CoronaGate: The Plannedemic Unfolds as the Psyop Unravels

in hive-122315 •  5 years ago  (edited)


“Big government is needed to fight the covid-19 pandemic. It may not shrink again afterwards.”

Bringing to mind a former President’s quote about the nine most terrifying words in the English language - “I’m with the government, and I’m here to help” - These are the words with which the Economist introduced their latest edition on Twitter, which featured the above illustration as their cover in America and Britain; depicting the ‘hand of God’, symbolizing big government, controlling a person wearing a medical mask, with a leash tied to his neck, representing the people. “Eveything’s under control” it says - but more like, everyone is under control...


If it wasn’t obvious from the beginning of this so-called ‘pandemic’, it should be quite obvious now as it is being thrown into our faces, that the multi-faceted pre-planned agenda(s) being rolled out under the guise of responding to this coronavirus outbreak will be far more dangerous, far-reaching and permanent than the so-called pandemic itself. It is also becoming quite entertaining at this point watching the mainstream media as they continue to desperately cling to the official coronavirus narrative as it collapses all around them on nearly all points, clearly demonstrating that this entire thing has been a well-planned psychological operation (Psyop) all along, used as the catalyst or scapegoat if you will, to push forward this agenda that most would not otherwise accept, were they not induced into the current state of manufactured panic/confusion/fear by this same corporate media.

The Economist describes this rapid expansion of big government state tyranny as “the most dramatic extension of state power since the Second World War,” all because of the coronavirus scare:

In just a few weeks a virus a ten-thousandth of a millimetre in diameter has transformed Western democracies. States have shut down businesses and sealed people indoors. They have promised trillions of dollars to keep the economy on life support. If South Korea and Singapore are a guide, medical and electronic privacy are about to be cast aside. It is the most dramatic extension of state power since the second world war.

Several states including New York and California have imposed total statewide lockdowns, as many are now pushing for this all-it medical martial law to be imposed across the entire nation, all while the National Guard is busy deploying hundreds of pieces of military equipment including tanks all across the country, in apparent anticipation of the imposition of martial law and/or civil unrest due to the crippling affects of the now extended government-endorsed economic shutdown, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Bill Gates, who has been repeatedly rolled out by the media as some sort of an authoritative coronavirus figurehead, has said the statewide lockdowns are not enough, calling for these government-imposed lockdowns to be expanded to the entire nation, as he repeatedly laughs for no apparent reason while these government ‘solution’s are destroying the entire American economy (while conveniently increasing the wealth of the ultra rich elite such as Bill Gates himself).

Maybe the reason Bill Gates has been seen as such an authority during this outbreak is that he predicted just such a worldwide pandemic originating in China, that he estimated would wipe out 33 million of the world’s population; and along with the John Hopkins Center also co-sponsored Event 201, a one-day simulation of a novel coronavirus outbreak-turned-pandemic, on October 18.


The unfolding of the covid-19 ‘pandemic’ and main media talking points are eerily similar to the scenario of the mock event, in almost every respect, begging the question of whether there was foreknowledge of the current ‘pandemic’ - potentially pre-planned down to nearly every detail, as a comparison of Event 201 with the unfolding ‘pandemic’ seems to indicate.

Many have speculated that this outbreak began with release of a bioweapon, and others believe it to be more or less a complete hoax. In any event, regardless of the origin of the virus itself, the agenda(s) now being implemented were without any doubt pre-planned, with those in the process of implementing them just waiting on the perfect opportunity. This is the reality of the situation regardless of whether or not this outbreak began with an intentionally released Bioweapon used to create this scenario, as a large body of evidence does appear to indicate (detailed in a post of mine from several weeks ago, with much more evidence pointing towards the US as origin of the virus surfacing since then).

One facet of this agenda which has long been in the works and is now being actively pushed as a part of this plannedemic is mandatory vaccinations, not surprisingly being suggested by Bill Gates himself. Mandatory vaccines would obviously be a goldmine for the Big Pharma manufacturers of the vaccines, as well as their investors, such as Bill Gates himself, who is admittedly behind the development of several coronavirus vaccines. Bill Gates’ vision for the future is one in which travel both within the US and between nations is restricted to those who have certificates of vaccination!

As many are aware, and I’m sure many others are unaware, vaccinations are a part of Bill Gates’ solution to ‘global warming’, which along with health care and reproductive health services, are aimed at lowering the population.

“If we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower [the global population] by perhaps about 10 to 15 percent,” Bill Gates explained at a now infamous Ted Talk, while admitting that vaccines are part of his murderous plan to radically reduce the population on many other occasions as well.

