Julian Assange has been released!

in hive-122315 •  3 months ago 

Julian Assange has been released!


Today is a wonderful day and finally wonderful news, unbeatable news, a reason to rejoice in our existence among so many adversities that we have been suffering in terms of freedom in terms of injustices in recent years, Julian Assange, the number one journalist in the world, the creator of the heroic Wikileaks network and the greatest and most complete exponent of libertarian philosophy and free market anarchism in our times.

Finally, after more than a decade of absolutely immoral and unjustified confinement, he is reunited with his freedom, he is reunited with his wife Estela Moris de Assange, who has been an unwavering lawyer for his cause, in court and out of court, and with his two Small children.

He boarded a plane a few hours ago and is heading to Australia, his native country that will protect him, it is assumed, according to what he told Anthony Albanese. the new Prime Minister, although one should never trust too much of any new authoritarian temptation to seclude him, observe with your own eyes how Julian Assange returns to his country. This is the first image of Julian Assange since one bitter and horrendous day of 2019.

Do you remember when images of Assangen being dragged around the world as if he were a criminal by London police officers, expelled from the embassy where he had had asylum since 2002, that is, he had already completely completed 7 years of confinement? unjustified by the repugnant criminal traitor Lenin Moreno, vice president of the also criminal Rafael Correa, who spied on Assange even though he had him as an asylum.

They took him to the Belmar maximum security prison where Assanges suffered a stroke where 100 doctors signed a petition explaining that his life was at risk already in confinement, not to mention extradition, where he would most likely die for different possible reasons, Julian Nange is heading home today, this man who has been in a 3m by 2m cell for the last 5 years for having exposed like no one else the worst crimes of the world elite and all the governments of the world.

Remember that if Julian Assange, unlike Edward Snowden, did not obtain asylum in Russia, he did not manage to be protected by Putin, it is because no one like Julian Assange has exposed the crimes of Putinism, Putin's false flags, Putin's criminal complicities with Bush. , with the Clintons, the Clintons enriching uranium from the Russian nuclear project, in exchange for bribes from Putin, etcetera, etcetera.

He has been unwavering and inflexible against all powers, he never knelt...

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