -🐬 - Two Power Ups in one day By exchanging 100% Rewards. | Target to be a dolphin at the end of the year and commitment to support #club5050 #club75 and #clubdolphins # Fourth session

Tracking results on from 09 September - 09 November 2021 : Total Transfers to Vesting : 1,570.066 STEEM and Total normal transfers or transfers to external wallets : 27.300 SBD ( 316.26 STEEM)

Wallet activity table for 2 months

Transfer to Vesting
Normal Transfer
1,570.066 STEEM
316.26 STEEM





Posted by : @taqdirul94- Selamat malam teman-teman entrepreneurs !!! Bagaimana keadaan teman-teman semua di malam yang dingin ini, semoga selalu dalam keadaan sehat dan berkah selalu dalam menjalankan bisnis maupun usaha kita masing-masing ... Amin .. Setelah pada postingan saya sebelumnya di steem entrepreneur lima hari yang lalu saya sudah melakukan update harga dan menginformasikan bahwasanya sudah ada stock baru voucher internet yang tersedia di kios kami, atau teman-teman bisa membacanya lagi disini: Go Around Steem Business promo || Restock Again and Add Some New Items in Bobo Cellular .......

LINK :Go Around Steem Business promo || NEW STOCK & INTERNET VOUCHER UPDATE (09/11/2021) AT BOBO CELL || 10% reward to @steemkindness #CLUB5050

Tracking results on from 09 October - 09 November 2021 : Total Transfers to Vesting : 63.281 STEEM and Total normal transfers or transfers to external wallets : 0 STEEM.

Wallet activity table for 1 months

Transfer to Vesting
Normal Transfer
63.281 STEEM



Mahyul maulana.jpg

Posted by : @mahyulmaulana - Salam sahabat steemians di manapun berada.! Hari senin merupakan hari penuh kebahagian bagi saya karena pada hari tersebut saya berhasilkan mendapatkan T-shirt keinginan saya yang telah lama saya ingin memilikinya dan baru di hari senin saya mendapatkanya dengan membelinya pada bg @harferri pada saat kami jumpa di caffe filosofi geudong. Pada saat itu, saya pergi ke caffe filosofi dengan berencana ingin menikmati secangkir kopi di sana dan menikmati sore hari sambil menikmati secangkir kopi di tempat tersebut......

LINK : Kembali Membeli T-shirt berlogo steem entrepreneurs || #club75

Tracking results on from 08 October - 08 November 2021 : Total Transfers to Vesting : 326.295 STEEM and Total normal transfers or transfers to external wallets : 2 SBD (23.427 STEEM)

Wallet activity table for 1 months

Transfer to Vesting
Normal Transfer
326.295 STEEM
23.427 STEEM




Posted by : @realworld23 - Hallo sahabat Steem Entrepreneurs selamat sore semuanya bertemu ramah lagi dengan aku @realworld23 di sini yang tentunya, kali ini aku akan mempromosikan bisnis teman aku yang bernama bg @sidroe kebetulan sekali ketika saat aku melewati jalanan melihat dia sudah ada usaha kecil-kecilan, sempat juga beberapa hari belum itu dia mengatakan kepada aku bahwa dia sudah ada kedai minuman segar, walaupun itu bukan milik dia tetapi yang duduk berjualan sekarang dia sendiri di sana, untuk tempatnya di depan dayah muslimat samalanga kedai yang pas sekali kalo menurut aku, banyak santri yang lewat di depan kedainya bg @sidroe dan lumayan juga ketika saat aku pergi ke tempatnya di sana banyak sekali orang dan kebetulan sekali di hari itu ada acara wisuda yang di adakan di kampus IAIA AL-aziziyah samalanga ......

LINK : Promo bisnis teman bg @sidroe || jualan minuman segar serta membayarnya menggunakan SBD #club5050

Tracking results on from 08 October - 08 November 2021 : Total Transfers to Vesting : 536.733 STEEM and Total normal transfers or transfers to external wallets : 38.700 SBD (460.271 STEEM).

Wallet activity table for 1 months

Transfer to Vesting
Normal Transfer
536.733 STEEM
460.271 STEEM


Thank you to all Steem Entrepreneurs Community page users who have participated in supporting the #club75 & #club5050 campaign and doing Power Ups on an ongoing basis to increase account strength which will have a positive impact on influence on the platform and increase Steem's economic growth in the short and long term. We hope that the publications that we make can motivate and encourage increasing and expanding participation in Investing and Power Up.

Best regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

Cc : @steemcurator01 | @pennsif | @stephenkendal

We open opportunities for useful contributions and collaborations with steem power delegates for community development.

Please select one from the link :

Special thank you to all stemians who have supported and encouraged us to work hard to advance the Community and STEEM to reach wider people.

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Terimakasih pak, ini suatu prestasi terbaik untuk perkembangan saya dan akan melanjutkan misi saya ke #club100 semoga saya dapat melakukan nya.

Terimakasih @stempreneurship telah memilih postingan saya menjadi TOP POST Joined #club75 & #club5050 - November 09, 2021, semoga menjadi motivasi saya untuk terus berkreasi ... Sukses selalu untuk kita semua 😀🙏

Thank you @steempreneurship and the Steem Entrepreneurs Community for re-electing me as the Top using the hashtag #club75.

The Dolphin Challenge: With this support my hope is to become a Dolphin at the end of the year, an achievement that is highly coveted by all steemians


Terima kasih pak sudah mememilih postingan saya, dan berada di top 3 saya sangat senang sekali☺️☺️

Luar biasa, selamat untuk yang terpilih !

Senang bisa hadir di komunitas ini.

Mohon dukungan dan bimbingannya !

Good luck to everyone who is doing a very good job