in hive-120962 •  3 years ago 

In the middle of work today, I randomly came across Jim Carrey's 2016 Golden Globe speech, after he had been called up to the stage, in the course of the event, to present an award. He was introduced to the audience as "two time golden globe winner, Jim Carrey".

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When he went up to the stage, he said and I quote-
"Thank you, I'm two-time Golden Globe winner Jim Carrey, you know when I go to sleep at night, I'm not just a guy going to sleep. I'm two-time Golden Globe winner Jim Carrey going to get some well-needed shut-eye."

He went further to say-
"And when I dream, I don't just dream any old dream. No, sir. I dream about being three-time Golden Globe–winning actor Jim Carrey. Because then I would be enough. It would finally be true, and I could stop this terrible search, for what I know ultimately won't fulfill me".

Prior to this afternoon, I had heard watched him say that, not less than 5 times. It had appeared in my Instagram explore page and I had also searched for it on YouTube. Before today, it was just something I watched and laughed at. A funny short speech by one of my favorite childhood actors, nothing more.

However, seeing it today had a different vibe. A vibe that brought me here to write this. Something I saw as funny, the previous times I had seen it suddenly brought about a realization of anxiety, provoking thoughts running through my mind about the insatiable nature of humans.

I do not blame you, neither do I blame myself. It is the nature of the world. No matter how hard we try, we are caught in an endless loop of trying to achieve one thing or the other. We have our own goals which we seek to achieve, we meet other people who demand new standards from us, the world generally does not cease in dynamism as a result, we cannot afford to be caught snoozing. Permit me to insert the slang "you snooze, you lose".

Jim Carrey has 2 golden globe awards, he dreams of one more. Lionel Messi has 7 ballon d'or awards, the highest in history, I am willing to wager my next pay check that he wants one more.

At one point in my life, I was told it gets easier after certain points. I have actually not seen it get easier. I have over the years experienced a steady level of growth, maybe not as fast as i would want, but I'm growing. Notwithstanding,I still want more, we all do. We all strive so hard after achievements, we sometimes forget to actually live. By live I mean enjoying the simple pleasures of life.
Maybe if we took the effort to observe life from a different point of view we would have a different perspective about the rat race we are all engaged in and see that it all doesn't matter (as much as we think it does).

Well, tonight I am not taking my own advice. I am going back to switch on my laptop because I have a Friday deadline I cannot afford to miss😂
So now I will return to my laptop and continue with my 9-5 extension. I am chasing as we all are. I hope you hit that target you have set for yourself just as I hope to meet mine too 😉

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It's true. We really can't help ourselves as we try everything possible to achieve our goals. I love this writing.