Weekly Contest: Tell Us About Your Favourite Subject @ Dayographix

in hive-120962 •  3 years ago  (edited)

I came across this contest on campus connect I remember have never shared my experience on how i fell in love with my favourite subject @computer Science ... Thanks to @campusconnectng and @davosimple for making me remember one of my childhood experience and history behind me getting addicted to Computer Technology.


Growing up I had never considered myself to be as intelligent as my siblings. I was not so much bothered about it at the time because I lacked the understanding that academic excellence has a way of adding to someone' station in life. My early secondary school result usually falls within the purview of EFCC. The "C" results are usually "Economics" probably because it sounded like Home Economics and the fact that I like food and "Agriculture" most likely because I did follow my grandma to the farm.

Even though I was not academically intelligent, I considered myself spiritually intelligent going by the fact that I can recite off heart " Iwu nke Chukwu nke mbu"(The Commandment) and "Onye kelu m" at a time when some kids use to answer "Daadi m keelu m" upon being asked. Some of our teachers then didn't also help matters as arranged us in a very discriminatory sitting positions in class.

The intelligent kids with the ones that wear glasses tied with rope sit in the 1st and 2nd row, my category that are believed to be educationally redeemable sit at the 3rd row while the ones referred to as "Omebelu na chi ekweghi"(Those that are academically irredeemable) has the last seat strictly reserved for them.

My situation did not change from Pre-Nursery to Primary 3 and I had to repeat primary 3 twice and it got my parents worried . Dad promised to get me a siren enabled canvass which was in vogue at the time if I come between 1st - 3rd position at the end of the term while mom promised to get me "Boy alinko kind of glasses that was a spec at the time.

The siren enabled canvas shoe was every child's dream at that age. It was one footwear that could be worn on Jeans, coat, ashoke or even lace material made from the remainder of mum's clothe. You needed to see kids comparing these accessories at the Children section of the church on Sunday in addition to the fancy wrist watch that do not have the capacity of telling you the time while some of us will wrap ourselves like wrapper in one corner hiding our "Obi's big shoe".

I had reasons to work hard and my primary 3(repeat) started off with a high expectation. Result of Ist term came and I took my usual 24th position out of 30. My parents didn't say a thing neither did I. The good news was that I passed the term and I took consolation that it was someone's son that came 30th out of 30 pupils. I became close to Chioma in the first row one time I offered her one of my puff puff during break at the beginning of 2nd term and Chioma was very Good in Mathematics and Computer Science , nobody beats her those subject.

She stays in our street too and I had cause to be going to their house for homework and I discover they had a lot of computer related books in their house because her Uncle studied Computer Science and that was how the urge to start reading started and I was so much in love with how the development of Computer came about. I had cause to sleep in their house just to read the history Computer Development .one day we did homework together and it got late. I almost cried my eyes out when mum came to take me home and I wanted to stay back. It took the intervention of Chioma's mum who persuaded her to go without me.

Chioma's mum gave us peak milk after dinner and also added enough in our tea the next morning. She jokingly told us that milk makes kids intelligent. My mum almost had my head on a soup plate when I boldly misrepresented to her that Chioma's mum said I am unintelligent because I don't take enough milk at home. At some point my mum was worried because all I talk about in my sleep is Computer and history of technology.

2nd term result came out and I took 11th and 3rd best in Computer Science while Chioma took 5th. It was a beginning of a new dawn for me. Again, my parents did not say thing, neither did I bother them but I noticed mum stopped calling me "Oka mma na nni"(someone that eats only food) even though my ration of food doubled with additional towel anu( meat).

3rd term came with alot of expectations. I didn't know how it happened but I was appointed the class prefect. By virtue of that position I was automatically moved to the front row. The appointment made me popular and everyone in the class had no option than to have an encounter with me at one point or the other.

Some of the boys in the last row who felt I am a member of their constituency hence their person, approached me not to include their names in the list of noise makers. I acceded to their request on the understanding that they give me part of their snack as consideration which i in turn give to the good fellows that help me academically in class.

The Last day of 3rd terms are usually ceremononious. The school usually organizes a graduation party and also use the occasion to reward academic excellence. My parents came likewise others. We all stood in line adorned with our gowns and cap and soon enough our report cards were handed to us. To my greatest surprised I saw it boldly written in upper case "1st POSITION" and "Best in Computer Science".

Not minding the fact it was my turn to take picture with my gown, I ran off the line like someone who lost some capacities shouting and like a Dog that was set free after being chained for too long . The camera man pursued me joined by my mum. She took the report card from me to examine while the camera man dragged me to pose for my picture. I was there trying to smile for the camera when I heard my mum's voice saying to my dad who had caught up with us "Daddy, idikwa sure noo result Dayo bu ife a"(Daddy are you sure this is Dayo's result). "Ozigbo, Iru m kotosi a ka ji porridge gbalu uka"(My face changed like soured yam porridge). They had no option than to congratulate me. From that Day onward my Academic performance improved drastically. When I finish Secondary School I had to take computer Repairing Class and Graphics Designing. The love Extended to Computer Tech in General.... I sometimes get away from people just to zone into an alternate reality while Designing, i try to create my own Computer world

My Experience with computer maintenance made me apply for computer sciences when applied for JAMB but so many Challenges came(my Dad had to organized family meeting for my sake), i have to change it to medics, For the love of Computer technology my curiosity increased about the relationship between medics and technology, right now i think am obsessed with Neuroprosthetics (studies of brain-machine interfaces and neuroprostheses, and aims at bringing together the most outstanding)

Sometimes I take Computer Online Class to equip my self the more in Computer World. Right now I don't think anything can make me skip Computer Class whenever I do, I feel like I have lost something so precious to me, I won't feel at peace with my self until I attend make up class. My personal definition of perfect vacation is myself, my laptop internet connection and electricity.

As I am right now I don't think anything can separate me from computer science in General and I believe my above story where able to answer the Question why Computer Science is my favorite, How it became my favorite and How I feel when I unavoidably miss the class.

Special thanks to @steemcurator01 for the endless love and support always given to the students. Thanks a bunch


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Nice one gee

Nice piece

Wow😂 nice story

wow such a genius creation! I am proud of you dayo
you know what after your first post, I'm now very careful not to call you "bro".. you might stop me halfway😄

@fabio2614 promise not stop you half way again