Whale mind digital portrait

in hive-121969 •  3 years ago 


What's up people, how are you? welcome a this post, this time of a work that I did a few months ago I think even three, a long time ago I did it to debut for the first time in a nft called terravirtua.

Que pasa gente, como estan? sean bievenidos a este post, esta vez de una obra que se hice hace unos cuantos meses creo que tres incluso, hace muchisimo tiempo lo hice para debutar por primera vez en un nft llamado terravirtua.

The name of this piece is called "whale mind" until not long ago was one of my best works.

El nombre de esta pieza se llama "mente de ballena" hasta no hace mucho era de mis mejores obras.

So what is the process of this one?

Entonces cual es el proceso de esta?

Process / Process


The first thing I did was to establish the basis of the drawing however at that time I had not learned certain important things on the face, because there were several mistakes in the sketch and I corrected them already in the middle of the drawing.

Lo primero que hice fue establecer la base del dibujo sin embargo en ese momento no habia aprendi ciertas cosas importantes en la cara, debido a que habian varios errores en el boceto y los corregi ya en un momento medio del dibujo.

What were those problems? the first one was the mouth, it was too ugly, besides the chin because it was gigantic for the size of the face.

Cuales eran esos problemas? el primero era la boca, estaba demasiado fea, ademas de la barbilla porque estaba gigantesca para el tamaño de la cara.

After I had the sketch, I placed the base colors of the skin and started to experiment with the hair, because it was really quite complicated, at least to unite the colors since it was yellow and blue, I spent a lot of time looking for a suitable color that I liked.

Despues de tener el boceto, coloque los colores base de la piel y empece a experimentar con el pelo, porque realmente estaba bastante complicado, al menos unir los colores ya que era amarillo y azul, estuve bastante rato buscando un color adecuado que me gustara.


I remember I looked at quite a few tutorials to make the hair.

Recuerdo que mire bastantes tutoriales para realizar el pelo.

Then I realized that the drawing was too small so I enlarged it to cover more canvas.

Despues me di cuenta que el dibujo estaba demasiado pequeño asi que lo agrande para que cubriera mas lienzo.


Shadows / Shadows


Here we started to add the shadows. The drawing was in the water and its light source would come from a yellow light so I needed some good shadows all over the body.

Aqui ya comenzamos añadir las sombras del dibujo estaba en el agua y su fuente de luz vendria de una luz amarilla asi que necesitaba unas buenas sombras en todo el cuerpo.


At this point I had already corrected the chin but not the lips which were pretty bad.

en este punto ya habia corregido la barbilla pero no los labios que estaban bastante mal hechos.

Lights / Luces


Well for the lights I chose 3 whales which represent 3 things at least mine, they change according to what each person wants to believe or think, in my case I named them as overcoming, satisfaction and growth.

Bueno para las luces elegi a 3 ballenas las cuales representan 3 cosas al menos las mias, cambian de acuerdo a lo que cada persona quiera creer o pensar, en mi caso las nombre como superación, satisfacción y crecimiento.


The lights were with yellow tonalities due to the colors of the whales which were of an intense blue with a quite strong orange and yellow, then these whales I really had to make them several times since the first ones were really ugly.

Las luces eran con tonalidades amarillas debido a los colores de las ballenas las cuales eran de un azul intenso con un naranja y amarillo bastante fuerte, entonces estas ballenas realmente tuve que hacerlas varias veces ya que las primeras estaban realmente feas.


Hair / Pelo


After testing and testing colors I came to a version that I liked, I added more shine to the skin with a new texture.

Despues de probar y probar colores llegue a una version que me gustaba, añadi mas brillos a la piel con una textura nueva.



As I mentioned it is under the sea so the background is made with those bases, blue and cold colors with dark sea stones and faint blue shines.

Como les mencione esta debajo del mar entonces el fondo esta hecho con esas bases, colores azules y frios con piedras marinas oscuras y brillos tenues en tonalidad azul.



This was the final result, after changing the mouth and the chin, I really learned a lot with this drawing, it sold everything, which made me much happier.

That was all for this post, until next time.

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Amazing art, keep going!!


Thank you for joining the ARTSteemit community! Your work is wonderful!

many thanks veta ñ.ñ

Superb !