Another facet of the pre-planned agenda is the rolling out of 5G, which is being done right under our noses throughout the west, unbeknownst to so many who are staying home, either under voluntary or mandatory ‘house arrest’ quarantines. And while Americans were distracted by the media manufactured coronavirus panic, Donald Trump signed into law a pair of 5G bills that essentially direct the government to come up with a plan to impose 5G nationwide, despite the widespread opposition to such by many well-informed people, cities and localities which are all rightly concerned
about the numerous harmful side effects the under tested technology poses to both humans and animals alike.


Like the rest of the big government measures and agendas being implemented in response to this ‘pandemic’, the rolling out of 5G was already planned, for 2020 specifically, in the US and across the west, with an increasingly prevalent targeted ad campaign by the Big Tech companies being used for this purpose, including a number of SuperBowl ads pushing 5G as necessary for public health and safety.

The Planned Economic Shutdown

But besides 5G technology and all the tyrannical big government measures being proposed, passed and implemented to increase the scope of both the surveillance and police state in America (and all throughout the world), the other large facet of this pre-planned agenda is the economic shutdown, complete with a $6.2 trillion economic ‘stimulus’ package supposedly passed in response to the orchestrated market crash blamed on the coronavirus ‘pandemic’ of course.

Yes, contrary to the picture painted by the media that the economic crash and related government-recommended shutdown was a spur of the moment precautionary measure employed to curb the spread of covid-19, in direct response to the coronavirus outbreak, the economic shutdown was actually pre-planned and well organized, as admitted by a top Federal Reserve Banker.

“This is a planned, organized, partial shutdown of the US economy,” the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President explained to Bloomberg News.


The Federal Reserve has for some time been seeking to dump large amounts of ‘stimulus’ into the economy to lower the value of the dollar, by buying up a large number of real assets with their fake printed-out-of-thin-air Monopoly money federal reserve notes, because in their eyes the value of the dollar had become too high, and had too much buying power.

Donald Trump, the chosen puppet president of the Zionist international bankers, had himself been repeatedly calling on the Fed to cut interest rates and ‘stimulate’ the economy in a bid to lower the value of the dollar, which would decrease the value and buying power of the average hard-working American’s dollars, while ostensibly increasing the ability of large corporations to compete in the global markets. Such a move by the Fed would also move a lot of real assets into the hands of bankers, increasing their wealth and power, while at the same time plummeting the value of the dollar and the whole economy with it.

And this is exactly what the $6.2 trillion ‘stimulus’ package did, instantly raising the obscene $24 trillion US debt by 25% in a single day, with the largest single spending package in American history, the majority of the ‘money’ going to large corporations and only a few measly billions being distributed amongst the peasants in the form of petty $1200 checks. The Federal Reserve Bank which is in fact not federal, doesn’t have any reserves either, contrary to its misleading name, meaning this $6.2 trillion is being printed out of thin air, loaned to the government at interest and then dumped into the economy, thereby massively devaluing the dollar, in the single largest counterfeiting operation ever carried out on the face of the earth. In all reality, the worthless debt notes aren’t even being printed, but are instead being entered into computers as mere digits on a screen in various bank accounts.

Alongside this pillaging of the US economy has come a renewed push for a cashless society, and though it may not be fully implemented now, it is a part of the agenda and the groundwork is nevertheless being laid in place for a future rollout of that as well.

It is in the midst of this economic pillaging that the Fed, backed by the government, has intentionally orchestrated the pre-planned and well organized crashing the economy, which has shut down hundreds of small businesses across the country in the name of the stopping the coronavirus pandemic. So while the massive corporations are being bailed out for trillions by the US government with the Fed’s Monopoly money, hardworking Americans are not only losing massive value in their small amount of dollars they possess, but many have also lost their jobs, businesses, pensions, and retirement funds. The bankers are keeping the big corporations afloat during this shutdown through the stimulus package, while at the same time it would appear they are wiping out middle class America, another longtime agenda being put more fully into play.

The government is well aware that this planned economic shutdown is causing serious harm to the average American, as most Americans are already living paycheck-to-paycheck, meaning this long-term loss of work translates to an inability to pay the bills, pay the mortgage, buy groceries, and afford other basic necessities. Despite this knowledge, and the knowledge that the coronavirus is not nearly as deadly and therefore not nearly the threat it has been hyped up to be, President Trump just recommended this economic shutdown be extended through the entire month of April, which will only exasperate the desperation of an already frustrated and confused middle and lower class America.

Trump knows this, and openly admitted, shortly after his announcement, that this policy would result in serious harm to the average American, including complete loss of small businesses that small business owners worked their entire lives to build, increased drug use and abuse, increased crime, more suicides and massive death in general.

Poverty creates suffering and death, and Donald Trump is clearly aware of this correlation, candidly admits it, and yet is nonetheless quite willing to authorize the very measures he knows for certain will cause more suffering and death - all in the name of protecting the people from a virus which is not anywhere near as deadly or dangerous it has been hyped up to be, as we will soon see.

