Campus connect: contest entry by @victoh78|| The best thing that ever happened to me [50% to campusconnectng]

in hive-120962 •  3 years ago  (edited)


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what makes a story memorable?
What makes a memory memorable?
Could a memory ever be so good as to be the best
My life has been a rollercoaster taking me through valleys and crevices of events impacting to some degrees immemorable events.
This contest set the wheels and cogs in my mind spinning like never before. Admist the hailstorm of the mind,which is mine, one singular event came sufficed to be the most memorable...
When I met you..
The story of when I met you
For you are the best thing to happen to me

when I met you

The say time freezes when you meet your soul mate it moves so slow in the micro seconds that you get to feel every fiber of your being in the moment. You get to relive the moment over and over and in that inch of a seconds you know you have met the one..
Was it the same for us..I will be your poet everyday and every night if you agree to read my heart like you did when we first realised our shared existences.
It's funny how one person can change your life in an instant . How much power do people really hold, over our existence remains a mystery for me. But I know how much power you hold over mine.

Back to the base

Life was good I never imagine life could be better I had been thaught to take what's given and never complain. I had friends and was managing my scare resources. Everything was good. Did I ever think it could change? . Hell no!!!.. I was going to pass through school without school passing through me. I had done so already in secondary school , university should be no different right??..
Then came you...
The day you won't forget starts pretty slow.
Your average day nothing out of the ordinary ...
Nice sun, calm atmosphere,
But before a storm the sea is always calm
You came ....
Disorganising and racking havoc ...
Throwing me into utter confusion....
Dismayed and questioning everything I held dear.
The dynamics of my relationships changed..
You were my captain and I would for ever be your passenger
It's been 3 years and I still can get control of my ship...
It's been hell of a ride ....
I can't complain..
I won't change a thing.
We knew we were heading for a wreck..
But the destination wasn't our focus..
We were saddled for the ride of life...
It's really been a ride
My writing this days all bear your iconic touch...... And i am supposed to be writing the first time we met.
To write would be to remember and to remember would be to live again..

3rd November 2018

I was wearing a thick oxblood shirt with and some faded blue jeans with a pair of Nike palm(I so much loved my Nike wears). I had to dress really quick cause we had an assignment to submit inside school. I wasn't one to over dress but I always felt on top the moon when I wore my ox blood shirt one of my few precious clothes no girl could ever lay hands on.
Back then things were simply and efficient 30 minutes to school 30 minutes back.
The day was no different I left my house at 7:30 in anticipation for our 8am class. The walk usually unbearable but with good company you could withstand it comfortably. You had to have a crew , I followed the crew when it situated me and walked alone when it suited me, guess you could call me an anti-social probably cause I hadn't met you then. You clicked everything in me and out came the butterfly from his cocoon
On the said day the walk to school was uneventful as would expect just a couple of hello's and hi's. Thinking back a prolonged hello could have possibly altered what would have been my fated encounter with you Could it have!?.

the main event


Its been said " to survive a day in unn is to survive a semester in many other schools". With the hell bent stress on my face and empty stomach I dragged my legs together with my two close friends Alex and victor ( my namesake). Then came you passing by and smiling at me.
Till this day I have never been more confused I stopped and turned and twisted to ascertain the reason as for your smile and could find none, my friends asuured me I was over thinking but my mind was restless determined to find out why you smiled at me.
I mustered the last remaining streght I had within me walk up to you (p.s I was shy) tried to act as confident as I can .
You stood over there with with your ear piece listening to what must have been the best song in the world for you to smile so widely like that. Wearing an overlarge " big dreams " t shirt making your petit stature look almost lost within the dress but yet somehow maintaining your stance and still standing you looked so beautiful. One can only imagine if you dressed so nice for class what you do for other occasions.
I still remember what I told you.

Hey I saw you smiling at me
You smiled and replied me??

