Italy's Coronavirus Deaths Avg 80 Years Old, Death Rate Comparable to Previous Flu Seasons

in hive-122315 •  4 years ago  (edited)
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It's embarrassing what they are doing. I just can't imagine that the people in charge could be so stupid.
Or is it the part of the plan?
Should I put my tin foil hat on?
It really doesn't matter. We fucked anyway.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

No. I'm a six pack Joe with a bit of common sense.

We have been in quarantine for over a month now. We are only allowed to go out for medicines and groceries.

The average age of deaths in the state I live was 75 average life expectancy in this state is... 75.

So apparently Corona-chan kills you around the time one could be expected to die anyway.

Recently they've stopped citing the ages of deaths on the health dept. Website. Guess they dont want people pointing out the obvious.

At this point anyone who doesnt recognize this whole "pandemic" as anything other than a manufactured scam has got to be blind, retarded, or totally mind controlled.