After announcing the extension of the economic shutdown, Trump was questioned by a reporter at the following press conference regarding previous comments of his, that, “More people might die from the economic tragedies and economic problems in America than from the coronavirus itself.” Problems planned and organized by the bankers in collusion with the government, an extension of the shutdown causing these economic hardships being recommended via executive decision of Donald Trump himself.

“Could you speak to that, the idea that there might be mental health a suicide related to this, would that outpace at some point the virus’ impact on the society?” The reporter asked.

“I could ask Dr. Fauchi to come up here, but it’s common sense,” Trump responded. ”You’re gonna have massive depression, meaning mental depression, and you’re gonna have depression in the economy also. But you’re gonna have mental depression for people, you’re gonna have a large number of suicides...So you’re gonna have tremendous suicide. But do you know what you’re going to have more than suicide, you’re going to have drug addiction. You will see drugs being used like never before and people who are dying all over the place from drug addiction because you’re gonna have people who had a wonderful job at a restaurant or owned a restaurant, that have done a great the top of their business...and in one day they got wiped out and lost everything [due to my government policies I just renewed for another month]... You ask me that, it’s so easy to figure that [death related to this would outpace the virus’ impact on society]...Massive depression, mental depression, massive numbers of suicide, anxiety causes, you know, disease, they say, and you’re gonna have tremendous [suffering and death]...but hopefully it doesn’t come to that, hopefully by what we’re doing we get the best of both worlds,” he explained.

The problem with trusting the government to solve a problem they have already admitted they are incapable of solving, is that government itself is the number one killer of humanity, and here again we see an example of how a government response to a problem will likely be far more detrimental to the health, well being and lives of the very people than the ‘viral pandemic’ they claim to be protecting these people from. This openly admitted by the President himself, immediately after renewing the shutdown which is causing these very same problems!

The Unraveling Psyop

The greatest insanity of this whole ordeal is that the coronavirus itself is not nearly as deadly as was initially thought, and therefore not nearly as dangerous as the media continues to hype it up to be. So all of these Big Government, surveillance state, police state, freedom-grabbing measures are being imposed in response to a virus that is so far still quite a bit less deadly than the common flu (influenza), and which is far more comparable to influenza in regards to its mortality rate than any of the other pandemics of the past such as SARS and MERS.

Due to initial lack of testing in this country, there is a good chance that the numbers of people infected are well above the ‘official’ number. Dr. Fauci, the “#1 authority on infectious diseases in America” according to the mainstream media, concluded in a medical paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine on March 26 that:

This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.

He cited studies showing a maximum mortality rate of 1.2-2%, whereas the media continues to run with the initial 3.9% mortality rate claim. This is only one way in which the media has hyped up the story, turning it from its apparent reality as a serious but not overly dangerous virus, into the deadliest and most dangerous pandemic the world has ever seen, manufacturing a state of unrealistic panic and fear into the mass consciousness.

This is just one way in which the media has manipulated the facts, statistics, and general reporting during coronavirus coverage to push obviously orchestrated and pre-planned agendas with this massive Psyop.

For example, CBS news was just caught using hospital footage from Italy in a story on New York hospitals being overloaded with coronavirus patients! Classic fake news style.

Identical screenshots from the footage compared below.

Recent CBS coverage of ‘New York’ hospital crisis:

Old Sky News footage of Italian hospital:

After being caught in this act of media manipulation, CBS responded with an apology and a claim that this was an accidental “editing error.” However, as Brian Young of @highimpactflix rightly points out, this is hardly likely, considering the footage itself even included nurses speaking in the Italian language in the background, and given the corporate media’s track record of repeatedly using this tactic to push the chosen official narrative.

Another quite entertaining aspect of this New York health ‘emergency’ is Governer Andre Cuomo’s desperate plea for manufacturers to send the state 30,000 direly needed ventilators, lest they be responsible for the deaths of the poor helpless coronavirus victims. The only problem with this publicity stunt used to sell the hyped up ‘pandemic’ reporting for the Psyop, is that Mr. Cuomo admitted he himself is actually hoarding ventilators for when they will actually be needed for the patients when the ‘pandemic’ peaks in several weeks. Amazing the lengths the media and government leaders will go to, in their efforts to sell you this Psyop.

However people are beginning to see that the official narrative is no longer adding up. For example, why are so many hospitals empty, all around the world, including in the supposed major virus hubs such as New York? Hashtag #FilmYourHospital went viral on Twitter, before being censored, but the footage remains available, and continues to increase daily across the web, painting a totally different picture than the one being painted by the media that hospitals are filled, overflowing with coronavirus patients, short on equipment, etc.

