On the 1st of September 2021 the university of Calabar Calabar Cross-River State ( popularly known as UNICAL) officially increased their school fees from
Previous. New
Fresh student
(science) 42,500 62,850
(Non science) 42,500 61,850
Returning Student
(Science) 33,000 47,350
(Non science) 33,000 46,350
Final year student
(Science) 33,000 53,350
(Non science) 33,000 53,350
As we all can see this fees has increased with at least 20,000.
Within this year most federal unversities have increased their fees which have made it very hard for the masses to pay.
The most annoying part is that most of this university doesn't have the facilities for better education despite the amount they collect as fees from Student. Most of the structures are TET-FUND sponsored making us to wonder what our school fees are being used for.
We already have enough problems as Nigerians why then adding more??
Why can't they think of people who sponsor them selves?
Why can't they think of people who find it hard to pay the old fees not to talk of the new fees
Why can't they know
✓The poor are also entitled to education
✓Right to education must be affordable
✓Don't force students to drop out of school
✓We chose Federal University and not a private university
✓We are not ready to see our colleagues commiting suicide as a result of increased fees
✓If you can afford it, consider those who can't afford
✓Consider our parents
I want all Nigerian student to join me to
in our various schools