in hive-121969 •  4 years ago 


Ten minutes past eleven, dogs barking from down the street and cops siren blaring from a distance. Beth a tall slim blonde in her mid 20’s covered in a pool of blood beside a dead body. Crying and at the same time trying to explain what really happened to the emergency unit, she kept on asking herself how the day finally turned out to end up like this. All she could remember was the banging on her door and gunshot sound which was still ringing in her ears.
Its almost winter, businesses are preparing for a new year. Thanksgiving was a success for Beth who just returned from Washington DC where she celebrated it with her parents.
Monday morning, 30th of November, 8:45am on the streets of New York 2020. Horns blaring, the streets are filled with people waiting for a taxi or eating street food. She hurried to get a coffee and a paper from the near by coffee shop before getting on the train. On getting to work, Mr Jones an over-weighted short bald headed man in his early 60’s. whom seemed to be her pain in the ass boss, was already there to scold her for arriving late. Beth gasped “I tried my best to meet up with the train sir”, trying to explain to him but he seemed not to be interested.
“If only you put in more effort into this profession, you could one day own your own counselling firm.”, he said. Putting down her coffee and trying to go through the files on her desk, she notices the headline about a murder case on 1st avenue some blocks away from her apartment. “the killer is unknown!” , she said looking towards her boss who wasn’t paying much attention. Walking towards the door he turned and said “I just got a call from the police department about that same case. I know you live on that street. Please be vigilant”, he opened the door and went back to his office.
Going through her files and knowing what next to do, she tries to compile them to actually know which appointment she last had. Working in a counselling company had been her dream job. After graduating from college in Washington, she was not convinced living with her parents was the best option especially in a neighbourhood where she was actually born into. She was eight when she had dreams of living in New York city, where the streets were always busy with people from different parts of the world. 9:54am the phone rings, after going through the files, The receptionist informed her that a client was waiting for her. “Come on in”, she said opening her door and looking towards the reception. “Alright ma’am”, said Jeffery a plump average height dark teenage boy whom has been her client for about a month. “You are late Jeffery”, she said sitting across her desk facing him. “So sorry ma’am my grand mothers cat died again”, he said with a sarcastic tone. “That makes it the third time its dying in a month”, she said with a smile on her face. They both laughed and she started his session. “How are you feeling now Jeffery?”, she asked leaning towards him as he seemed to be looking better. She remembered the first day she met him, he had scars all over his body. His step dad who was a drunkard, who had maltreated him badly and Jeffery was forced to go stay with his grand mother. Even though he was no longer staying with his step dad, he still had nightmares about what had happened in the past and all Jeffery needed was someone to talk to.
Feeling weak she decides to have a coke and waits for the next appointment while she goes through her social media accounts and reads the paper. “Thanks mom I would be fine just take care of yourself and dad”, she said as she got of the phone with her mom. Beth who just got back from work, sitting on her bed and considering if she should order a pizza or just have some oat before going to bed. “The streets are now less busy and who know what might be going on out there”, she muttered. Already feeling sleepy she curled up on her bed and slept off.



