BREAKING: Croatia does not want to wage war against Russia

in hive-122315 •  3 years ago 


Croatia’s president Zoran Milanović claims his country will withdraw its military from NATO forces, if there’s a conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

“Not only will we not send the military, but if there is an escalation, we will recall every last Croatian military man. This has nothing to do with Ukraine or Russia, it has to do with the dynamics of American domestic politics, Joe Biden and his administration, which I supported.”

Having in mind that any reasonable opinion is immediately ousted, for a moment, I was worried for the political career of Zoran Milanović. No need, really. Zoran Milanović would never gave such a decisive statement if he had not have a German support. So, this is not news of Croatia, but something much bigger – this is news that NATO does not exist any more. Thr closer to Russia – the faster the crumbling.

It is even more interesting that the state’s Croatian television did not publish this statement of the president on its YouTube channel at all. This shows not only that the globalist scum owns the Croatian media, but at the same time shows what their opinion is about Milanovic's statement. You can see the abbreviated statement on Facebook:

The latest news is that the dissatisfied Ukrainian government called on the Croatian ambassador in Kiev to explain the statement of his president.

Never forget that Julian Assange was one of those who took off the mask from the corrupted political system in the U.S.

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THE WAR — step by step:

THE WAR: Russian Response [eng/срп] РАТ: Руски одговор

THE WAR: A Psychopath Contest [eng/срп] РАТ: Конкурс за психопату

THE WAR Against Population [eng/срп] РАТ против популације

THE WAR: Demise of a ‘Civilization’ and the Great Reset [eng/срп] РАТ: Одумирање цивилизације и велико ресетовање

THE WAR: Propaganda [eng/срп] РАТ: Пропаганда

THE WAR… is Business [eng/срп] РАТ… је бизнис

THE WAR: 9/11 - Birthday of Terror/Industrial complex [eng/срп] РАТ: 11. септембар рођендан терористичко/индустријског комплекса

THE WAR: History of Fascism [eng/срп] РАТ: Историја фашизма

ХИБРИДНИ РАТ: Манипулација страхом (Serbian)

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Невидљиви рат (Serbian)

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Creating a Fake Reality

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TRADE WAR: Burning Down the Planet

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THE WAR: Cyber War

THE WAR: The Final Step — Attacking Iran

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THE WAR: Expansion


THE WAR: The Thucydides Trap

THE WAR: Defining the Battlefield

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Привет Друже!
5 февраля я прилетаю в Белград. Я, наконец, снова увижу Сербию!

Добро пожаловать, @mister-omortson, Добро нам дошао!

Have a nice vacation in Serbia!

Good move, hopefully this evil good for nothing NATO alliance will be dismantled and each member of it will forge better defense strategies which would be good for their people not only for the military industrial complex and the big banks.