CampusConnect Week 6/ My First Day Campus Experience

in hive-120962 •  3 years ago  (edited)



Greetings everyone going through this post, I'm writing about my first day at the University of Nigeria Nsukka and inorder for you all to enjoy this post I'm going to be narrate it much like a diary post because it's a day I might never forget. Although there might be a few cases of badluck😅 I hope you all enjoy it.


At exactly 6:30pm, my alarm kicked in. I woke up looking like an old man who hasn't slept in about a week. I was together with my cousin Daniel, he lodged in the same hotel room as I did. We were meant to go into the campus early in the morning to gather intel about lodges, registration and the exact amount of school fees we were supposed to pay. We got prepared and entered a bike which took us to school but as soon as the bikeman figured out we were freshers he wanted to cheat us and collect more money and as soon as we refused he started to cause a scene. "Your money is 500 naira", the bikeman yelled in his local igbo dialect. I wasn't really good at speaking igbo but I understood to an extent. "Anyị ga -akwụ gị 200 naira (meaning we are only going to pay you 200 naira) ", Daniel yelled back at the bikeman in igbo. At this point, we started attracting the eyes of parents and students around so I decided to end it all because I always try to avoid trouble. "Sorry sir, take 500 naira and let us go", he immediately collected the money from me and zoomed off noisily on his bike. Die to the fact that we didn't know anywhere we tried asking for directions and while some helped us, some others wanted to charge us for the directions they gave. We went split up and went exploring for a bit since we were in separate departments and therefore had different registration procedures. I came across my department, the Economics department


It was Soo busy due to the fact that alot of people also came to start the registration process which was indeed a long and tedious process. I found out the exact amount of school fees we had to pay which was a little lot smaller than I expected. I gave my dad a call and told him the price so he would prepare it by the next day. I went on to an entirely different part of school called hilltop where alot of students who don't want to stay in hostel reside. As I was site seeing and admiring the beautiful buildings, someone yelled out in a loud voice Swaylee!!!. At first I was shocked because swaylee was my nickname back in secondary school and lo and behold it was Uche (nickname: Mallet), a friend of mine from secondary school. We exchanged pleasantries and were catching up on the the good old days. So I left what I was doing and starting following him around the University. He said he came a month earlier to find accommodation because good lodges were hard to come by and that it was also his birthday. "Guy you have to come for my birthday party near the boys hostel", Uche said. "I don't have anything to do so I might as well follow you there" I replied.


While we were catching up I didn't know how much time had gone by. It was 1:00pm already and I hadn't even eaten since morning. We met a couple of acquiantances on our way there and finally we arrived at the boy's hostel which had a terrible smell as we came from the distance. "Omoo no reason am guy you will get used to it after coming here a few more times", Uche said. We went into a particular room after which I left to do some exploring. Immediately I stepped out of the room, a bucket of dirty water came down from the floor above and poured on me. "I'm really sorry, I didn't know someone was standing there", a random guy yelled at me. There I was drenched in dirty water which produced a rather funny odour. There was a really loud laughter coming from different part of the hostel. I immediately ran out and went back to the hostel to get a change of clothes. I decided to take a little time before coming back to campus. I came back to the hostel by 3:00pm. I met Uche's senior brother who informed me that Uche had left to make preparations for his birthday party and since his batteries were dead I couldn't call him so I went to continue looking for lodges. I came across alot of lodges but each and every one of them had one fault or the other so I had to go for a cheap one so as to avoid tasking my parents with a large amount. At this time, I still hasn't eaten and looked like a mess.


After securing a lodge, I went to withdraw some cash so I walked to the bank to withdraw, there was a long queue of people at the ATM so I waited diligently. At long last it was my turn but there was a problem, I had never used an ATM before so I didn't know what to do then I realized there were people waiting behind me so I panicked and inserted the ATM backwards and immediately it started beeping and making a loud noise and the people behind me who had realized what happened laughed at me. I went to the security guard and told him what happened and he followed me back, pressed a few buttons and brought out my card. I was soo ashamed that I left the ATM without withdrawing.


It was 6:20pm by the time I left the ATM then someone met me on my way and asked me for directions and we got talking. He said his name was Frank and that he got admitted into the Economics department, I smiled and told him I'm in the Economics department also then he showed me his lodge, I went in we played a few games together and I slept off. By the time I woke up it was already 11:00pm so there was no hope of going back to my hotel. Frank was using my phone because his was dead and charging in the toilet. "Why the toilet?", I asked and he said all the switches in his room had burnt except for the one in his toilet. I was using an infinix phone which had lasted me for 3 years. Around 11:30pm there was a loud knock on his door, he stood up and asked who was at the door and the person replied "We are part of the UNN security and we are here to look for the armed robber who ran into the lodge. At this point I became scared and Frank opened the door reluctantly. To my greatest surprise 3 masked men made their way into the room and pointed guns at our heads and asked for our phones. Frank gave them my phone which he held in his hand then the tallest of them looked at me and asked for my phone. "He just gave you my phone", I replied. He then asked Frank for his phone. "I don't have a phone yet", Frank said with a frown. They used the gun to injure him on the head after which they immediately took off. My heart beating very fast and although I was thanking God for surviving unharmed what would I tell my parents, who would buy me a new phone these were one of the few thoughts that went through my head but I put all those aside and slept off thankful to God for letting me live through such a horrible experience.

That's all about my first day although there are still alot of things that happened in that week if you want some more details you can ask me in the comment section but that's all for the first day. Hope you enjoyed reading
Special thanks to @steemcurator01

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This is a really interesting first day experience on campus. I must admit mine wasn't as Interesting. I've always heard of Nsukka right from my childhood, one of universities that championed tertiary education in Nigeria. I believe you made the best decision looking at the circumstance you were in

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Keep making great and original posts on campus connect.

Thanks alot. Y'all don't know how happy I was when I saw this