Latest US Propaganda Stunt in Support of al-Qaeda Terrorists in Syria

in hive-122315 •  5 years ago  (edited)


In the latest US propaganda stunt in support of the western-backed Jihadist terrorists in Syria, on Tuesday the US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft, US Ambassador to Turkey David Satterfield, and US Envoy to Syria James Jeffrey made a visit to the Syrian border with Turkey at a border crossing into Idlib, the “largest al-qaeda safe haven since 9/11” which is being slowly eroded and destroyed by a Russian-backed Syrian offensive to liberate the province from Turkish and Jihadist occupation.

The US and Turkey of course oppose the destruction of their terrorist proxy armies in Idlib, where tens of thousands of radical Jihadists are making their last stand in Syria, fully backed by the Turkish military. The full-blown Turkish military operation in defense of the terrorists in Idlib, aimed at pushing Syrian forces out of all recently liberated Syrian territory in northwestern Syria, has so far not been able to achieve a single lasting military victory.

Instead, despite thousands of Turkish soldiers now operating in Idlib alongside and in full support of the Jihadi terrorist factions, since Turkey publicly announced this operation the Turkish-led Jihadists have lost nearly all the territory they had taken back over the past several days of Turkish-led advances. The terrorists continue to be pushed back, and their attacks against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) are repelled, despite receiving the full support of the Turkish Air Force, US-made anti-air missile systems, and hundreds of pieces of heavy Turkish military equipment.

And while the US has so far declined to oblige the Turkish requests to offer air support or delivery of its Patriot anti-air missile defense system to Turkey, US officials are more than willing to offer their public diplomatic support to the Turkish invaders and especially the radical Jihadist terrorists illegally occupying Idlib, while the imperialist corporate media is more than willing to continue pushing the deceptive propaganda.


Rather than posing with the al-Qaeda and other terrorist leaders themselves as John McCain had been so willing to do, Kelly Craft instead took it upon herself to pose with the Jihadist frontmen propagandists, the ‘White Helmets’, where she announced that the US would be supplying the terrorist-occupied region with $108 million in ‘humanitarian’ aid. It is unclear if she is just ignorant, or chooses to ignore the fact that these so-called ‘humanitarian’ rescue workers are in fact Jihadist organ-traffickers and child-kidnappers, and admittedly the “brothers” of al-Qaeda in Syria.

When Kelly Craft describes what she calls “these brave men and women” as “ordinary people doing extraordinary things,” she is lying to us, unless she considers Jihadist fighters to be ‘ordinary’, and the ‘extraordinary things’ she is talking about is staging false flag chemical attacks and other propaganda stunts, fighting the Syrian Army alongside al-Qaeda, and aiding and abetting the same terrorists who habitually oppress and murder the Syrian civilian population. Or maybe she is just entirely ignorant of this connection...





Not only is there a plethora of evidence that the White Helmets are Jihadist fighters with fancy western uniforms, but the Idlib White Helmets leader himself called al-Qaeda and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly al-Nusra, al-Qaeda in Syria) “my brothers,” at a ceremony put on by the terrorists in Idlib to honor this ‘humanitarian’ White Helmets organization!


At that ceremony, he also kissed both al-Muhaysni and the HTS leader in Idlib.


Al Mahaysni is a Saudi Arabian Salafist leader who has been designated a terrorist by the US. Reuters describes him as “one of the best known Jihadists” fighting in Syria.

He is a member of the Sharia council for Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, an alliance of jihadist rebel factions that includes the Nusra Front, a former al Qaeda group which Saudi Arabia and its allies accuse Qatar of funding.

HTS is also a designated terrorist group according to the US, described by the State Department as the current al-Qaeda branch operating in Syria.


An official media note of the State Department in May, 2018 read: “The Department of State has amended the designation of al-Nusrah Front – an al-Qa’ida affiliate in Syria – to include Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and other aliases.”

Furthermore, it declared that:

The Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Ambassador Nathan A. Sales, noted that “today’s designation serves notice that the United States is not fooled by this al-Qa’ida affiliate’s attempt to rebrand itself. Whatever name Nusrah chooses, we will continue to deny it the resources it seeks to further its violent cause.

However, this claim to deny it the resources it seeks apparently excludes funding of its brothers in arms in the White Helmets, to whom Trump authorized an additional $4.5 million in funding in October of 2019.


This funding was ironically authorized with the supposed aim of protecting the very ethnic and religious minorities that the White Helmets and their Jihadist terrorist affiliates focus their most brutal oppression against!

It should be noted that in every liberated area of Syria formerly occupied by the Jihadists, the White Helmet centers are located in the immediate vicinity of the al-Nusra headquarters and outposts, most often right next door to them, and sometimes even contain military equipment inside them. ‘Humanitarian aid’ provided to the White Helmets ends up being used to treat al-Qaeda and affiliated terrorist fighters in their field hospitals, where Turkish- and US-supplied medical and food supplies are being found throughout Idlib. In southern Syria, Israeli medical supplies were more commonly found abandoned by the terrorists and White Helmets. Israel later evacuated hundreds of besieged White Helmets from southern Syria, alongside FSA commanders and ISIS terrorists.

Independent journalist Vanessa Beeley has repeatedly documented these anomalies, and is once again doing so in Idlib. Excellent recent interview with the UK Column discussing the recent developments in Idlib, and covering all these points as well, is embedded below.

These connections between US-designated terrorist groups, high-level Jihadist leaders and the White Helmets organization in Idlib doesn’t seem to bother Kelly Craft or her US associates in the slightest, but it did catch the attention of some Twitter users, who call out her blatant support for al-Qaeda in Syria.


