In every great crisis there is a great theft
In a time marked by unprecedented economic changes, we cannot rule out a scenario of impoverishment of the global economy, particularly for the United States, Europe and Latin America. Far from being a conspiracy theory, the concept known as the great reset could be beginning a drift towards the great theft.
All of them support the idea of taking advantage of the crisis to make deep structural changes in the economy and society in order to address what they say are long-term challenges, such as climate change, inequality and the loss of biodiversity, however , has also been the subject of criticism that suggests that behind this initiative there is some interest seeking to impose global control.
They have described the great theory of the Great Reset in a negative way, in some analyzes they talk about what this new economic and world order would mean, some of them affirm that what is coming is not only a global economic restructuring, but a takeover of assets large scale designed to transfer ownership from the majority to a financial elite.