Bill Gates on Covid1984: ‘The Worst is Still Ahead’, No Return to Normal Until at Least 2022

in hive-122315 •  5 years ago 


The worst is still to come, Bill Gates predicts, also suggesting that there will be no hope of any semblance of a ‘return to normal’ for at least another full year and a half - at the end of 2021 - going so far as to say the ‘pandemic’ may well continue into 2022

Such predictions shouldn’t really be all that surprising, for the media’s already been conditioning us to accept mask mandates for at least the next two to three years, if not forever.

And now, Bill Gates, the ‘prophet’ of the new world religion, has been making his rounds across the media circus once again, with another set of disturbing covid predictions, clearly setting the stage for a long and drawn out continuation of the increasingly Orwellian ‘pandemic’ in the many months ahead.

Speaking in an interview on the Economist, in regards to the coming vaccine which he has previously made extremely clear is the only solution - “the final solution” to ‘Covid19’ - the billionaire muses:

“...will we be able to get those [billions of doses] out, and get the immunity in 2021, or will this stretch over into 2022.”

Then, when asked, “Do you think the worst is over then, or is the worst still ahead?” Bill Gates answered very matter of factly:

“No, the worst is still ahead,” giving the TV sheeple yet another prediction to add to the pile of cumulative predictive programming that the ‘pandemic’ is going to get way worse this fall/winter alongside seasonal influenza outbreak.

‘Experts’ trotted out by the TV broadcasters over the past couple of months have been repeating this idea, that things must get worse before they get better, and that there will be a massive pandemic explosion this fall, necessitating another more severe economic shutdown and lockdown of humanity.

Speaking in early July, one such ‘expert’ (or “trusted people” as Bill Gates here described them), who also predicted that we will all be wearing masks for at least “several years,” even after the vaccine rollout, also predicted the coming surge in cases this fall and associated shutdowns.

“There's going to be no summertime lull with a big wave in the fall,” he said as part of CNET’s Hacking the Apocalypse series. “It's clear that we are having a significant resurgence of cases in the summer, and they'll get bigger. And it'll keep going until we lock things down again.

Such predictive programming, of which this is just one prime example, including the most recent comments made by Bill Gates, appear to substantiate the newly surfacing unverified reports of pharmacies being warned of a coming six month lockdown, beginning in September/October, in order to give them time to stock up on six months worth of pharmaceuticals to weather the storm.


This news should of course be taken with a grain of salt, having yet been verified, but the overall message being put out by the covid ‘prophets’ seem to agree that this winter is indeed going to see the “worst” that is yet to come, the most Orwellian Covid1984 measures yet to be put into play.


Since May, when Dr. Bright testified in front of Congress, they’ve been warning us of a ‘dark winter’ ahead.


...when seasonal flu season rolls around in the fall, Dr. Bright explains, the COVID-19 outbreak could combine with the flu to create “the darkest winter in modern history.”

This prediction was reiterated yet again in mid-July, by at least the third ‘coronavirus expert’ to speak on this future.

“On Tuesday, Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, spoke at a webinar for Journal of the American Medical Association, or JAMA, when he said Americans should brace for what will likely be a ‘difficult’ fall and winter season.”

"I do think the fall and the winter of 2020 and 2021 are going to be probably one of the most difficult times we've experienced in American public health because of ... the co-occurrence of COVID and influenza," said Redfield.

Notice how the CDC director’s warning lines up perfectly with Bill Gate’s prediction that the ‘pandemic’ won’t be finished until at least the end of 2021 and also the previous predictions that things will be getting way worse this fall. One should really begin to ask how it is that all these so-called ‘coronavirus experts’ can all be so sure that ‘Covid19’ will suddenly get worse this fall, and then still be around to do so again more than a full year into the future. How can they be so certain that the ‘virus’ will still be around, let alone at pandemic levels, when the so-called ‘Covid19’ deaths have at this stage already been on a steady decline all the way from April until now?

Interestingly, one relevant comment made by Gates was edited out of the full original Economist interview, and reveals the supremacist ideology held by him and his club of elitist power-grabbers now preparing to make things worse than ever for the peasant class. Bill Gates says Freedom is the reason why America has “done so badly,” When asked, “Why has it done so badly,” he answered: “Well we believe in freedom, uh, individual freedom, we optimize for individual rights.”

His disdain for the ideals of freedom and individual choice this country was founded upon are made abundantly clear in another recent interview on FT, where he said: “People think they have a choice,” but, “you don’t get to ignore” the so-called pandemic or associated Gates-backed tyrannical guidelines and measures unilaterally put into place by dictators across the globe without the consent of the affected populations.


“You don’t get to,” is the foundation of Bill Gates’ supremacist ideology, which is the driving force behind the entire Covid1984 scamdemic power grab by these greedy, power-hungry, totalitarian elitist psychopaths.

Maybe it is time for people to start asking why this one man is being held up by the mainstream media as the ultimate authority figure on all things covid, and why more than any other single man, this man’s voice is the voice the media is telling us to listen to. A college dropout with no medical training, is being touted as the leading ‘authority’ on a so-called ‘pandemic’. A rich billionaire who is clearly out of touch and disconnected with the reality of life for the poor and middle classes upon which he tramples and from which he stands to profit from the measures he proposes and supports, is touted as one who is fighting for the betterment of all humanity.

A single man who openly disdains our personal rights and freedoms, but thinks that he for some reason has the right to turn around and tell the entire world what they can and cannot do, what we are allowed and not allowed to do and to think, and what will or will not be injected into our bodies.

This is the man who is right now predicting that things will get worse for the people before they get better. They will only get better for him, however, for these elitists are not affected like you and I are by the very measures they dictate and impose. This is the man who, in one interview says that the ‘pandemic’ can be eradicated with immunity in just 30% of the population, but in another interview turns right around and says the entire global population will be vaccinated for ‘Covid19’ in order to vanquish the ‘virus’. His plan has always been to vaccinate the whole world; it would be naive to think he wouldn’t go out of his way to use this ‘golden opportunity’ in an attempt to do exactly that.

How this college dropout with zero medical education became the leading authority figure in this supposed ‘medical emergency’ (which so far looks more like a manufactured plandemic than anything else), is a matter of debate. That his money has played a role in buying him unwarranted influence is almost certain. His role in pushing the totalitarian agenda is undeniable.

No one know just what the future will hold, but if the past is any indication at all, Bill Gates likely has a better idea than most anyone else. His predictions should be heeded as highly likely scenarios, not because he can peer into the future but because of his hand in creating them.

Welcome to Covid1984. As I’ve said before, the Orwellian ride has only just begun, and things are likely about to get a whole lot more interesting. If you ask me, it’s time to stop this crazy train, but if you ask the covid prophet Bill Gates, people like me who think we should have a choice in the matter “don’t get to” have a say, and We the People are not allowed to ignore his dictates for our future. Do you think you should have a choice, or do you recognize Bill Gates’ claim to sovereignty over your life, your body and the future of the entire world?

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