Then I saw your fellow girls coming from my back
At that's point I wished the ground would swallow me .. I knew the smile wasn't for me, couldn't have been I felt so stupid your friends where loud so. I didn't want the attention of explaining my self and dreaded it and I couldn't think of a way out... Then you like in an instant you connected with me and looked in my eyes and understood . Without me needing to say a word.
You changed the whole dynamic of the atmosphere you sat me down and performed one of your many magic tricks I would experience in the time to come. You blurted out my mistake so openly and carefree but with a gentle touch that would make the whole situation seem so funny and warm. Before I could get aquited with what you had done I was in the midst of the storm. I was surrounded by it all your friends the whole situation felt so natural like I could finally belonged . And just as instantaneous as it all started out it came to end so suddenly. The conversation slowly winded down and everyone departed leaving me alone and confused with what I had just experienced.
I stood looking lost asking my self a million question could this be it..But then if it was it for me , what was it to her. Thinking and thinking and thinking I played over the conversation I didn't want to be forgotten. I never really experienced that attraction I had for you.
It couldn't be understood and couldn't to explained.
I recollected my thoughts and my emotions I had.

the aftermath

Restless I stood relentess I became. My faith was bound in a little over a minute. And you are gone and here I was in this whirlpool of chaos , anxiety , happiness,joy confusion and anger erupted from within me.
I was angry cause this little incident seemed like nothing but fun to you but to me it was special. How dare you !? Admist the minutes which would look like hours to men I was struck, I couldn't talk or voice my opinions I could only look at the situation unfold around me. I wanted to control the Atmosphere the way you did something I would learn later was impossible cause you are you and heavy the head who wears the crown. But admist all this feeling one held true how much I yearned to impact in your life. Like who was she , where did she come from, I had nothing but questions and not a single answer. I was determined to cross paths again but I didn't know how I dreaded voiceless episode with had just occured earlier and I knew meeting you again would be a repeat .
After what must have felt like hours I set a foot forward and another and headed for my last class of the day..
Funny enough life is fleeting as big as the impact you had on me . It was nothing for a 2 hours class to erase. Then the magic happened

fire works

I step out side class and I see you smiling at me. And instantly I knew you. The smile was meant for me and I was meant for you. I didn't need the confidence of Hercules or the speed of Hermes , I walked in my normal stride and eased onto your sides and spoke the first world I would never forget

This smile is for me rights.
You looked me and smiled harder and I knew in my heart we were going to have history together.

Everyone walking pass you has a story to tell. A unique story personalised to the individual. And I got to know you'd that day.
They were no barrage of friends around to dampen my ego or distabilize me just you and I we spoke about everything and after everything we spoke about the nothings and it's didn't feel forced.
We spoke Till our throats felt dry and our spit we no more and still it still felt we needed to talk.
I never had a conversation that sweet and enlightening and you see that why's I was swept off my feet. You told me when you first saw me and how I made an impact in your life without knowing.
To impact someone's life is a subconscious and conscious effort we impact people's life everyday with or without knowing it it's in our actions and inactions and our behaviour and attitude.
Time wasn't our friend and soon we had to say our good byes end on the positive note. We agreed we won't say goodbye cause that would be the end of something new so we exchanged names as we departed .mine and you. You were mine and mine was you.

You told me I had to look to kill but the brain to die.
You said you will explain it to me but you never did....

This has been the story of the moment I met you. My most favourable moment

sometimes good thingss end but we shouldn't be sad be happy for what was

If you have read this long thank you.
I would specially like to thank @pricelesspresh for initiating this contest and I also look forward to the incoming contests from her.

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Hi @victoh78
Thank you for this wonderful content, keep posting this quality contents on #campusconnect

Broooo I invited you to the platform but it feels like you should have been here since the beginning. Your words soothe the heart and touch the mind. This is soo captivating that I believe you need to publish it soon

Nice write up

Your writing smooth asf♥️🔥

Thank you for taking part in this week Contest your entry have been approved. Good in the contest 🤗

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