Hello dear friends! The reviews are in for the Brave New World tv series and some of them are rather funny. Well, the negative reviews are funny.
Anyways, that’s not all I have for you today, there’s a great deal of connections in the media, leading up to the release of the BNW series (July 15th). I’ve collected many a screen shot for this one, so the data impaired be damned for clicking on this post.
Welcome to the Third installment of my BNW series coverage, although it will unlikely be my last. For I plan to watch this show and cover a lot of the changes and similarities within (Mostly changes).
If you have seen my previous reporting on BNW. You may like to reference back to them after this. Just to see how accurate I was in my predictions on how they would warp the story to fit their modern ideologies.
[Brave New Television Series Coming.](https://steemit.com/news/@venomnymous/brave-new-television-series-coming
Brave New World: The TV Series [Update]
Alright, first review here. I think Jenna Anderson really likes the series. Perhaps not for the reasons you or I would like a show. 😉
Cashless society, something they decided to update about the story. Ya know, to keep along with the modern version of the agenda. Remember this story is nearly 90 years old now.
Redneck Americans at a Disney trailer park? Boy, I’m sure glad that they done away with nasty stereotypes. I mean what Native American would want to be portrayed with the stereotype of being strong, independent and one with the land and their peoples. Bigotry I tell you! A much needed change.
Another excellent shift in the story’s message! I’m sure everyone who’s reading this now would agree with me, when I say. That when I go to watch a show set in the future, I’m looking to relate with the current times in the real world. If it’s not teaching me about my white privilege in the future, like real life in the present, I simply can’t watch it.
Alrighty then! We’re going to need to clear our palates after that vomit fest. How about a rather funny bad review by Caryn James, shall we?
She comes in swinging lol. I agree to an extent on the technologies. However, this goes beyond test tube babies, that was merely the foot in the door to human reproduction.
The artificial wombs in Huxley’s vision, that’s the future we haven’t reached just yet. However, the tech exists, it’s being tested, proving its value. It will only be a short while before it becomes the answer, the alternative and eventually the standard for human reproduction.
This is a topic I’m all too familiar with. I recommend these two more recent works on the subject.
The Road To Human Invention Part 1: CRISPR Babies & The Brave New Womb
😂 suffice it to say, Caryn James is not a fan of the show. Anyways, we gotta move on.
This next article is not so much of a review, just had some interesting information about the show in it.
Oh yay, rainbow pills.
oh wow, this sounds awfully familiar.
“Most Disturbing Presentation Ever: Our Tech Nightmare ("Skinner Box") DICE 2010”
This is another negative review, this time by a Darren Franich. I didn’t screen shot much of it (Trying to keep things short as this post is time sensitive),but the link is in the sources should you like to read through.
Okay! This is the last of the reviews and by far the most disturbing of the bunch.
To imagine a world where overpopulation and environmental collapse are problems to be solved. I would first have to imagine being in a world, where those were real problems and not just narratives told to me since I was a young child.
“Crime a non-issue” Defund the police? lol
“science conquered disease and disability” eugenics 2.0
“Everyone has useful work”
Okay Thomas!
“Emotional equilibrium” via constant drugging.
“It’s a dystopia dressed up as a Utopia, or vice versa.”
Only someone who writes for the New York Times would think that Brave New World is actually a Utopia. 😂
Come on everyone, Lets taste the rainbow!
America is destroyed and reduced down to a savage reserve. Colour me shocked, that they would twist the story in this way. Most of the US probably re-wilded as per the agenda 21 wildlands biodiversity project map.
What ugly flares of racism? I’ve read the book a dozen times. There’s not one instance racism. In fact it was a society with different races all together. Noone seemed to have any issue with that in the book.
Silly me! I forget, just being white is racism! Duh! Good thing they were able to race flip and gender flip, the strongest and most powerful characters like Helmholtz and Mustapha Mond. That fixed it!
I rather liked Lenina as a sex bunny. She’s my favorite character. Bernard was annoying before and from the sounds of it I’ll still be annoyed by him.
