Denmark has some messed up tv shows aimed at children. It’s clearly a testing bed for the brave new world. The Hypersexualization of the youth is a depopulation method to redirect sex away from its purpose (reproduction) and steer it towards pleasure only.
Hey everyone, your ol’ pal VenomnymouS would like to take a second to ask for your help in my mission to get my family out of the city, to a much safer place. A great place with lots a wilderness and extended family.
I setup a go get funding campaign to help with my endeavor.
Get me out of the city! Fund
Whatever you can spare is most appreciated. Thank you.
As always a special thanks and shoutout to my Patreon crew Dante, Amanda, Patricia, Lyndsay, Brian D Ridgeway and the rest. Your support means a whole lot to me!

All my social media links over on Linktree
If you’d like to help support my work.
Crypto Donations:
Bitcoin: 3DANzmxFL6mtwWry65TvGkmtoqshGsmKCo