The School Life I prefer by @osiola.

in hive-120962 •  3 years ago 


Hello everyone
Do your part and leave everything to God and I will like to thank @goodybest for this contest.

tell us about both your high school and college life

When you are still in junior high school your aim is to pass well and get into one of the best senior high schools and that is where your life will begin life in senior high school is sometimes interesting especially if you want to know everything about it you need to be in the boarding house.

My life at high school was so cool on my side and I was in the boarding house and you know life as a border you don’t go back to the house you stay at the school hostel and they feed you and the name of my school tamale senior high school and which is the first secondary school in the northern about of Ghana tamale, and so when I was placed there I was so excited and I was to offer home economics and my senior didn’t stress me much because before I was going to the school my senior brother advise me to always respect my senior and the teachers as well and because of that they were all cool on my side and I didn’t put my self into trouble and for them to be punishing me and I always make sure that I am disciplined and respect them and do what they asked me to do and always obey the rule and regulated of school I enjoyed my stayed in school and I wish could go back there because I miss most of my friends.

My college life when I completed high school and our results came and I passed the only thing on my mind was which school should I apply for because there is a lot of university in Ghana and I made up my mind that let me go to my place university because I didn’t want to go the southern part of Ghana and so when I applied, they gave me the course I wanted study which was computer science and my aim was to take my studies seriously and nothing more and at college no one decided what is good and what is bad for you and no one will force you to class and you have to make sure you pass your exam well and I always make sure I go to class on time and I take my studies too serious.

what do you like and hate about each life

In my high school was a kinda little bit hard for me sometimes because you can’t go beyond the school rule and regulations and they used to control us and you can’t do anything of your own choice less you do what the school asked you do and one of the thing I like about high school was entertainment day and one of the things I hate most about high school was going to school on Monday.

In college I was free at anytime whatever I wanted I will do it and no one cares but I don’t take that as an opportunity to misbehave I used those opportunities to make my life better and what I liked most was going to lectures and taking my course seriously and being able to pass my exams very well and what I hate most was having a problem with a lecture I didn’t like those things because it could have to put me into big trouble.

what you've learned in each life (how each life impacted you)

Is only a fool who does not learn from his mistakes I have learned many things from both high school and college and what I have learned from both of them is to be disciplined in life and you should respect time and in high school, I have learned how to be disciplined and respect time because if you don’t respect time at high school they will punish for that because of the what I have learned from high school it has to help me to do things right at the college.

lastly which life do you prefer and why?

Because there is no freedom in high school And in college you have the maximum freedom to do anything of your own choice and you can be in school while doing another thing to earn a living but in high school, you can’t do anything and for me, college life is the best.


I am happy I have the privilege to go both high school and college as well and I will like to invite @chenty @tymestwo77 @rubilu123 to participate in this contest.

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thank you I will provide more quality post in this community.

I really enjoyed going through your article, indeed there's freedom in the college than in high school, thanks for this detailed explanation.

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Hello @osiola thanks for taking part in this contest and sharing with us your schools life and the best among it, truly we learned independence and responsibility in college. Continue to be active in our community we appreciate you 💕

Both high school and college are actually fun, but as for me i prefer the high school because the fun was much, even though there was restrictions but it the best. You have written so well and i wish you all the best.

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