Trying to calm down after an overdose of molly and smoking marijuana, Ivan Gomez a middle aged Mexican who’s parents migrated to the states during the reign of gang wars in Mexico. Ivan a lanky tall pale curly haired man who just got out of rehabilitation for excessive use of hard drugs, was finding it hard to sleep after his experience on Sunday night. Sitting on his bed in his dark room, he was convinced he had to talk to someone about what happened but definitely not the cops. “maybe I should see a therapist or someone to talk to”, he said. Picking up an old paper from a bunch of old ones lying on the floor of his untidy room he found a list of counselling firms, “Jones brothers?!”, he said, hoping to find some real help. Immediately he picked up his cellphone which lay on the shelf beside his bed and called the number on the papers. “Hello, welcome to Jones brothers counselling firm, how may we help you?”, said the voice from the phone. “please I would like to book an appointment with a therapist today, dunno how possible that would be” , replied Ivan. Still feeling some doubt if really his solution was a therapy or overdosing himself to sleep, Ivan finally decided to go for his appointment which was scheduled for noon. “I didn’t mean to be there. I dunno what really happened but I guess he killed someone before he tried attacking me”, these were the words ringing in his head as he tried putting himself in order and taking his shower as he had some blood stains on his shirt and a knife wound on his left palm. He got ready and tried to control himself, he set off for his appointment. “Sorry please I booked an appointment for noon, but I couldn’t make it because of the traffic” , Ivan said to the receptionist on getting to the firm. “there is no problem sir I would hook you up with another therapist since the person who was incharge of your appointment is not available” , the receptionist said. Walking out of her office to get some files of other clients, the receptionist called on Beth to please attend to Mr Ivan who was waiting in the reception. “Please follow me Sir”, she said as she directed him into her office. Sitting on the couch next to him, she introduced herself and waited for him to talk. “I didn’t mean to be there. I dunno what really happened but I guess he killed someone before he tried attacking me”, he said. “calm down Sir”, she said knowing that they have had a lot of murder witness cases which resulted in leaving the victim in emotional trauma and lack of sleep. Ivan’s facial expression and looks showed these traits and Beth was really interested in helping him go through this problem. He couldn’t say another word but instead was shivering and started crying helplessly. After consoling him she decided to postpone the appointment since he wasn’t in the right state of mind to actually talk to someone.
“Detective Brown can I see you in my office”, said the police chief who just got promoted from an inspector. Detective Brown a well built tall black man with short hair stood up trying to complete the phone call he was on with his wife. Detective Brown who was well known by most of the police officers for being a brilliant and funny middle aged man. Even though fashion has gone far, he still loved putting on his french suit, a hat and a well polished shoe. “You sent for me Sir”, he said. “Detective Brown we all know about the killing on 1st avenue and I would like you to work on that case”, said the chief. “Alright sir I would go over to the crime scene today and see what I can get my hands on”, said the detective. It was late into the night, the city could be seen all lit up from across the river. Detective brown just got home at about 11:30pm still thinking on how to tackle the case he decided to go visit the crime scene in the morning. She kept on thinking of Ivan’s case all night. Early in the morning she decided to call Ivan whom she felt would have had time to relax and be able to talk but he didn’t pick up. She kept on calling him but no one was answering the phone. Scared if something had happened to him she decided to call the cops and report the case to them. On getting to the office she saw her boss speaking to two police officers. “Beth, come into my office”, Mr Jones said. She quickly went in an sitting there was Detective brown and his partner sergeant Stone. “Sorry how can I help you?”, she said looking towards the men. “Beth these men are from the police and they came because they got a call from you about a client that you felt was in danger.”, said her boss. “Let me take it from here. Hi I am detective Brown and this is my partner Sergeant Stone”, he said looking at her straight in the eye ball. “I would like to have a word with you”, he followed. At this point Beth was scared if she was doing the right thing or she was making a terrible mistake. “Erm… I am Beth. Nice to meet you. Do you mind if we talk in my office”, she said. “No problems ma’am”, said the detective. “I dunno much all he was saying was, ‘I didn’t mean to be there. I dunno what really happened but I guess he killed someone before he tried attacking me’ Those were his exact words”, she said as she sat down on the couch facing the detective and his partner. “that guy was just realized two weeks ago from rehabilitation and is still under close watch” , said the detective as he leaned towards her “I wouldn’t be surprised if he has gotten intoxicated on drugs and actually kill someone”, he continued. “I