John the savage, another character I don’t care for. All the same though I enjoy the story and how all the characters interact together. In the original version that is. I’ll reserve my judgement until I’ve seen the show, but tbh I’m not impressed so far with what I’m learning about it through these reviews.
look, I’m not uptight or a Christian or anything like that, but consequence free sex, drugs and fashion are not enough to get me to give up my sovereignty as an individual. I’ll never be just a cell in the social body. Never!
I just wanted to put these tv show covers up to show you what kind of programming is being put out there currently. A love triangle theme?
Originally aired in March in the UK. Now it’s here in rainbowunicornland aka Canada.
If I could describe Canada in 2020 with a gif it would be.
😂 anyways.
“Three thirty somethings” - 333 “Ray is the cement that binds them together”, “the falling star” Life used to be about starting a family and have a kid or several. In 2020 its going poly and taking on a third partner? Can you say depopulation?
Ugh, this article was soo long! It’s like reading one of my own 😂 but I think I got the parts worth addressing.
I actually agree with a bit of this. Yes, there has certainly been a lot of hype for the “one true love.” Now 2020 media pushes being a degenerate slut lol
Here’s the real point of life, to find a suitable mate and make babies. That’s essentially what it’s all about. We’re not meant for all of this mental illness.
I’m not saying you just settle for anyone, but on the other hand no one is perfect, you won’t likely find your fairytale and maybe they put those things in fairytales so that women wouldn’t breed with just any slob. They would select the best of the stock and improved the gene pool, if ya know what I’m saying 😉.
We may be civilized animals, but we are still animals and animals are about the preservation of their species. Stop f’ing around and have a family while you still can.
Because, as they just openly admit in this article. Polyamory is a further rejection of monogamy and therefore a rejection of the family nucleus.
Recipe for disaster! Yup, that’s the one! Lmao 🤣
They admit again, that polyamory is being pushed to the forefront via television. If you have to promote it, like in a 20 minute article like this. It’s not a natural shift and if it’s not a natural shift, it’s reasonable to assume that it’s not what is good for society or the human race for that matter.
If it’s not for everyone, why is it promoted that way? Why not let those who don’t fit into the natural love and devotion of monogamy find it on their own? But no, we don’t want that do we?
Yeah, no shit it’s a lot of work aka a distraction from having a real family. I mean this sounds like teenage stuff before you actually grow up and start a real life. Am I right?
Okay so 1. Archeologist argue it, doesn’t make it fact, and citing the Mormon’s makes no sense because they practised POLYGAMY, not polyamory.
Say it with me PO-LY-GA-MY
Now polygamy, that’s a the patriarchy, a man’s world. Which is the very thing you want to destroy if I’m not mistaken.
Nice try though.
What? How was that ever going to work? Notice the wave symbolism too.
The summer of love plays a role in what I’m writing about here, but we will get into that further down. I’m actually not writing this post in order. I started from the bottom, then I jumped to the beginning and I’m not working my way down. It’s very weird, but it’s just how it happened. Get over it! 😝
“for me it’s about cultivating meaningful and ongoing relationships with the potential for falling in love.”
I love it when these ‘experts’ totally expose their bullshit while trying to push their bullshit. So Pfeuffer here has been in a dozen of these relationships then just flat out admits she’s looking for her one love in essence. lmao are you kidding me?
That photo is a wtf. Why are they made to look like schoolgirls with pigtails and childlike giggling. Well, New World Order, that’s why.
No comment.
Okay proof? Show me one example of someone losing their job because of their polyamorous relationship. Zero examples exist. Child custody? Like really? The kids going to go to the biological parent. Three’s company, your not the parent. Case closed.
However, get a load of this next article.
Notice I highlighted the name of the town. We are going to get into that after the I address the rest of the article first.
Okay, I’m not good with math but 2 dozen out of a population of 80,000 equals not a good case for your argument. And of course, OF COURSE! The scamdemic is once again used as an excuse to implement theor new world order changes.
