Has Anyone Tried Google Stories? I was searching for one and found a great deal for students

in hive-120962 •  2 years ago 

Apparently I was searching for this new feature where Google now also shows stories (just like instagram, and TikTok etc) and came across a nice story from Textbooks.Cx here: https://textbooks.cx/web-stories/new-discount-offer/

story image 2.jpg
Screen 2 of the story - Animations removed cause I wanted to just post an image

They are giving a good discount of 90% digital textbook downloads :) I thought students might like it.

On another note... more stories.. will this take off? Will SteemIt or any Web3 bring this feature of shorts/stories to the web (and if it does, is it even worth it?)

As a web developer, I think its too much work! I would rather stick to a purpose built platform than go to a new one that doesn't offer any new features

Stay blessed

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I think Google is late in this one..