would advice you deal with him professionally and in a public gathering to avoid putting your life in danger”, Sergeant Stone added. “personally I wouldn’t say Mr Ivan Gomez is a violent person but I would try my possible best”, she added,leaning backwards and looking confused. She wasn’t convinced that Ivan would actually report himself to be a victim of a crime he committed. “just contact us if you are able to meet with him”, the detective added. Just as the officers left her office she quickly picked up her cellphone and called Ivan again. “Hello, Mr Ivan. I have been trying to call you all morning.. where have you been?”, she said, waiting for a reply. “Where are you?”, he asked with a scared voice “Hope you didn’t talk to the cops?, oh my God!!! Meet me at the cafe down the street”, he added with so much fear in his voice. Confused on what to do, she hurriedly took her bag and went out to meet him up. Ivan who was already sitting inside the cafe holding a hot cup of coffee and wearing a blue coloured T-shirt waved at her to signal her. “hey you dunno what you have gotten me into”, he said as she pulled a chair to sit on. “the cops are going to make matters worse for the both of us, you are going to get us killed”, he continued, looking like he was about having a panic attack he took a sip of his coffee. “Tell me what really happened and it would be fine”, she said, trying to calm him down by holding his hands as she spoke in a calm voice. “The cops would grant you full protection if only you agree to talk to them.”, she continued. “I have to go. I cant be seen with you”, he said as he hurriedly stood up and walked away from the shop.Now she was even more confused. “Is the murderer threatening Ivan?, Is Ivan actually the criminal trying to use her as an escape plan?, Are the cops actually right?, Or is Ivan just intoxicated?.” , these are the questions she asked herself. It was ten minutes past two in the afternoon and she decided to go straight home from the cafe shop after the stressful day of having to deal with the cops and a junkie suspected to be a murderer. She flagged down a taxi and was on her way home. Sitting in the taxi she kept on thinking. Just then her cellphone rang. It was detective brown. “detective brown, I hope there are no problems?”, she said in a curious tone. “we got info that you just finished meeting with Mr Ivan and I would like to have a word with you about what transpired”. he said in a convincing voice. Holding the cellphone still in her ears, she took some seconds to think about it and replied. “Alright then, I would be at the station in five minutes”, she said as she put down her cellphone and instructed the taxi driver to take her to the station.



Filling himself a cup of coffee, detective Brown who loves his coffee unsweetened and black. “Sit down please”, he said to her. “I dunno if you have heard but the victim of the Sunday night killing was a cop and he was my very close buddy”, he added looking straight into her eyes now. “To be honest if I knew something, I would definitely report. I am as confused as you are right now!”, she said sitting down and leaning forward to be able to rest her hand on his desk. “Don’t get me wrong, I am just saying you should always let us know before you meet with anyone related to this case”, he said in a comforting voice. “Try contacting him if he could meet you up this night?”, he suggested. “I would do just that”, she agreed and also gave the detective Ivan’s number.
Ten minutes past the hour of eight, she calls Ivan and decides to meet with him. She insists on him coming to her house since it was the safest place for them to meet. She had contacted the cops in case anything goes wrong.
Its 10:30pm and she hears a knock on her door. “that should be Ivan”, she said to herself. Rushing from the kitchen where she was making some cookies, she opens the door and right there was Ivan. “Hey you are late. Come on in”, she said. “Sorry I tried my best”, he answered walking behind her as she went towards the sitting room. “How are you feeling now?”, she asked as she sat down. “Not bad just have feelings I was being followed down here”, he said out of curiosity. “I agreed to come because there was something else I would have loved you to know”, he followed . “Don’t be scared the Detective Brown is the only one that is aware of this meeting”, she said in a convincing voice. “Give me a minute. I have some cookies in the oven. Do you care for some?”, she said as she walked towards the kitchen. “Yea sure I am really hungry.”, he replied rubbing on his tummy. There was another knock on her door but this time it was more like a banging. “Ivan could you please get the door, it should be the detective.”, she shouted from the kitchen. “Sure”, he replied and stood up. Walking towards the door there was another knock and he hurried up. Bang!! Bang! Those were the sounds Beth heard from the kitchen. Hurrying down to check where the gunshots came from she met Ivan covered in a pool of his own blood. Immediately she called the detective and also called the emergency number. Crying and at the same time trying to explain what really happened to the emergency unit, she kept on asking herself how the day finally turned out to end up like this. All she could remember was the banging on her door and gunshot sound which was still ringing in her ears.
Ten minutes past eleven, dogs barking from down the street and cops siren blaring from a distance.