Mr.Scot I’ll refer you back to the first definition of family in many many dictionaries. Well, that will change as when they go in and change all the dictionary definitions and in fact they already have format words.
I highly recommend, that if you have any old dictionaries laying around, to hold on tight to them. They will be the only records left of what words really meant.
Lance (who rewrote the ordinance to include multiple partners) said while the government the literally tells the people what constitutes a family. I mean it’s just so hypocritical.
I’m confused on how these people are not recognized as human beings prior to the ordinance? Or are you saying they literally didn’t exist until they had a legally recognized relationship status? I’m trying to understand how they didn’t exist?
Oh, wait. Are they the type of people who identify by their sexual orientation? Yeah, they still have human rights as human beings and therefore their claims for extra rights are simply just that, extra rights aka PRIVILEGE.
“He said he had considered the possibility that a large number of people — say, 20 — would approach the city and ask to be registered as domestic partners.”
“I say, well what if they do?” Mr. Davis said. “I see no reason to think that is more of an issue than two people.”
I don’t know Mr.Davis, what’s the difference between 2 and 20? Fortunately, my math is good enough to tell you. It’s 18... that’s the difference.
That’s 18 more people that need to be registered and filed and paperwork filled out and tax dollar going right down the drain. Oh, and the real kicker is at the very end of this article. You’re gonna be pissed off, Just warning ya now.
Before get to the kicker. I want to share with you, this video called Cheerios family song. See, I can guess that you are already on the verge of vomiting again. So I’m just trying to help you hurl and get it over with, so we can continue, okay?
This is from the Ellen show’s YouTube channel.
Looks like these people already have legal protection. Just hop on over to the chosenite law centre. I wonder what other people call themselves chosen? Ah, never mind. Doesn’t matter, I’m sure It’s totally kosher.
Love that purple 👌🏻
Welcome to the Chosen Family Law Center! We are a nonprofit organization providing legal support services for LGBTQIA, polyamorous, and other underserved families, public education on these family forms, and training for professionals to support these communities with dignity. You have the right* to choose your family and protect your family with legal structure. We are here to help.
We support clients including:
Same-sex parents with Adoption & Assisted Reproductive Technology
Polyamorous & Multi-Parent Families
Platonic Co-Parents
Trans & Gender Non-Conforming Clients with ID Document Support
Caretakers of Disabled Partners & Parents
LGBTQIA Immigrants and Asylees with Adjustment of Status
Right? WTF. let’s just look at it this way and it becomes clear.
“Everyone Belongs to Everyone Else”
That’s it for polyamory articles. However, I’ve dedicated an entire post on the subject in the past. If you are so inclined to read it.
Everyone Belongs To Everyone Else Destroying Monogamy
All that crazy shit aside, what I find interesting about this story is the town name. “Somerville”. Aside from the fact that ‘Somer’ at a glance looks like Soma, the perfect drug in Brave New World. The name of the town is pronounced Summerville, which brings us the next connection.
Summer of love coding has been popping in the last week before BNW series release.
To add to the ‘summer love’ programming, Seattle mayor, Jenny Durkan, says “We could have a summer of love” in this CNN interview with Chris Cuomo (33).
So what does summer of love have to do with Brave New World? Well, aside from both being about free ‘love’ (Sex) and drugs. Aldous Huxley played a role in what lead to creation of the counterculture movement. Although Huxley died in 1963 ( 4 years before the summer of love took place), he was very much involved with mk-ultra and the experimentation with psychedelics that became a large part of that phenomenon known as the summer of love.
We talked about how to study and use the consciousness-expanding drugs and we clicked along agreeably on the do's and the not-to-do's. We would avoid the behaviorist approach to others' awareness. Avoid labeling or depersonalizing the subject. We should not impose our own jargon or our own experimental games on others. We were not out to discover new laws, which is to say, to discover the redundant implications of our own premises. We were not to be limited by the pathological point often view. We were not to interpret ecstasy as mania, or calm serenity as catatonia; we were not to diagnose Buddha as a detached schizoid; nor Christ as an exhibitionistic masochist; nor the mystic experience as a symptom; nor the visionary state as a model psychosis. Aldous Huxley chuckling away with compassionate humor at human folly.
