As you as food, clothes and shelter is the basic need of the human being, but education is the important need of the society. Education is the important base of civilized society. The illiterate society cannot progress or prosperous the society or the country and also has bad impact on this new world.
First need of the society is to provide education and then the most important one is to provide the quality education which is the duty of government , teachers, parents and every educated person of the society. The person can learn education at any age or at any place , level of education quality may be different, because it co-relates with country to country , place to place , city to city and person to person.
There are many issues relating with the quality education which are as follows;
- The role of syllabus
-The role / attitude of teacher
-The role / attitude of society
-The role / attitude of parents
-The role /attitude of students
-The economic conditions of the Government
-The socio-economic conditions of the teacher
-The socio-economic conditions of the parents
-The socio-economic conditions of the students
-The respect of teacher in the society.
-The quality training of the trainers.
All the above mentioned points are important to provide the quality education to the students and ultimate result will be to produce and grow the society in a better way. With the quality education the society will progress and prosperous and ultimately world will be in a prosperous shape.
The above mentioned points will be discussed one by one in detail in my coming blogs because they are so important to be discussed alone in detail.