United States are split in half. The election fraud is over, but the passions do not subside. We’ll see who is going to be more savage party, and will the Internet absorb the rebellion energy again…
Are you in the group who believed that Covid-19 was just a special operation against Trump in the election year? Well, it’s a pretty big group…

Despite vicious remarks, all those people who put an enormous efforts to mail their votes several times, deserve a congratulations for a big change at the top:

It is said that every nation deserves their government:

Furthermore, there are rumors that the brilliantly executed fraud operation scared Trump’s associates so much, they are jumping the ship:
Duration: 2:15
And if you are a sore looser, we have instructions for overcoming your pain:
Duration: 4:29
If you still think this was unexpected, I can point you the people who did perfectly predicted events at this election fraud. There are plenty of them, but let’s stick to those who you know best. For example, Bernie Sanders:
Duration: 7:08
As for the cancellation of democracy explained in the text yesterday titled The Democracy End Game, we can finish with the words of our @leecamp, who says:
Elections in the US are embarrassing but they could be better. The major obstacle is that our oligarchs don’t even want a hint of democracy in our system. They’re terrified of it.
More on democracy, racism, drug war, prison state and other beauties of the U.S. melting pot he will tell you in person:
Duration: 29:20
Good luck America, wherever you are. You’ll need it more than ever.
Never forget that Julian Assange was one of those who took off the mask from the corrupted political system in the U.S.
* * *
Related links:
US ELECTION FRAUD 2020: The Democracy End Game
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ELECTIONS 2020: Stirring the Melting Pot
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