The paragraph and its structure

in hive-122108 •  4 years ago 

In this post, you will be taught the structure of the paragraph. Since the paragraph is a string of three or more related sentences, this units represents the learning of a higher skill. In fact, once you can write paragraphs that have their parts in well organized patterns, you will not have serious problem when you begin to write full length essays.


A paragraph, like an essay, has a beginning, a middle and a conclusion. The beginning of a paragraph is a sentences which is usually called the topic sentence.

The middle can be one or more sentences. The number of a sentences in the middle of a paragraph depends on the units of the major idea expressed in the topic sentence. If the major idea in the topic sentence has four units, it is possible to have four sentences in the middle.

Also if you want to break the major idea into its smallest parts or explain it in a very clear and a comprehensive way, you can write between three and ten sentences in the middle of the paragraph. One cannot really prescribe the number of sentences that can be written in the middle of a paragraph.

What the sentences in the middle of the paragraph do is develop the topic sentence. This is why it is usually called the development. The conclusion which is the last part of the paragraph either sums up the idea in the paragraph or restates the topic sentence or states the last unit of the major idea in the topic sentence. It is for this reason that the last sentence is either called a restatement or conclusion.

In the above paragraph, I have described the beginning of the paragraph as the TOPIC SENTENCE, the middle as the DEVELOPMENT and the conclusion as the RESTATEMENT. This does not have to be taken to mean that the topic sentence must always come at the beginning of a sentence or at the end of sentence.

The paragraph which has the topic sentence at the beginning has a deductive pattern of organization. This means that the topic sentence is a general statement which is developed, explained or illustrated by the sentences that follow.

On the other hand, a paragraph may start by giving bits and bits of information which is later generalised at the end of the paragraph. Such a paragraph has an inductive pattern of organization.

As a write, however, you are advised to use the deductive pattern of organization in your work. This is because the topic sentence at the beginning of your paragraph will help you to keep the idea your developing in focus.

This way, you will be able to know whether you are everything that needs to be said about the topic sentence or there is still something to said. By the time you have said everything that needs to be said, you can go on to write a concluding sentence if your last sentence has not performed that function. You will thus be sure that you have written a good paragraph.

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