In December ‘vaccination’ campaign officially started with immediately visible, devastating consequences…
In December archive we also can see official statistics from great states of Germany U.S. and Spain, which refutes corporate media propaganda. You will also find long criminal record of a Pfizer pharmaceutical corporation and FDA issued an official 53-page ‘briefing document’ on Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine together with deaths during the reporting period from April 29, 2020.
You can also read who were the greatest ‘benefactors’ of a Coronavirus Hoax until December, and how The Lisbon Appeal Court in Portugal found that no disease could be diagnosed by PCR test since it has been up to 97% unreliable.
In the meantime, diplomats and members of the European Parliament have organized secret LGBT orgies with the use of heavy narcotics in the center of Brussels…
Creating an archive of Coronavirus texts in English and Serbian will not only allow evidence of the greatest global hoax to remain on the blockchain platform, but will also make it easier to search for all the evidences of a Hoax.
Timeline is going from the bottom of the text up.
146. Vaccine? No, thank you [eng/срп] Вакцина? Не, хвала (Dec. 29th)
Results of an IPSOS survey of 15 countries published on Nov. 5 and extensive survey from 32 European countries, conducted by the renowned house BVA show how a scaremongering ‘vaccination’ campaign was successful. And it was successful, since nobody from the corporate media bothered to present a scientific study published in the Medical Journal of New England, entitled “Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine”, which shows that a fraud was committed that significantly affected the results and interpretation of the data. You can read more about this at Hive.blog in the excellent text sent by our @stayoutoftherz entitled “Protocol violations and fraud in the Pfizer/Biontech COVID-19 vaccine study!”
145. The Thinking Stuff: Silence of Consenting Lambs (Dec. 28th)
Recommendation to the Grand Theft World Podcast – a very long show (sometimes goes to seven hours long) but full of useful informations. It is routinely removed from YouTube, but available at lbry.tv, Odysee.tv) and partly at bitchute.com…
144. Science and ‘Science’ [eng/срп] Наука и ‘наука’ (Dec. 27th)
Since corporate media will never tell you the truth, you will have to search for it on your own. You can start with the Spanish medical journal ‘DSalud Discovery’, which published a collection of reports in the November issue (No. 242) under the common title “Frauds and falsehoods in the medical field” (Spanish language). In one of the reports, entitled “The scam has been confirmed: PCR does not detect SARS-CoV-2” it is described in detail how genetic primers and probes used in RT-PCR tests to identify SARS-CoV-2 do not target anything specific. Moreover, following the technique described in their report, you can verify for yourself the accuracy of their claims about the nucleotide sequences listed in the World Health Organization protocols, as has been done by Iain Davis, Of-Guardian journalist in the text “COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud”. This report irrefutably confirms that all figures about the infected and the dead of Covid are – pure fabrication. In the meantime, the WHO itself issued on the December 14th guidelines, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positive results!
In the latest issue from July 2021 (No. 250) you can see a confirmation of an unusual phenomena tied to the ‘safe and effective vaccines’…
143. Коронапревара: Фајзер театар (Serbian – Dec. 25th)
Поново је почело медијско испирање мозгова јавним вакцинисањем чланова владе ‘безбедном и ефикасном вакцином’, исто као и у превари са свињским грипом 2009. године. Ако сте заборавили како је та превара изгледала, погледајте извод из књиге Татјане Васиљевне Грачове „Када власт није од Бога“, која је писана пре коронапреваре, за време ‘генералне пробе’ зване свињски грип. У тој књизи описане су могућности коришћења вакцине као оружја за масовно уништавање. Татјана Васиљевна Грачова је пуковник у пензији, служила је у Генералштабу Руске војне обавештајне службе, она је политиколог, доцент, а била је и шеф катедре Војне академије Генералштаба ОС Русије.
Можете се још једном запитати зашто се тако упорно цензуришу садржаји др Јоване Стојковић, која износи само одавно познате медицинске чињенице, забележене у уџбеницима медицине, али које нису у сагласности са глобалистичком догмом о ‘пандемији’…
142. Coronavirus Hoax: USA and Spain Stats [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Статистика из САД и Шпаније (Dec. 22nd)
Just like in Germany, official statistics of mortality from U.S. (since 2010) and Spain (since 1987) clearly show that there is no excessive mortality in 2020. ‘Pandemic’ exists only in criminal corporate media…
141. ‘Intelligence’ and Vaccine Math (Dec. 20th)
A globalist agenda shill, introduced as ‘top U.S. vaccine adviser’, by the name of Stanley Alan Plotkin, trying to persuade people that vaccines are the only way to salvation despite the facts:
- of a several proven effective, safe and cheap drugs in mass use;
- of math, which says that ‘vaccine’ is more dangerous than a disease:
- of a numerous cases of ‘severe allergic reactions’, which has even happened in front of the camera…
140. Коронапревара: ‘Здравствене мере’ и Кока-кола позитивна на корону! (Serbian – Dec. 17th)
The text is in Serbian, but you can see in it Austrian MP Michael Schnedlitz, who tested his Coca-Cola for Coronavirus during the speech – and got a positive result!
Coronavirus Hoax is presented in a highly censored documentary by Pierre Barnerais, entitled Hold Up – Return to chaos.
Текст је на српском језику, а у њему можете видети аустријског посланика Михаела Шнедлица, који је током говора тестирао своју Кока-колу на коронавирус – и добио позитиван резултат!
