Things you don't over look as look for partner (Rhesus Factor Compactibilty) by @sonia440

in hive-120962 •  3 years ago  (edited)

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A woman thinking her village witch is the reason why she lost 3 pregnancies what inspired this post and as students medics have seen people make the same mistake over and over again.

In this post I would like to talk on the Rhesus factor. The Rhesus factor is just the blood test so many people ignore simply because they are clueless of its benefit and dangers attached to it

Rhesus factor is just a protein located in the blood cells. It is not present in everybody's Blood this is the reason why we have individual with rh negative while some rh positive .

Those individual that has the protein in their blood are known as the rh positive people while while the one's without are the rh negative.

The ratio of the rh+ individual to rh- individual is around 7:3. Which implies that greater percentage of people have rh+ when compared to rh-.

The reason reason why I pick this rhesus factor because of rhesus incompatibility . rhesus incompatibility when someone with rhesus + is being impreginated by someone with rheaua - or when blood is being transferred from rh+ to rh- individuals.

Bellow is the possible outcome

  1. The possibility of the baby surviving when lady with rh- carry the child from rh+ man is 99.9% chance of that child becoming rh+.

  2. First pregnancy of the lady might survive when their absence of initial miscarriage, but after the first child, the baby blood mix with the mother's and the body detect presence of foreign materia which was introduced by the baby's blood and the mothers blood will build an antibodies .

Antibodies are is being produced by the body to fight against foreign material that enters the body.

So the initial antibodies that was produced by woman after her first pregnancy is harmless until the second pregnancy . If she mistakenly carry another rh+ baby, her blood Rh antibodies will surface and fight the baby blood the rh proteins on the surface of the baby's Red blood cell as foreign material . The mother's antibodies will go and attack the baby cells, which will result to swelling and distruction of baby's blood cells . And it's also knwon as hemolytic disease. It will make the baby's blood cell count become very low. When it's the blood count is low it means their is low oxygen carrying capacity, and the baby dies in the mother's womb.

This is actually the real cause of some miscarriage cases after the first baby.

A lady that has the characteristics of developing rh factor incompatibility, is given rh immune-globulin vaccine which that prevents the mother's blood from producing rh antibodies.

The vaccine can be administered to a rh- lady who had a miscarriage or blood transfusion with queried rh factor, or any form bleeding during pregnancy period.

The summary of all this grammer is that knowing your rhesus factor gives an honest history to your medics during pregnancy.

If you have any , the comment session is available.

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This is a very important message you just passed. It is important for anybody planning on getting married to know to have this information and work with it.

Thanks throwing light to this.. it's a very important topic to discuss