BENEFITS OF THE VARIOUS PARTS OF WATERMELON|| 20%Beneficiary to @campusconnectng

in hive-120962 •  3 years ago 

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will like to talk on a very important point on content is not very easy to come up with contents with 100% originality and clear understanding.

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is a flowering plant species of the Cucurbitaceae family and the name of its edible fruit.


Water melon is a fruit almost everyone is familiar with and consume too. it contains large amount of water (93%). They are reddish or yellowish or golden in colour depending on the specie. it is grown almost all over the world, hence its not peculiar to certain region of the world. The red coloured ones is caused by a chemical called LYCOPENE. This lycopene occurs naturally in red fruits and vegetables like tomatoes but water melon has more lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable.


In this article, i like to talk about the compositions of watermelon and the benefits of the various parts, this will enable us know the particular chemical that is responsible for a particular benefit and also the benefits of the parts to our health . With this knowledge , one will be able to appreciate this fruit the more, and even recommend it , if need be.


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Watermelon is composed of the following chemical compounds;

i will explain some few compositions , so that we will have an insight of what role they play.

Lycopene: As i earlier mentioned, this chemical compound is what gave watermelon the red colouration. it is also found in other fruits , especially the red fruits like grapefruit , guava and vegetables like tomatoes. it naturally gives colour to fruits and vegetables.
function of lycopene

it reduce cholesterol, risk of cancer, and diabetes
For someone with skin sensitive to sunburn, because of the presence of lycopene in watermelon, mere eating of watermelon will make it less likely for one to get surnburn. so it acts as a sunblock.
it is a great source of potassium , therefore it is recommended as a potassium channel for someone with high blood pressure.
its a very strong antioxidant, that means it combats and destroys free radicals. free radicals actually cause harm to our bodies and they can lead to heart attack or stroke and other illness like cancer, etc
CITRULLINE:. citrulline is not found plenty in red watermelon rather its found much in the yellowish or gold colour water melon. when we take water melon, this compound is first broken down into arginine.

some of its functions

This reduces blood pressure in the body.
-it helps to increase our energy. so the next time you feel weak, just take some water melon. i have tried this severally and it worked perfectly well
it strengthens weak muscles
it enhances bodybuilding .
-it can cure the inability for a man to sustain erection.
It relieves after-exercise muscle pains
CRYPTOXANTHIN: This chemical compound is also found in pawpaw, mango, orange etc.

it keeps the reproductive system healthy.
it slows down ageing
it makes the immune system stronger
VITAMIN A: watermelon helps to improve our visions.

These are just the few chemical compostion i will talk about on this post .

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