Коронапревара разављена је у високо цензурисаном документарном филму Пјера Барнераиса, под насловом Препад – повратак у хаос.
139. Coronavirus Hoax: German ‘crisis’ [eng/срп] Коронапревара: ‘Криза’ у Немачкој (Dec. 16th)
Official German statistics destroys the corporate media propaganda of ‘deadly’ virus and ‘pandemic’. Despite the truth, media continue their dirty and deadly campaign…
138. Coronavirus Hoax: Italy approves Hydroxychloroquine [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Италија одобрила Хидроксихлорокин (Dec. 14th)
FranceSoir brought up the news that Italy has approved Hydroxychloroquine as a therapy against Covid-19, and only Australian Sky News coveyed the report. Then, a censorship machine vent to overdrive and remove the traces of the report from YouTube and Lbry.tv. The same was done with a testimonies of Dr. Pierre Kory, Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center, who confirmed the efficiency of Ivermectin, during the testimony before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing. Ivermectin is a drug for which its creator William C. Campbell won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015.
In this text you will see how criminal Pfizer corporation has found the crime profitable – they have paid almost $5 billion in fines since 2000 for a various offenses, with over $3,37 billions for ‘off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products’. Other offenses are false claims, drug or medical equipment safety violations, corruption, kickbacks and bribery. But still, their profits are so big that they can afford to pay that peanut fines.
You also can see here a testimony of Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer’s Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer for Allergy & Respiratory. An authentic insider whop can tell you how those criminal organizations are doing their ‘business’ today…
137. Coronavirus Hoax: ‘Margaret Keenan’ (Dec. 10th)
A vaccination in the United Kingdom starts with a propaganda stunt that people has noticed…
136. Coronavirus Hoax: The Jabs of Death [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Смртоносни убоди (Dec. 9th)
By the beginning of December, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a 53-page ‘briefing document’ on Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine in which it states things never mentioned before. Like, for example, deaths during the reporting period from April 29, 2020 (first participant, first visit) to November 14, 2020. It is one of those official documents which will never be in a corporate media. That is exactly the reason why FDA never authorized any of the vaccines, which only has Emergency Use Authorization – a mechanism created so the Big Pharma corporations could sell their deadly garbage despite its toxicity…
135. Coronavirus Hoax: 2020 Robbery Balance [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Биланс пљачке 2020. (Dec. 8th)
Rich are getting richer as a rule, but the ‘pandemic’ made rich shamelessly richer, like never before in the history of mankind. See their ‘pandemic’ profits hoarded by the end of November 2020 according to the analysis published on November 25th by Chuck Collins on the American Institute for Policy Studies website.
In this text you also can find a comparison with the crisis from 2008, which actually never ended…
134. Coronavirus Hoax: Lisbon Court Exposes PCR Scam [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Лисабонски суд обара ПЦР превару (Dec. 6th)
The Lisbon Appeal Court in Portugal found that no disease could be diagnosed by PCR test since it has been up to 97% unreliable. The verdict of the Lisbon Appeal Court, explained on 34 pages, can be downloaded in Portuguese.
133. Coronavirus Hoax: EU Babylon Falls [eng/срп] Коронапревара: ЕУ Вавилон у паду (Dec. 5th)
One more story about the ‘health crisis’: Police in the center of Brussels discovered and stopped secret LGBT orgies with the use of heavy narcotics, in which more than 25 people participated, including were diplomats and members of the European Parliament! With every passing day Coronavirus Hoax looks more and more like a warning biblical stories…
132. Коронапревара: Српски стручњаци о вакцинама (Serbian – Dec. 4th)
Шта мислите о вакцинама које мењају вашу генетику? Ако је ваш одговор: „Не знам, нисам стручњак“, онда послушајте стручњаке.
Хирург, др Алек Рачић објашњава да је проблем са западним, генетским вакцинама само последица дубљег проблема – да је фармацеутска мафија та која управља властима на територији Србије!
Пулмолог, проф. др Бранимир Несторовић, бивши члан кризног штаба, образлаже зашто вакцине нису добре, нису потребне, и зашто је – упркос објективним подацима – читава позоришна представа са вирусом, маскама и карантином некоме потребна?
131. Коронапревара: Ствари за размишљање (Serbian – Dec. 2nd)
Како је могуће да у назови држави родитељи морају да просјаче скупљајући новац за своју тешко оболелу децу, а приоритет није расправа о уништењу здравственог система, него – истополни брак!? Како медицинско особље избегава вакцинацију? Прочитајте текст адвоката Милине Дорић „Истина о законској обавези вакцинисања медицинских радника“.
Више није спорно да владе свих држава света, на овај или онај начин раде против свог становништва. На пример, Си Ђинпинг је јавно предложио увођење међународног система здравствених кодова, што практично значи – укидање слободе кретања! Прочитајте шта је о томе рекао амерички адвокат Роберт Ф. Кенеди Млађи, и како је проблем формулисао Антоније Пушић, познатији као Рамбо Амадеус.
За крај текста можете погледати руску хипотезу о пакленом плану у коме је вакцина заправо вирус. Немојте се заваравати да то није могуће. Психопатама које допуштају да СВАКОГА ДАНА у свету од глади умре више од 7000 деце, сасвим сигурно није стало до вашег живота.
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Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2020
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Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2020
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