30th of November. Drinking a cup of unsweetened coffee, Detective Brown sits in his office on a Monday morning, just after hearing about the death of cop killed the previous day. Unknown to anyone he knew Mr Wilson from the high school football team. Thinking on how to uncover the case he goes over to visit Mr Wilson’s wife who was still in grief. “Hello Mrs Wilson, how are you feeling?”, he said. “Since my husband was murdered, seems someone has been watching my home!”, she said in a low tone. “Can you remember what happened on that Sunday before he was killed?,he asked in a curious tone. “Not really he just said he wanted to go see a friend that night”, she said trying to recall. “Alright then if you feel you have something else you would like me to know, please don’t hesitate to let me know”,he said as he was about taking his leave. Driving back home in his 2015 black Honda accord, he wandered who the friend of Mr Wilson might be and how it relates to his murder. “I need to find who that friend might be”,he said to himself. “Honey I’m home”, kissing his lovely wife from behind as she turns to give him a big hug. “How is Mrs Wilson doing today?, I really feel for her. Such a young couple”, said his wife as she sits on the chair next to her husband. “All I know is that he went out that night to see a friend”, he said with a tired face.
“Honey I am really hungry. I haven’t had any serious meal all day”, he continued as his wife immediately stood up and went into the kitchen to prepare some food. Detective Brown had worked on different cases before but nothing like this exact one. He never lets any case bother him this much.Picks up his cellphone and calls Sergeant Stone. “Hello Sergeant stone, how are you doing today?, have you gotten any witnesses on the case?”, he asked waiting for a reply. “Nothing yet. Would inform you if we hear anything”, replied sergeant stone. “Thank you very much”, he hangs up. Still hoping and praying for a lead on the case he decides to go back to the crime scene. Even though it was already getting late he decides to go. “Hello Sir, are you here for the forensic report on the crime scene?”, said the cop incharge. “No is there a problem?”, said the detective. “No sir just that the guy who came to take the report said someone else would come for it”,he added. “Can you please explain to me how this person looks?”, the detective asked out of curiosity. “He was quite on the elderly side sir and he had a bow tie on”,the cop described. “Alright thanks for the info”, the detective said as he moved out. On getting home he slept off immediately after the long days work.Early the next morning he drives back to Mrs Wilson’s house to ask her more questions before heading to work. “Hello, Sorry I got here so early I just wanted to ask some few questions”, he said as he sat opposite her. “No problems detective. What would you like to know?”,she said. “Your husbands friend can you please tell me how he looked and what business they had that night?”, he asked now trying to adjust on his chair.
“I dunno how he looked but I know they had plans of starting a wine company and whenever they spoke on the phone I hear my husband called him “BIG BOW”. “BIG BOW?”, he asked with a suspicious tone. “Yes sir”,she answered. “Thanks so much for your time”, he said and took his leave. Things seemed to be becoming clearer but who could this person be. “BIG BOW”, he whispered to himself. He heads towards the office. “Detective Brown can I see you in my office”, said the police chief. Detective brown stood up trying to complete the phone call he was on with his wife.“You sent for me Sir”, he said. “Detective Brown we all know about the killing on 1st avenue and I would like you to work on that case”, said the chief. “Alright sir I would go over to the crime scene today and see what I can get my hands on”, said the detective. Through out that day he tried piecing things together to give a reasonable answer.Detective brown just got home at about 11:30pm still thinking on how to tackle the case he decided to go visit the crime scene in the morning. The next morning he got a call from the office about a witness of that same case that might be in danger.He hurried down to the office early to find out. Sergeant Stone was there to explain things to him. “The caller was a young lady who is an employee of Jones Brothers said her client who might be witness might be in danger”,he said. “I guess we need to head over to the Company”, said the detective. They both drove off in the detectives car.
