I really don’t know who compiled following lists, but I have to thank my friend Patriot__1775 from the free Bastyon platform who made this post possible…
Gun Logic
1 • Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart Phone ownership to 21.
2 • If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry, USA.
3 • The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement
4 • Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you’d know it.
5 • When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle.
6 • The NRA (National Rifle Association) murders 0 people and receives ($$$$0) nothing in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
7 • I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we’re at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D., and candidates running for office.
8 • Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and probably has a trillion rounds. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. Now tell me, how do you think that would end?
Don’t be afraid to share this. There’s more logic and common sense expressed here than probably anything you have seen on the news today.

24 Moves a Mole Admin Would Make
1 • Open their gates for easy invasion
2 • Inject their troops with time-delayed poisons
3 • Covertly murder and sterilize their population
4 • Destroy their energy production
5 • Hyper-inflate their currency
6 • Arm, fund, and supply their enemies
7 • Stop their food production, induce famine
8 • Deplete their fuel reserves
9 • Bribe and blackmail their politicians
10 • Protect & expand vote-fraud machinery
11 • Negotiate porkpie kickback trade deals
12 • Weaponize their medical protocols
13 • Ship their production and jobs offshore
14 • Outlaw their small businesses
15 • Manufacture their news and trends
16 • Kill their economy
17 • Cut their supply lines
18 • Cripple their law enforcement
19 • Curtail their civil rights, churches & assembly
20 • Divide them by race and religion
21 • Brainwash their children with enemy lies
22 • Cultivate chaos, fear, and violence
23 • Condemn their national history and heritage
24 • Get them into war with major nuclear powers.

* * *
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