The dilemma of investing in technology to provide a better educational service in times of pandemic.

in hive-122108 •  4 years ago 

The dilemma of investing in technology to provide a better educational service in times of pandemic.

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After receiving the surprising news that the study modality that we had to assume was remote and online; The concern began at school about how to prepare ourselves to face this challenge.

It is a public and well-known fact that no school was, nor is it prepared to change dramatically, the traditional methodology of the teaching-learning process.

So making this 180 degree turn is practically impossible without the active participation of the students and representatives, who have a leading role in this situation.

On the one hand, there is the allocation of activities in the educational area, with its long list of suggestions, which at first glance may seem excessive, but in reality are totally adequate and relevant.

On the other hand, the prevailing need to adapt to an imminent change in our lifestyle(Reviewing emails, videos and images on a daily basis is a physical and emotional waste due to the audiovisual bombardment of the senses).

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It practically forces us to consider updating all the tools and supporting material with which to be able to approach the new methodology in a timely and effective manner.

Being absolutely essential the acquisition of smart phones, tablets or laptops to provide teaching staff and thus be able to offer them the opportunity to access different platforms, applications or social networks as an essential instrument in online methodology.

For all this, the dilemma arises of implementing new technologies or becoming obsolete, which is not a tasteful dish for any institution and at the same time involves a financial burden that is not light or easy to disburse.


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@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 6/9 - need recharge?)

As a teacher, teaching virtually during this difficult time is very taxing. I spent half of my day calling and encouraging students and parents. I spent another half of my day responding to assignments that I had posted that students completed or had questions with. I spent a couple of hours every day making paper copies for students who do not have internet access and creating new and engaging activities for my students. As you can see, the hours do not add up. My school devision will spend the summer creating online lessons in case we need them next year. Technology must be accessable to all of our students and teachers alike. Thank you for your post!