And with such erudition! Moving back and forth in history, quoting the mystics. Wordsworth. Plotinus. The Areopagite. William James.[53]
~ Timothy Leary
As it turns out, Dr. Hoffer was a CIA MKULTRA doctor and worked with Dr. Osmond performing human experiments in Saskatchewan; as was Dr. John Smythies, who contributed to MKULTRA subproject 8 at the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology. As a CIA MKULTRA document of March 25, 1964, exposes, Osmond was further involved with Subproject 47 with Dr. Carl Pfeiffer, who wrote the letter on Osmond’s letterhead.[54]
Most today assume that the CIA and the other intelligence-gathering organizations of the U.S. government are controlled by the democratic process. They therefore believe that MK-ULTRA’s role in creating the psychedelic movement was accidental “blowback”. Very few have even considered the possibility that the entire “counterculture” was social engineering planned to debase America’s culture – as the name implies. The authors believe, however, that there is compelling evidence that indicates that the psychedelic movement was deliberately created. The purpose of this plan was to establish a neo-feudalism by the debasing of the intellectual abilities of young people to make them as easy to control as the serfs of the Dark Ages. One accurate term used for the individuals who were victims of this debasing was “Deadhead,” which is an equivocation for a “dead mind” or “a drugged, thoughtless person”.
Aldous Huxley predicted that drugs would one day become a humane alternative to “flogging” for rulers wishing to control “recalcitrant subjects.” He wrote in a letter to his former student George Orwell in 1949:
But now psycho-analysis is being combined with hypnosis; and hypnosis has been made easy and indefinitely extensible through the use of barbiturates, which induce a hypnoid and suggestible state in even the most recalcitrant subjects.
Within the next generation I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience. [emphasis added] [10]
~ Aldous Huxley
Decades later, one of the CIA’s own MK-ULTRA researchers, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, while citing Huxley had this to say on the matter:
The role of drugs in the exercise of political control is also coming under increasing discussion. Control can be through prohibition or supply. The total or even partial prohibition of drugs gives the government considerable leverage for other types of control. An example would be the selective application of drug laws permitting immediate search, or “no knock” entry, against selected components of the population such as members of certain minority groups or political organizations. But a government could also supply drugs to help control a population. This method, foreseen by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World (1932), has the governing element employing drugs selectively to manipulate the governed in various ways.
To a large extent the numerous rural and urban communes, which provide a great freedom for private drug use and where hallucinogens are widely used today, are actually subsidized by our society. Their perpetuation is aided by parental or other family remittances, welfare, and unemployment payments, and benign neglect by the police. In fact, it may be more convenient and perhaps even more economical to keep the growing numbers of chronic drug users (especially of the hallucinogens) fairly isolated and also out of the labor market, with its millions of unemployed. To society, the communards with their hallucinogenic drugs are probably less bothersome-and less expensive-if they are living apart, than if they are engaging in alternative modesof expressing their alienation, such as active, organized, vigorous political protest and dissent. […]
The hallucinogens presently comprise a moderate but significant portion of the total drug problem in Western society. The foregoing may provide a certain frame of reference against which not only the social but also the clinical problems created by these drugs can be considered.[11]
~ Louis Jolyon West
The idea of drugs for control seems to be an ancient one. Italian professor Piero Camporesi, writing on Medieval Italy in his book Bread of Dreams, says:
Adulterated breads had been put into circulation by the untori of Public Health: criminal attacks orchestrated by the ‘provisionary judges’ who were supposed to oversee the well-balanced provisioning of the public-square.
