Igbo Economic system by @bojan kukic

in hive-120962 •  3 years ago 


The Igbo political economic system is divided into three (3) major sub themes they are;Agriculture,Trade and manufacture. All these three main economic activity played an important roll in the survival of the Igbo as a group in determining the character and quality of culture and religion and even there cosmology.



this is the rearing and cultivation of farm animals. Agriculture is the most important economic activity of Igbo society during this period, with regards to quote with the numbers of people engage in it either of good or per-time bases, and to the prestige attached to it. Basically, the Igbo attitude towards agriculture was for both the men and woman were all farmers and some crops were cultivated such as; yam, cassava , cocoa-yam and vegetable. Most families produce enough food for themselves and for subsistence purposes, while others produce both for subsistence and commercial purpose. And the pre-colonial agriculture was very efficient. Yam was the king of Igbo crops, it’s spirit force was very powerful and was widely respected. Then cocoa-yam has it’s own spirit force which had fewer rules guiding the treatment of it’s crops. The labour agriculture was provided by man, his wife and children. Most family who are lucky to riches will have large of slaves who will help in the farm work. Another economy base of the Igbo people before 1800 was the trade.



All though subsidiary to agriculture, trade was nonetheless was an important aspect in the economy. There was a long distant trade among the Igbo People while the first was carried out between or among the people of the-same area. The second ,those beyond the scope of various articles of trade were sold in the market, they include: salt, fish, horses, glass bleeds, ivory and slaves. There was also an oil trade among the Igbo’s and thier neighbor. Another important trade during this period is the currency. however, transactions was introduced in Igbo land nonetheless it is important that this development presided the done of the European era Of the west Africa trade. It will appear in 18th century much of the commercial transaction in Igbo land were done with money, indeed by the 19th century many currency were used by Igbo People during this period and the include; salt,cowries,brass rod and copper wire. Another economic base of the Igbo land was manufacture.

War implement



the Igbo manufactured the wild range of items during this period they include; war implement, basket, agricultural tools, cloths, house hold furniture etc. the craft which produce this Wares would be,and was practiced. Generally, it’s could be said that the region of Igbo land lacked specialist in at least one particular craft. Pottery for instance was carried on were ever necessary claim smithing,salt manufacture,cloth weaving and carving we’re among the best developed of Igbo industries. Of all Igbo communities which engage in smithing , the most famously and best organized were the alka, nkwere and agbiriba. The salt industries like smithery was also famous and was also associated with split forces. Salt in North Eastern Igbo land area, salt production in Northern east. Igbo land were prominent among the people Ugburu and okosi area. Another women industries during this period was weaving of cotton cloth the weaving industries was mostly developed in the Northern Igbo land.

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