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in hive-122315 •  4 years ago 

The Globalist Agenda is only one.


In recent months we have had new news of the content of the 2030 agenda promoted, among other instances, by the Davos forum, the announcement of a great global reset carried out by the world economic forum or Davos forum is trying to justify the global changes that drives in situations such as the coronavirus crisis, the reality is that the changes that have the horizon of compliance in 2030 have certainly been prepared well in advance of the coronavirus crisis, thus already on November 11, 2016 4 years ago Ida Auken member of the Danish parliament wrote an article on the website of the world economic forum where he indicated what the world would be like in the year 2030. It began by saying:
“Welcome to the year 2030, welcome to my city or should I say our city, I do not own anything, I do not own a car, I do not own a house, I am not your owner of furniture or of clothes "

The description of the future world already made on November 11, 2016 by Ida Auken, former member of the Popular Socialist Party, in an article published on the website of the world economic forum is highly revealing, that new "paradisiac" world would be characterized, in the first place Due to the total absence of private property, we would not be owners of houses, or cars, but not even clothes or kitchen utensils, presumably everything would belong to a superior entity that would grant us its use and we could not even choose why the algorithm will know better than us what is good for us.

Second, that use would be shared, even the house, where we could sleep, would be used by others in our absence.

Third, activities such as shopping would have disappeared because the same kitchen utensils were served to us when we needed.

Fourth, the work activities would be developed by robots and artificial intelligence, which leads to think about the immense number of unemployed who presumably would be allowed to live as a number more within the city.

Fifthly, everything we do, think and even dream, would be recorded, although we do hope that it will not be used against us.

Sixthly, this situation of termites in an anthill would be a privileged situation compared to that of others who died en masse, after all they were useless and obsolete, or who would try to survive in communes or those that have been occupying old populations or even those who seek to maintain a certain freedom against the government.

And in seventh place, this situation would have been reached after the loss of innumerable human lives, in the midst of a crisis caused by massive and illegal migrations, the destruction of jobs caused by hot weather, the immense and growing social disorders and the " appearance of diseases ”.

However you look at the future that underlies the article, it can hardly be more dire; First, the era of chaos caused by disorders, economic crises, massive diseases, and gigantic movements of illegal immigrants will come. In this process, an incalculable number of millions of human beings who are considered obsolete and useless will disappear. then on the ruins caused by chaos, cities will rise where people will be mere slaves with nothing, not even the right to think freely, even prefer that an algorithm make decisions for them.

In parallel, some communities will persist that will try to sustain themselves, presumably mired in fear and violence, and legions of squatters that settled in old European and American cities; happy cities will be hotbeds of termites subjected to totalitarianism, albeit with a minimum food and shelter assured, while the outside world will be simply the jungle; All of this will have been achieved thanks to the action of elites who are not subject to anyone who will have promoted the globalist agenda from instances such as the world economic forum or the Vatican.

A new and terrible Middle Ages will have descended on the human race, for the exclusive benefit as in the first Middle Ages, of an economic, social and political aristocracy to which religious leaders also yearn to belong, who knows if the slaves will be happy in that new world. seeing the fate of those who are abroad, who knows even if we still have time to prevent the implementation of that global dictatorship that some deny simply out of ignorance, out of interest or convenience, but what we do need to know is that more that we are never in the hands of God to avoid being subjected to that overwhelming slavery.

The truth will set us free ...

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