Campus Games- Season 3/Week 1- "Space Dream" by Team WINNERS

in hive-120962 •  3 years ago  (edited)



Hello great minds on Campusconnect community, on behalf of my team (TEAM WINNERS) I warmly welcome us all to Campusconnect games, the first championship series on steemit platform. Today, I will be submitting our entry for the fictonal story on behalf of my team (TEAM WINNERS) offcourse We are not welcoming you empty handed rather but will enthrall you with a little creative story that would burst your bubble, Yes it will 😊 so just grab that cool bottle beside as we take you on this ride.


I really didn't know or it didn't occur to me that embarking on a space adventure is very technical and requires a whole lot of patience, perseverance, focus and agility and any worse case scenerio. But I wouldn't have just lost all this requirements if this beautiful but confusing girl Sonia wasn't part of the journey and infact she was the worst case scenario herself to me. I would get back to Sonia and my mistakes after this little overview on Nigeria and Biafra.

It's the year 2030 and Nigeria has really had a bumpy ride for 10 months due to the prevalent of the resilient Biafra who have decided to separate from Nigeria. Well, after the "Biafra saga" which many lives were lost last two weeks. The war ended in futility and Nigeria was has been forced to retrieve the EMYERALD PLAQUE which is located just inside the space. The Emerald of plaque has been regarded as an historical tool which can be used in critical times to make a Fair judgement without any compromise. History had it that the Emerald plaque have been used by our forefathers to make decisive judgments until it got into the possession of a wrong hands, but thanks for the great "Oranmiyan", a superstitious being who flew with his last strength to the space mysteriously and kept the Tool (Emerald plaque) where it'd not be easily accessible. He died two days after the journey, remember I said last strength.

Present day
Sonia, Mike, Chinedu, Lia and I (Clev) have been choosed by the country to take a far trip down to space and bring back the Emerald plaque.

Each person have been selected base on recommendations from higher and trustworthy personality accross the country. For example Sonia is a rocket expertise, Mike is a renounce mechanical engineer who studied in Ukraine and was the best graduated Student, Chinedu has been chosen because of his leadership skills especially the one he portrayed to settle the dispute between Russia and Ukraine few weeks ago by bringing the two countries into consensus. Lia and I (called Clev) are tech experts who can solve any problem regarding anything concerning the tech world. We can hack any Social account even the well secured Steemit accounts can still be hacked by us, override, infiltrate any system as long as it's Computer or digitally based.

The team which is made up for three males and 2 female were all ready to embark on the voyage but then, just before we took off, we hugged our family members and friends who have come to express their farewell messages and pleasantries, some shed tears while some showed that expression of "I'm really going to miss them"

I was already confused after seeing Sonia, and I couldn't resist the astonishing looks of Sonia. Sonia noticed and giggled. We strap up to depart earth.

All this while, I have started sending messages to Sonia via eyes signals, Sonia smiled and understood what I meant and to be honest, Sonia shouldn't have been in the journey with us especially with me.

Alright, so the Rocket propellers and repellers were ready for take off after system checks. A very progressive noise was heard and shortly we accelerated upwards with a velocity of 300Km/Hr.

After few minutes, we reached a point were the gravity due to acceleration was diminishing and depleting and here's the part where all teams are supposed to be on deck. Our Mech Engineering Mike was already checking the system while Sonia was Calibrating all necessary panels but then a great sound was heard and oppps an engine has been lost.

The team was already in turmoil but Chinedu who was the Team lead assurs us that everything would be fine. That would have been the case except we didn't know that the Emerald plaque has some spiritual features which we weren't told about (recall a superstitious person flew all the way to keep it in space and died after coming back).

Suddenly we heard a voice from the basement of the rocket ship. The rest of the team quickly ran to check except I and Sonia.

This time our rocket ship is already floating in space, Sonia the turned and look at me with a very alluring eyes, this I wasn't expecting at all.
I quickly forgot my mission and danced to the deceptive stunts played by her. She did the approaching and came closer to me, look deeply into my eyes sending signals such as "I need you badly". I couldn't resist her so I came close too held her waist and chest to mine then meticulously prepared my lips to touch hers and just before it glided together.

I received a slap from Sonia that I need to quickly program the system from crashing. ( I woke up, it was all a dream that I dozed off while thinking about Sonia 😂)

Meanwhile every other team members was instructed not to sleep or doze off else risk having a superstitious experience.

We arrived at the location in the space and finally got the emerald plaque, we then Successfully had our journey back to earth which Mike recommended that I should be the least person to be compensated because I spent most time starring at Sonia at the detriment of the mission and almost cost us the Journey. So I was compensated the least🤦 I later found out that Mike and Sonia were dating💔

Thanks for reading.
Hope you enjoyed every ounce of the story 😊
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Team Winners

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You made a great post @bright6126, this is a great entry, interesting storyline, and detailed story.

Thank you for your participation in #campus games Season 3-week 1

Rate - 8

Thanks so much for the rating 😊🙏

You made a great post @bright6126, this is a great entry, interesting storyline, and detailed story.

Thank you for your participation in #campus games Season 3-week 1

Rate - 8

I really enjoyed your entry. You really took your time in making it. I learnt alot of grammatical expressions from this