How Students Can Help better the Country as a whole by @swaylee

in hive-120962 •  2 years ago 

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Greetings Everyone,
I welcome you all to my blog and today we will be looking at how students can help maintain law and order in the country especially during this period of insecurity, fast approaching elections and idle youths with nothing better to do. These things are very core and essential things students can do to further reduce crimes in the country and also in turn foster national development. Read this to know just how we as students can achieve such great feats.


Like they say, An Idle man is the devil's workshop. As popular as it may be, for those who do not know what is going on right now. In summary, the Union of university lecturers who get their salary from the government claim that the government owe them numerous months of salary as well as good equipment and facilities for the Universities to facilitate easier teaching.

They demanded around 1.3 trillion naira from the government which the government is reluctant and hesitant in paying so until the payment or done or the union and the government can strike an agreement, the students would stay in their homes without any school activities and this is for the public universities in general.

There has also been an exponential increase in the amount of illegal activities like drug abuse, armed robberies, smuggling and kidnapping across states in Nigeria. Just 2 months ago armed robbery on school grounds accelerated as students were on campus waiting for the decision to strike and the school grounds grew scanty. The jobless students who were looking for way to make quick money decided to ambush and rob students in secluded areas and at night.

So this post focuses on what we can do to reduce the crime rate as students.


Things Students Need to do to Boost Economic Wellbeing

Keep Yourself Busy

When I say keep yourself busy, I don't mean busy with just anything. It's advisable to engage in activities that would better your tomorrow like helping others, working at a good job, learn and perfecting a skill. It mustn't always been a physical activity as there are numerous gainful things people can do online for example someone pushing hard for a goal on Steemit wouldn't have the time to be committing crimes and would also earn enough to take care of themselves from Steeming.

Stay Away from anything incriminating Activities

It's not a new discovery that idle university students are often the easiest to lure into heinous crimes. Politicians can pay them some money so that they can wreak havoc upon any polling station so as to disrupt the voting process. Some ideal youths who don't want to make clean money end up performing acts like kidnapping and robberies to get money from their victims forcefully. In the aspect of drug abuse and smuggling, this is highly done amongst university students/ youths and they take in all manner of substances into their body for temporary pleasure and happiness hence disrupting the peace of those around.

Believe in your country & Fight for it

If you get the opportunity to have a one on one conversation with a Nigerian university student, all they keep saying is Nigeria is a failed country, no hope for Nigeria, too much bribery and corruption, how they want to go abroad or even how they want to enter power and steal money too. These are all terrible ideologies and in as much as they are entitled to their beliefs and most of those statements are probably true, it's not to completely write off the country but instead we are to cultivate a hopeful mindset and look into Nigerian's problems ourselves. By doing this, if we ever find ourselves in power we can know what changes to effect and where to start from.

Laziness doesn't pay

If there is one thing I noticed it's the fact that there are alot of lazy people who expect money to just fall out of the sky and into their accounts. Some students start working towards a bright future from their years in the university, some wait till they are done while some choose to do nothing but beg their friends who are toiling day and night. Those kind stick with their parents and believe that it's their right. It's this kind of people that end up being ritualists or armed robbers. Don't wait for employment, if you don't find a work befitting of your specialization or one that isn't paying you as much, make your own. Be your own boss, in Nigeria the most successful people are usually those who make their own jobs instead of working under others. This will boost the economy, raise standard of living and the country's GDP as time goes on.

Thanks for reading ⭐


All images used in this post were made using Canva
10% to @campusconnectng

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@swaylee, Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect , Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thanks



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