How Corporate ‘Vaccine’ Requirements Are Making Americans Homeless

in hive-122315 •  4 years ago 


By now most people should know that large numbers of nurses across the country have either lost their jobs or are facing imminent unemployment due to their refusal to take the new experimental injection, the so-called COVID ‘vaccine’ being foisted upon humanity against her will like no other vaccination in history and required as a condition of employment for many, especially those in the medical industry. These nurses have either resigned or been fired because they refuse to get this injection which they are convinced the evidence strongly suggests they neither need for their own safety and protection against ‘Covid19’, nor do they wish to take the unnecessary risks that are inherent due to the many valid safety signals, namely the thousands of adverse reactions witnessed firsthand in recipients by some of these very same nurses and their colleagues who have been administering the shots and witnessing the harm they have caused.

One great example of this are the over 100 Houston nurses that joined in protest after losing their jobs when the injections became a condition of employment for them, but such mandates are far from being isolated to a few large cities in Texas, and are being systematically rolled out all over the country.

And such merciless corporate policies mandating an unapproved, experimental injection aren’t only costing people their jobs, they are also costing people their housing and are directly responsible for putting people out on the streets, making them effectively homeless. I was a little surprised when I learned that even here in Montana where resistance to the injection is rather high, it is nonetheless still being required by some employers, not as a condition of employment (yet) in this case, but rather as a condition for housing. And because there are a number of people who will happily resist even such passive aggressive forms of pressure, there is now a whole new group of people joining the ranks of the working class homeless this summer - those who were denied housing simply because they refused to be human guinea pigs in Big Pharma’s global human ‘vaccine’ experiment program and to allow themselves to be injected with an unapproved experimental ‘vaccine’ that they neither need nor want.

I know this is the case and became familiar with this particular story because I had the opportunity of meeting one of the employees who is now technically homeless due to this new tyrannical policy, a very nice guy who explained exactly how he and some of his friends came to find themselves living in their tents and vehicles. It began at the end of winter, when the Big Sky Ski Resort informed all its workers that to be eligible for summer housing, employees would need to get their COVID ‘vaccine’. Some people were “definitely” not going to get it, no matter what, and my source personally did not believe that he needed it, being that he was in the low-risk category of healthy young adults, “so a few of my friends and I decided to start camping,” he told me, so that they wouldn’t have to get the ‘vaccine’. They and likely a number of others just like them have been living off of various back roads in the national forest, moving from one area to another from time to time, living out of their tents and vehicles, along with the countless dozens upon dozens of others doing the very same thing now due to an inability to afford the exceedingly high cost of living in the area that has been skyrocketing for several years now.

This problem of homelessness among the working class is now being exasperated by the economic hardship caused by the COVID lockdowns last year combined with a wave of new vaccine mandates sweeping the nation, causing those who are not willing to receive an unapproved experimental to lose their jobs, and in some cases, even their housing. It should be noted that the kind fellow I spoke with was in no way an ‘anti-vaxxer’, and yet even he was willing to become ‘homeless’ in order to avoid being injected with this particular ‘vaccine’. Contrary to the picture painted by the fakestream corporate media and its minions, a vast majority of the people being negatively affected by all of the various vaccine requirements, mandates and associated pressure, whose opposition to this particular injection range from hesitant to resistant, are not inherently ‘anti-vaccine’, they simply see the truth that they do not need an experimental injection to protect themselves from an illness that, for all intents and purposes, resembles a strain of the common flu, and which all of the evidence strongly suggests they likely already have natural immunity against.

And although employer-provided housing may appear to be simply a nice bonus (along with free winter skiing), in the case of Big Sky Ski Resort, this is simply not the case. Many employees are being paid just $12-14/hour, which is only about half of what would be needed just to be able to afford basic housing and utilities, and then there’s still the issue of food, gas and other necessities. Even the local Walmart is now starting off wages at $20/hour, and yet even this is not a high enough wage to truly afford housing at the currently overinflated prices. A study conducted two years ago determined that a full-time worker would need to make $22/hour just to afford rent and utilities in Bozeman, and prices have skyrocketed since then; price of housing in Big Sky is even higher than in Bozeman. The ski resort’s employee housing, then, is clearly not a bonus, but a necessity, without which employees are reduced to being homeless. And that is exactly what this particular corporate ‘vaccine’ mandate has done: put a number of working, law-abiding citizens on the streets simply for refusing to accept an experimental injection they neither need nor want, and which is also associated with a high risk of harm.

