in hive-120962 •  3 years ago 



'metaphysics' was coined from two greek words 'meta' meaning "after" and 'Physika' meaning "physics"

"It is defined as the philosophical study whose object is to determine the real nature of things - to determine the meaning, structure and principles of whatever is, so far as it exists"

[Citation Needed] (Encyclopaedia Britanica as cited by Omoregbe1996)
Even though ancient philosopher did not use the terms metaphysics. The concept of metaphysics was central to their philosophical ideas. They were doing metaphysics without using the name "metaphysics".

This is because in their different philosophical ideas, they tried to give an account of the nature and structure of reality as a whole. Metaphysics is an attempt to understand reality as against mere appearance or the study of First Principle or ultimate reality. furthermore, it was seen as an effort to comprehend the universe not piecemeal or by fragmnents but as a whole. Concerned with the essence of things and not their attributes.


  • Onotology ( General Metaphysics )
  • Cosmology ( Special Metaphysics)

The term Onotology was derived from two greek words onta meaning existence and logos meaning nature of being. It is the science of being in the most general aspects. whether as being as actual beings and conceptual being. It takes care of some ideas like essence, existence, substance, accident, quality, relaxation, cause and so on. It covers every sort of being, material and immaterial.


It is from two greek words cosmos meaning universe and logos meaning discourse or study. So cosmology is the study of the universe. This branch of metaphysics is interested in the
structure, composition, and origins of the universe. On the origin of the cosmos, the very idea that comes to mind all the time is whether it was created or evolved.

  • Problem of Essence and Existence

One issue that may be found here is in determining which is more fundamental between essence and existence. This can be linked to the issues involved in establishing which one comes first between the chicken and the egg. Another issue is whether can be essence without existence that actualise essence. Existence makes essence real.

  • Problem Of Casuality

A cause is that through which a certain effecf is produced. They are material cause, formal cause, efficient cause and final cause. The material and it does not exist in itself. The material cause of a statue. Formal cause is the essential nature of things. The formal cause is the pattern things take course and diferent from other things.
efficient cause is tge agent responsible for bringing it into being. The expectations of things does not lie in themselves but in our mind.

  • Problem of Freewill and Determinism

This has to do with activities in the universe. Questions into if a human being is the author of his fate yo any degree. Humans have freedom and are responsible for every action they take. In Summary, the determinism holds that God is the sole casual agent in the universe and holds and determines all actions.

  • Problem Of Mind and Body Interaction

This is one of the problems faced by philosophers of all ages. The basic problems here is establishing the relationship between the mind and body. Mind is different from the body. So how do the relate? How does one affect the other? Why is that immediately the mind wills an action, the body will respond. Once pain is inflicted on the body, the mind will feel it.



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