Numerous videos across the west depict empty coronavirus testing tents, empty emergency rooms, empty hospitals, empty or slow respiratory wards, and a host of medical workers including nurses and ambulance drivers who know of nobody who has the virus nor even anybody who knows anybody who has the virus - that or who have only heard of very few cases.

And while this is not proof of an all-out hoax as some are trying to make it out to be, it does seem suspicious, and strong evidence that the mainstream media coverage and government is hyping and over-inflating the numbers of those infected and/or dying are being hyped and overinflated. I certainly do not think it wise to trust that the government is telling us the truth about the numbers of confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths caused by covid-19, given their combined track records of lying to the public to sell their pre-approved official narratives and push their chosen agendas.

Regardless, the latest news that I saw today is of course a continuation of the incessant fear mongering - that the virus is spreading faster than ever here in the USA, making this the deadliest day of the virus with coronavirus deaths rising to 3,003. For comparison, according to the CDC, the flu already killed between 24,000-62,000 in the six month period between October-March, with more hospitalizations than the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases. And yet no pandemic, panic, shutdown, martial law or media frenzy over influenza!

Screenshot from YouTube featured news this morning:


That number of deaths is highly suspicious, being that it conveniently contains a ‘33’ (highly significant number in Freemasonry), a common occurrence in MSM headlines and official ‘statistics’ throughout the duration of this pandemic, starting even before the ‘pandemic’ itself, with Bill Gates’ prediction that a coming viral pandemic originating in China would wipe out 33 million people, to this latest one, and countless such cases in between, some of which are showcased in the short video below:

Another interesting agenda being pushed in the media as a part of this Psyop is an all-out attack on natural medicine meant to discredit natural alternatives to dangerous and expensive Big Pharma drugs, and to dissuade their use - in the name of cracking down on ‘false advertising’ and people pushing ‘unproven coronavirus cures’ and ‘preventatives’, namely silver. But as I detailed in a previous post on the subject, both the FDA and corporate media is forced to resort to selling blatant lies that fly in the face of hundreds of scientific and medical studies, going so far as to contradict previous reporting by fellow mainstream news outlets to do so! Much more coverage of this aspect of the Psyop in my video on this madness below:

The sheer amount of outright media fakery, suppression of evidence and data points that run contrary to the specific narrative, biased coverage, and government shenanigans means there is much more interesting and useful information on the subject of this outbreak currently being ignored by the corporate media than I have been able to cover in this one post.

This should, however, cover enough information to demonstrate beyond any shadow of a doubt that the pre-planned agenda(s) being rolled out in response to this ‘pandemic’ will turn out to be far more dangerous and likely even deadlier than the virus itself, and that the pre-planned nature of this Psyop points to this not being in reality a true pandemic at all, but a carefully orchestrated plannedemic. More evidence of the pre-planned nature of this entire operation can be found in all of the insider trading engaged in by politicians and Big Tech elitists such as the two richest men in the world, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, who all appeared to have insider information regarding both the specific timing and effects of the planned economic crash.

In conclusion, I do want to make one final observation before bringing this post to an end, and that would be regarding one very specific conspiracy theory regarding this whole situation, which seems to have picked up steam and gained traction in the past few days, being pushed by the whole Q-Anan crowd and of course Alex Jones.

And that would be the absolutely outrageous theory that the ‘white hats’ in the Trump administration, intentionally poisoned many of the evil deep state and celebrity elitists with coronavirus, which is otherwise a complete hoax, in order to give Trump a reason to implement medical martial law so that these deep state pedophile ringleaders will be trapped in the US, giving Trump and his team of fellow ‘white hats’ the opportunity to arrest (and in some cases kill via the virus) all of the deep state ‘bad guys’ that Trump has been working to oust all this time as he attempts to drain the swamp by filling it with even slimier swamp monsters than before.

Just trust the plan, they say, as they’ve been saying for four years now, and all these tyrants, elitist bankers, and deep state tools will be brought to justice under cover of all these tyrannical measures being rolled out. It’s all a part of the 4D chess match Trump has been playing all this time, Q is JFK junior who apparently didn’t die in his airplane, which also apparently didn’t crash, but was rather intentionally blown up to fake his death so he could create this team and pull off this dismantling of the deep state! If it sounds insane, well, it is, but such are the lengths some people will go to in order to defend tyranny and injustice (and Trump) in the name of fighting tyranny and injustice.

More on that in the excellent, informative and often quite entertaining (or depressing depending on you look at it) video from Know More News below:

No shortage of deranged and misled Q cult leaders and cultists giving the media an open field day on all ‘conspiracy theorists’ out there, despite most having disavowed this insane pro-Trump statist two-party-paradigm endorsing Q movement from the day of its inception...

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Great rundown thank you!

For sure, you’re very welcome. Too much going on with this thing for me to keep up with it all even if I try... I try to do my best.