My source explained that he believed some people who are most at-risk for ‘Covid19’ (such as the elderly) should probably get vaccinated, but that he’s not in that group, so there’s no need to risk the harms associated with it, as he personally knows people who fell terribly ill the day they got their shot, within the first hours following the injection. This is far from being an isolated scenario; most of the people I talk to about the ‘vaccine’ who have either been vaccinated or know people who have also report direct knowledge of at least one such incident, if not more severe or longer lasting harm.

Indeed, my sister too fell terribly ill the day she received her second dose of the Moderna shot, bed ridden with a fever, chills, and all manner of aches and pains for the rest of the day; “I felt like I was going to die,” is how she described it, just as many others describe this commonly experienced adverse effect. Like many nurses, she had decided she did not want the ‘vaccine’, and despite not being technically required as a condition of employment, she reported that the pressure to get vaccinated was intense, and eventually she gave in, particularly because she was falsely led to believe that the fully vaccinated would no longer be required to wear a mask; looking back at her post-injection experience she tells me emphatically that she will never get a COVID ‘vaccine’ booster shot, ever!

As for all of those nurses who continue to stand their ground as they resist the pressure to ‘just get vaccinated’, many even losing their jobs in the process of doing so, well you do the math; it doesn’t take a genius to realize that anyone without an income will soon be without a roof over their head, as neither banks nor property management companies are keen on overlooking or ignoring late or missed rent or mortgage payments. Any nurses who cannot find new employment, along with all of the other thousands of Americans required to be vaccinated as a condition of their employment for that matter, but who opt not to receive the experimental injection and are subsequently unable to find a new job, will soon find themselves just as homeless as those being required to get the injection as a condition of receiving employee housing but who are unwilling to do so.

The high number of working class homeless and increasing number of all types of people living out of their tents, cars, trucks, vans, campers, and even buses is a ‘post-Covid phenomenon’, I was told by a local, and that seems to be true enough. I have never seen so many vans, buses, campers and trucks in the WalMart parking lot and so many people scattered about across their lawns, all living out of their vehicles, many clearly from a state of financial poverty. The free parking lot for skiers in the winter at the Big Sky Resort is currently filled to the brim with campers and those living out of their vans, trucks and truck campers. Nearly all available campsites along four of the five national forest roads I’ve driven up in the area have been filled; the majority of those camping along the creek where I was camping for the past several weeks were living there as they worked in Big Sky, and although a forest ranger responded to complaints and several parties subsequently left, there were still at least five others who were clearly ‘living’ there while working in the area, including the fellow I spoke with about this story, and a couple living out of their tent that I had spoken with earlier.

It is difficult to ascertain just how many of these newly ‘homeless’ families and individuals are living this camping lifestyle because of the many various newly implemented ‘vaccine’ mandates or strictly due to rising cost of increasingly unaffordable housing (or unemployment caused by 2020 Covid lockdowns), but the reality remains the same. This tyrannical, imperial, technocratic system is responsible for putting good, hardworking people out on the streets; and this new technocratic biosecurity state in the making along with all of its ‘vaccine’ mandates, requirements, pressures and other tyrannical ‘incentives’ is costing hardworking and otherwise law-abiding citizens both their jobs and their homes; while this corporate system has created an entire class of working class homeless folks, many now also becoming outlaws just to survive, forced to choose between losing their job or ‘illegally’ ‘residing’ on public forest lands or other places where doing so is technically illegal...

And for some, the choice is also about a willingness to receive an unapproved experimental injection or not, and many continue to just say no to this ‘vaccine’ in the face of intense and unprecedented pressure, even when doing so means losing their job or being cast out on the streets. And that should really tell us all we need to know about this injection, the fact that so many millions of Americans are unwilling to become the next recipient, many even willing to give up their careers, and in some cases even a roof over their head, simply to avoid receiving this particular injection. They can insist that it is ‘safe and effective’ all they want, and tell us a million more times that is is the life-saving miracle cure for a deadly pandemic, but the reality seen through the eyes of all those who are not ignoring the mass resistance to all of this mounting pressure during this global vaccination campaign paints another picture entirely, one that does not at all resemble the picture painted by our corporate propaganda professionals and top ‘Covid19’ ‘experts’, one that illustrates the plain and simple truth that we are being lied to, on more levels than one.

Top photo: a picture from one corner of the Walmart parking lot, Bozeman, MT, early July - just a sample of the dozens of vehicles housing impoverished locals and travelers alike.

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