On the 21st, a Sunday, with Monday approaching, Master … [blank in the manuscript] Forni, Judge of provisions in the square of Modena, was arrested, along with the bakers, for having had forty sacks of bay leaf ground to be put into the wheat flour to make bread for the square, where it caused the poverty to those who brought it to worsen, so that for two days there were many people sick enough to go crazy, and during this time they could not work or help their families.[xii]
Camporesi later continues:
It would be wrong to suppose that one must wait for the arrival of eighteenth-century capitalism, or even of imperialism, in order to see the birth of the problem of the mass spreading of opium derivatives (first of morphine and then, today, of heroin) used to dampen the frenzy of the masses and lead them back – by means of dreams – to the ‘reason’ desired by the groups in power. The opium war against China, the Black Panthers ‘broken’ by drugs, and the ‘ebbing’ of the American and European student movements (supposing that hallucinogenic drugs were involved in the latter, as some believe), are the most commonly used examples – we don’t know with what relevance – to demonstrate how ‘advanced’ capitalism and imperialism have utilized mechanisms which induced collective dreaming and weakened the desire for renewal by means of visionary ‘trips’, in order to impose their will.
The pre-industrial age, too, even if in a more imprecise, rough and ‘natural’ manner, was aware of political strategies allied to medical culture, whether to lessen the pangs of hunger or to limit the turmoil in the streets. Certainly we could laugh at interventions which are so mild as to appear almost surreal, amateurish or improvised; but we must not forget that both in theory and in practice the ‘treatment of the poor man’, cared for with sedatives and hallucinogenic drugs, corresponded to a thought-out medico-political design.[xiii]
~ Piero Camporesi
A key element in the creation of America’s drug counterculture was “The Grateful Dead”, a rock band that passed out LSD to people attending its concerts in the 1960’s. At their concerts listeners were encourage to take LSD and to “tune in, turn on, and drop out.” An expression that instructed the LSD takers to abandon the modern world and join what McKenna coined the “archaic revival”.
There is a recording of Dr. Timothy Leary actually describing the retrograde culture that those who ‘dropped out’ would participate in.
(There’s a audio file of this talk in the original article I collected this material from)
In this talk, Leary, Alan Watts, Alan Ginsberg, Gary Snyder and Allen Cohen describe how those that “tune in, turn on, drop out” would abandon modern culture and return to the status of a peasant.
It is important to note that marketing and PR expert Marshal McLuhan, who had a strong influence on Leary and later McKenna, is the one who actually developed the expression “Tune in, turn on, and drop out”:
In a 1988 interview with Neil Strauss, Leary stated that slogan was “given to him” by Marshall McLuhan during a lunch in New York City. Leary added that McLuhan “was very much interested in ideas and marketing, and he started singing something like, ‘Psychedelics hit the spot / Five hundred micrograms, that’s a lot,’ to the tune of a Pepsi commercial. Then he started going, ‘Tune in, turn on, and drop out.’[xiv]
Bob weir talks about bohemian grove
LSD: Huxley’s Last Trip unveils astonishing relationships among literary, scientific, academic, and political leaders in the early period of psychedelic experimentation. Consequences of Albert Hofmann’s initial synthesis of LSD (personified by a soprano trio: Love, Sex & Death) are first observed in Aldous Huxley’s visionary experience as documented in his book The Doors of Perception. LSD goes on to play a central role in the excesses of the CIA’s top secret MK-ULTRA project, also influencing Crick and Watson’s shattering discovery of DNA. With Timothy Leary’s assistance, it contributes to the scandalous relationship between Mary Pinchot Meyer and John F. Kennedy. On November 22, 1963, the same day of JFK’s assassination, LSD eases Huxley’s final hours at his home in the Hollywood Hills.
That’s going to do it for now. I thank you for time and attention. Wish I could have dug a bit and gave you more information, however I just didn’t have the time. I worked really quickly to get this out on the day of the premier.
BNW is exclusive on nbc peacock streaming service. I don’t recommend giving them your money, maybe you can do a free trail in order to watch it. I’m in Canada so it’s not available to me. That won’t stop me from copping it online thought. 😉 LoL Anyways, thanks again and until next time.
Reporting from the BRAVE NEW WORLD, I am...
Summer of love
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