It is unclear who exactly the ‘humanitarian’ aid will be delivered to, and whether it will go directly to the displaced civilians in the area or via the White Helmets, in which case some or possibly all of it will be funneled to HTS fighters. In the past, most ‘humanitarian’ aid designated for the ‘civilians’ in terrorist-occupied territory, instead ends up in the hands of the terrorists who hoard it while starving the civilian population. The Syrian civilians themselves rarely if ever see any portion of this aid.

Of course the western corporate media propaganda outlets don’t report on this, or on any of the White Helmet connections to the Jihadi terrorists, and even continue to this day to describe the al-Qaeda-occupied Idlib province as “rebel territory.”


It isn’t just ABC News that continues to describe these US-designated al-Qaeda terrorists as “rebels” and the Syrian “opposition,” but all mainstream media outlets. And it isn’t just the media playing its part for this propaganda stunt, but US envoy to Syria James Jeffrey who also described these US-designated terrorists as the “Syrian opposition.”

“On those hills over there the Turkish military and the Syrian opposition are first of all fighting to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe,” said James Jeffrey, the U.S. special envoy on Syria, while visiting a refugee camp near Turkey’s border with the war-battered country. “Millions and millions of refugees, that’s the intent of Assad and his Russian and Iranian allies.”

Not only does he intentionally mis-label the Jihadist terrorists as “Syrian opposition,” but he tells the blatant lie that the one specific goal of President Assad’s military operation to liberate Idlib from the hands of these US-designated terrorist groups is in fact to create “millions and millions of refugees”! Like all the imperial propagandists, Jeffrey forgets to mention that without the US-backed terrorist invasion of Syria in the first place, there would have been no war and no refugee crisis.

James Jeffrey also made sure everybody knew that, despite refusing to offer air support or Patriot air defense systems to Turkey this far, the US does still support the illegal Turkish invasion of Syria in defense of these US-designated al-Qaeda terrorists, and said the US was willing to sell munitions to Turkey in support of this cause.

The strange thing is that this same US official works for the Presidential Administration of Donald Trump, who himself previously exposed the fraudulent deception of these terrorists being called ‘rebels’.


Trump said the terrorists get away with this lie because US leaders are “so stupid.” It sounds like he’s talking to the likes of Kelly Craft and James Jeffrey...

For those who are unwilling to believe this truth coming from Trump, being that he’s a Republican, Democratic Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard also exposes this fraud, calling out the media and government officials for supporting terrorists whom they falsely describe as ‘rebels’.

But it’s not just the claims of a radical fringe anti-establishment presidential candidate, Tulsi actually makes her case by quoting two US officials. One such official is Brett McGurk, who served as US anti-ISIS envoy in both the Obama and Trump Administrations, and called Idlib “the largest al-Qaeda safe haven since 9/11.” He also described this as a “big problem,” one that the Russian-backed Syrian forces are currently solving, much to the dismay of US and Turkish leadership which are showing themselves to be the ultimate champions of the very same radical Jihadists their own countries have officially designated as illegal terrorist groups.

The second US official who makes Tulsi’s case for her is US Coalition spokesman, Colonel Myles Caggin, who said in an interview with Sky News that:

Idlib province seems to be a magnet for terrorist groups, especially because it is an ungoverned space in many ways. There are a variety of groups there, all of them are a nuisance, a menace and a threat to the civilians, the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians who are just trying to make it through the winter and are searching for hope and a will to survive.

So, according to the official military spokesmen for US operations in Syria himself, “all” of the militant groups in Idlib are “a menace and a threat to the civilians,” and yet James Jeffrey and the whole of the corporate media are willing to instead paint them as the “Syrian opposition,” brave “rebels” fighting on behalf of the civilians which they claim ‘evil Assad’ and the ‘Russian death machine’ are out to slaughter and displace as their one and only goal.

In late 2018, when the SAA was gearing up for a wide-scale military operation to liberate Idlib, which was postponed until December of 2019 and is currently still ongoing, James Jeffrey was also busy offering his support to the terrorists by deceptively describing them as freedom fighting rebels. At that time, on September 7, 2018, he said: “They’re not terrorists, but people fighting a civil war against a brutal dictator.”

Not much has changed between then and now, except that Syria has successfully liberated one third of this final terrorist stronghold in the country, in the face of a full blown US-backed Turkish invasion of Syria. And in the process, in the recently liberated territory in northwestern Syria, even more evidence has been uncovered proving that Idlib is being run by radical al-Qaeda terrorists and ideologically aligned Jihadist allies, not ‘moderate rebels’. Jihadist slogans and flags, along with White Helmet symbols, are being found all across the recently liberated territory.


The deception and hypocrisy could not be more obvious, and as can be seen, the nonsensical propaganda is easily exposed as blatant deception from within the ranks of the very same government from which it is spewed.

The western empire is losing its war on Syria, both militarily as its proxy armies on the ground in Syria are being destroyed, and diplomatically as the lies and hypocrisy continue to be more and more easily seen, and further exposed by new evidence coming forward every day.

Video: Tapestry of Terror - White Helmets Exposed as FSA Terrorists With Links to ISIS & al Qaeda:

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Hey @jasonliberty. This is an amazing post! I just want to say thanks for continuing to cover these events, and informing us of what's really going on in these war torn countries and the real agenda of what's taking place. There seems to have been a drop off in the reporting of some of these stories, so it's great to see this featured in our deep dives feed!

Excellent text @jasonliberty, resteemed

Thanks, much appreciated!

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