The Death of A Planet

in hive-120962 •  3 years ago 


In the City of Lagoon people are woken up by the stench of rotten waste, the dump site is so enormous and the next epidemic is just around the corner. The Donkey Pox epidemic that broke out last three years was a nightmare. The only thing in this city that never sleeps is the incinerator burning all kinds of plastic waste which the locals inhale, the smoke covers the city like a blanket.

The National Teaching Hospital, Lagoon has noticed a spike in patients with respirtory diseases, the number keeps doubling. The City of Lagoon once a paradise has become the dumpster capital of the world.

When Crude Oil was discovered in the Ogoni Community, a new dawn and a brighter future for the entire region was celebrated, 'Oil Money don enter our community' a slogan which many of the indigenes would pay so dearly for. Just like the people of Troy brought in the Trojan Horse into their City, the community welcomed the activities of Shell Petroleum Company. The forests were destroyed to clear way for drilling sites, the waters were polluted and harmful gas were released into the air.

The water became undrinkable, the land unfruitful and the air became an enemy of the lungs, the poison that keeps killing. When the rain fell it was acidic, the land refused to be fruitful. Now the people must abandon their place or face the wrath of Mother Nature's revolt.

The temperature of the day keeps increasing, it is difficult to breathe at night for the night was hot as day. When it rained the flood sends back the plastic waste to the polluters of the environment, it enters their houses, work place destroying everything on its part. The wailing and crying cannot soften the heart of Mother's Nature's destruction. An Adage says, the child that refuses his mother rest will not rest too.

Times and seasons have changed, the ice bergs of the atlantic are melting drastically as temperature shows no sign of decreasing, the oceans are overflowing it's banks and the little Island Nations must pay the price.

The Planet is sick and we seeing the dangers as she manifests signs and symptoms, it is a call to change our ways and restore balance.

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