in hive-120962 •  3 years ago 



Greetings my wonderful friends and fellow students, how are you all doing today??? I believe everyone is doing great. It's been a while when last I saw you guys and am super glad to write in this awesome community once more. Today, I've decided to discuss a topic I tagged "Rivals in life".

I know that we know what a rival means or better still have a little idea of what a viral is but what ever be the case I'll like to bring an illumination into the rivals we have or face in life.

Just like when a lady is inlove with a young man and another lady is also inlove with the same man or when a man is inlove with a lady and another man is also inlove with the same lady, the two people inlove with one person are called Rivals in love. This is just the perfect explanation of what a rival in life is.

Rival in life is just anything that compete with our life. It can be sickness, death, friends, relationship or our personal desires but which ever one it is once it starts competing with our life it has become a RIVAL.

The truth is that here are too many things that are competing with our life as the case may be. Some are the rivals we created.for ourselves while others are just the things that are natural. I will like to discuss a few things that compete with our life which stands as a life rival;


Sickness is the enemy of the body and it's at the same time the rival of life. When you're sick, your body isn't the same as when you're healthy. When you're sick you find it difficult to eat, talk, chat, interact and do things that you can easily do even you're health. At this state of your life, sickness becomes a rival with your life because some people tends to lose their life to sickness and once such a thing happen it means that such a person has lost the battle of life to the viral of life which is sickness.


Death as one of the vitals of life comes as a ceasation of all the body parts when they can no longer function. Few days ago I was in the hospital when a little girl who had a fire burnt was battling with her life. I saw the pain and anguish she was going through while battling with her life but finally she gave up her ghost and lost her life to the cold hand of death which is the viral of her life.


When they say show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are, there is 80% reality in it. Peers are a big time life rival because you tend to compete or pleases or belong or be like your peers and at the same time trying to maintain the reality of who you are. Peers are life rivals that has a greater influence and can defeat who we really are and change our life. So instead of compromising yourself and your life it's better you chose your friends carefully at a start.


Conclusively, i will like to say that life is a journey and too many things are competing with our life and the earlier we understand that there must be a rival the better for us. So as a human who knows that there are battles to fight and there are rivals to compete with in life, you have to prepare your mind to always emerge victoriously despite what the rival is at any point in time.

Thanks guys for visiting my blog and for reading my post, I hope it made a little sense.

Love you all, I am still my humble self @ladyofpolicy

Special mention;

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nice post tho

What a nice way to get back on track but believe Mhiz, i really missed you and for the fact you are back, I feel a little bit relief.

Let's win hard Ben

I am by your side boss, this 2022 is about rivalry teaming up to make something great.

Wow, this is awesome, we appreciate your wonderful content and hope to continue reading more of your post here in @campusconnectng

Thank you dear

Thank you dear

They is no better wealth than good health

True talk

Hmmmm, this is deep. In life, we sometimes neglect these factors that we cannot escape though we can control how it happens.
By taking care of our health and keeping fit, we can fight these few rivals to an extent. Happy New year and Welcome back.

Thanks sis

Truth being told these tips in can never be over emphasised and at the same time can't be overlooked too.

Life is truly filled with so many rivals and one of the most dangerous is health which you mentioned above. Without good health you might die untimely and sometimes suffer through a lot. May God help us all

Sumptuous Content dear


When they say show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are.

You are 100% right,all i read is just words of wisdom

Thank you dear