Do waist trainers have any real positive effects on weight reduction in women?

in hive-120962 •  2 years ago 

Recently, my attention has been drawn to the latest practice that is now common among ladies and fat people in particular or those with bulging stomach or abdominal fats. It is no doubt that, looking good is very important. But the big question is, at the what detriment, your health? Yeah, your health!


After reading this article, you want to have a rethink before putting on that waist trainer again. Humans add in weight mainly based the continuous synthesis and deposition of fats in adipose tissues and various parts of the body and secondly, through increased bone density.

It is possible for a slim man to weigh heavier than a fat woman. Reason being that, sometimes, it is not only fat that contribute to weight gain but also the deposition of minerals in bones. A slim male individual can weigh heavier than a very fat woman because in males, bone density most times contribute to weight gain.

Since our focus is on women, we won't need worrying over bone formation and metabolism. Our focus is on females and to have a better understanding of how fats are synthesized or metabolized in humans, let's critically discuss their metabolism.

Reading this article might be a little bit tough, but this is as simple as it can get. Fear not regardless, atleast you have a lot to learn here, enjoy!

Basic facts about fats metabolism in humans

Fats stored in humans are mainly of two sources - from the action of enzymes in the body and from diets we eat. The major storage form of fats in we humans and most animals is Triglycerides.

When we eat fatty foods, as they are digested, they are broken down into fatty acids which then allows them to be absorbed into the blood and then converted and stored in the body tissues as triglycerides through an enzymatic process.


Writing this article, I intend to disprove and debunk a lot of misconception about the use of waist trainers being currently used by most ladies here. The article will go in detail to explain whether waist trainers help burn visceral fats or not and also explain if it has any relationship at all with weight reduction in women.

It is possible for a slim man to weigh heavier than a fat woman. Reason being that, sometimes, it is not only fat that contribute to weight gain but also the deposition of minerals in bones. A slim male individual can weigh heavier than a very fat woman because in males, bone density most times contribute to weight gain.

Since our focus is on women, we won't need worrying over bone formation and metabolism. Our focus is on females and to have a better understanding of how fats are synthesized or metabolized in humans, let's critically discuss their metabolism.

Basic facts about fats metabolism in humans

Fats stored in humans are mainly of two sources - from the action of enzymes in the body and from diets we eat. The major storage form of fats in we humans and most animals is Triglycerides.

When we eat fatty foods, as they are digested, they are broken down into fatty acids which then allows them to be absorbed into the blood and then converted and stored in the body tissues as triglycerides through an enzymatic process.

As we chew food, no matter the nature, the very first enzymes that will mix it is the salivary amylase. It is the most important enzymes that initiates all digestion process in humans and it is produced by the salivary glands. For fatty foods, lingual lipase produced by the salivary gland in the mouth is the very first to act.

Lingual lipase essentially initiates the fat emulsification (process of making fats more soluble for easy digestion and absorption in the intestines. In essence, fat digestion typically begins in the mouth.

As the food gets to the stomach, it is acted upon by the hydrochloric acid, pepsin, gastric lipase and amylase. All these enzymes together convert the food to a paste like semi fluid called chyme. The next point of contact of this substance is the duedenom (the first part of the small intestine). Once present in the duodenum, the acidic nature of this substance causes the release of another intestinal hormone known as secretin.

This enzyme does the job of stimulating the production and secretion of a very important chemical from the liver known as bile. This chemical is stored in the gall bladder and upon stimulation by the presence of the acidic chyme. Bile salts are released to mainly further do the real job of fat emulsification and converting them into tiny liquid crystals called fat emulsions.

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