“Hello can I help you officers?”,said Mr Jones, Dressed in a black suit and a purple coloured bow tie“Sure, we got a call this morning from your employee named Miss Beth about a witness relating to the Sunday night murder”,the Sergeant explained. “Alright gentlemen have a sit. Miss Beth hasn’t resumed this morning”, Mr Jones said softly. “Do you care for some wine?, I made it myself out of fresh grape”, he continued. “So tell me what have you heard about the witness and the case?, Mr Jones”,asked the detective. “Nothing exactly. Just here trying to run my business”,answered Mr Jones. Just then Beth walks into the building. On getting to the office she saw her boss speaking to two police officers. “Beth, come into my office”, Mr Jones said. She quickly went in an sitting there was Detective brown and his partner sergeant Stone. “Sorry how can I help you?”, she said looking towards the men. “Beth these men are from the police and they came because they got a call from you about a client that you felt was in danger.”, said her boss. “Let me take it from here. Hi I am detective Brown and this is my partner Sergeant Stone”, he said looking at her straight in the eye ball. “I would like to have a word with you”, he followed. At this point Beth was scared if she was doing the right thing or she was making a terrible mistake. “Erm… I am Beth. Nice to meet you. Do you mind if we talk in my office”, she said. “No problems ma’am”, said the detective. “I dunno much all he was saying was, ‘I didn’t mean to be there. I dunno what really happened but I guess he killed someone before he tried attacking me’ Those were his exact words”,she said as she sat down on the couch facing the detective and his partner. “that guy was just realized two weeks ago from rehabilitation and is still under close watch” , said the detective as he leaned towards her “I wouldn’t be surprised if he has gotten intoxicated on drugs and actually kill someone”, he continued. “I would advice you deal with him professionally and in a public gathering to avoid putting your life in danger”, Sergeant Stone added. “personally I wouldn’t say Mr Ivan Gomez is a violent person but I would try my possible best”, she added,leaning backwards and looking confused. She wasn’t convinced that Ivan would actually report himself to be a victim of a crime he committed. “just contact us if you are able to meet with him”, the detective added. The detective decided to wait behind in his car if anyone would make any suspicious move. Five minutes later, Beth was seen going out to a cafe and the detective saw her talking to Ivan who was already waiting for her there.To his surprise someone else was watching. Mr Jones who was also following her secretly to see who the witness was. “The Man in the Bow tie”, the detective said to himself. Just after she finished meeting with Ivan, detective Brown called her.“we got info that you just finished meeting with Mr Ivan and I would like to have a word with you about what transpired”. he said in a convincing voice. Holding the cellphone still in her ears, she took some seconds to think about it and replied. “Alright then, I would be at the station in five minutes”, she said as she put down her cellphone and instructed the taxi driver to take her to the station. Filling himself a cup of coffee, detective Brown who loves his coffee unsweetened and black. “Sit down please”, he said to her. “I dunno if you have heard but the victim of the Sunday night killing was a cop and he was my very close buddy”, he added looking straight into her eyes now. “To be honest if I knew something, I would definitely report. I am as confused as you are right now!”, she said sitting down and leaning forward to be able to rest her hand on his desk. “Don’t get me wrong, I am just saying you should always let us know before you meet with anyone related to this case”, he said in a comforting voice. “Try contacting him if he could meet you up this night?”, he suggested. He had no other option but set the bait for the right prey.
He started arranging for the big night where the case would finally be over. Its 10:30pm and she hears a knock on her door. “that should be Ivan”, she said to herself. Rushing from the kitchen where she was making some cookies, she opens the door and right there was Ivan. “Hey you are late. Come on in”, she said. “Sorry I tried my best”, he answered walking behind her as she went towards the sitting room. “How are you feeling now?”, she asked as she sat down. “Not bad just have feelings I was being followed down here”, he said out of curiosity. “I agreed to come because there was something else I would have loved you to know”, he followed . “Don’t be scared the Detective Brown is the only one that is aware of this meeting”, she said in a convincing voice. “Give me a minute. I have some cookies in the oven. Do you care for some?”, she said as she walked towards the kitchen. “Yea sure I am really hungry.”, he replied rubbing on his tummy. There was another knock on her door but this time it was more like a banging. “Ivan could you please get the door, it should be the detective.”, she shouted from the kitchen. “Sure”, he replied and stood up. Walking towards the door there was another knock and he hurried up. Immediately he opened up there it was Mr Jones with a nine millimeter pointed at Ivan’s head. Bang!! Bang! Those were the sounds Beth heard from the kitchen. Hurrying down to check where the gunshots came from she met Ivan covered in a pool of his own blood.Ten minutes past eleven, dogs barking from down the street and cops siren blaring from a distance. Mr Jones fled ran towards his car and tried driving off but Detective Brown had plans. After taking out his car wheels with a knife, Detective brown chased down Mr Jones who tried to run away on foot and arrested him.


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