Big Lie Revisited

in hive-122315 •  last year 

Truth used to mean something. But it seems that, for large parts of some western societies, it doesn't mean anything at all anymore. Nowhere is this more evident than the dramatic cases of "Brexit" in Britain and the lies about the stolen 2020 elections in America. This week we saw the largest lawsuit related to that Big Lie end with a last minute settlement between Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems.


source: YouTube

"They're out to get us. They'll try to screw us over any which way they can." That's the Big Lie told in any country that's about to fall into the dark depths of authoritarianism and fascism. It's them against us, and against our cherished way of life. That's the lie, always. It's a clever reversal of the truth, as Trump's Big Lie about the stolen election was itself a ploy to try to steal the election. In Britain the people were told that Europe had total control over their economy and borders; "they are ruining our country," was the line fed to the riled-up masses. In both countries. Make our country Great Again...

The people were lied to, of course, in both cases, as Britain now experiences the greatest downturn in the economy and living standards in recorded history, and Americans watch their biggest cable news network prevent a painful public defamation lawsuit by paying the hefty sum of $787.5 million to Dominion Voting Systems. Now, you'd think this is good news, and that the guilty parties have seen the error of their ways. But you'd be wrong. It isn't. And they haven't. You see, truth isn't part of the equation at all with these people. Those at the receiving end of the Big Lies only hear what they want to hear. And when someone tries to tell them the truth, like the election isn't stolen or Britain's economy will crumble when separated from the third largest trading block in the world, all they can do is shout over them with the nonsense they've been fed from the dealing end of the Big Lies.

I hate it that Fox News was able to settle, even if the money they paid is no small change. Just look at the statement from Fox after the settlement:

"We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false. This settlement reflects FOX’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards. We are hopeful that our decision to resolve this dispute with Dominion amicably, instead of the acrimony of a divisive trial, allows the country to move forward from these issues."
source: Fox News

And you know their faithful watchers will buy it. Especially the bit about their "continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards." Dominion's lawyers, who initially filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News Media in March 2021, even said that Fox News won't give a public apology... Now that's where the truth has lost, where American Democracy has taken yet another beating. It means that, basically, the lie is allowed to stand. Fox was made to make a statement saying they agreed that "certain claims about Dominion" were false, but no public apology. The American people are owed an apology from Fox News Media, as its lies have made millions of Americans lose faith in Democracy for the rest of their lifes, and were instrumental in the incitement of the January 6 storming of the Capitol. Millions of Americans will never trust an election result ever again, unless their preferred candidate wins.

Fox News, serving as the bullhorn for Trump's Big Lie, was instrumental in the near fatality suffered by American Democracy, and this settlement saves it from having to publicly admit their mendacious and destructive behavior. In the run-up to this settlement internal communications have been leaked from Faux News in which they admit they knew they were selling lies, but feared they'd lose significant numbers of viewers if they told that truth. It was leaked that Tucker Carlson, their number one talking head, "passionately hates Donald Trump". I believe the American people are owed to see him and other prominent Fox Liars sweat in the stand trying to defend the indefensible.

It's not to be though. In closing I'd like to briefly mention another possibility of an even Bigger Lie that's about to be covered up. A non-political one. Have you heard about the big discovery made by the James Webb telescope? Chances are you haven't, because it's not been in the news much. The James Webb telescope is the newer, much more powerful version of the Hubble telescope, and is used to watch extremely distant galaxies. It has discovered, and photographed, six enormous galaxies that should not exist. Long story short; these galaxies already existed a half billion years after the supposed Big Bang. And that's not possible according to conventional wisdom, as it takes many billions of years to form galaxies of that size. That scares a lot of established scientists who have build their careers around the current Big Bang theory, and that may be the reason why this enormous discovery hasn't been widely reported on...

Anyway, as you watch the below linked video, you now know why I'm not as optimistic about this settlement, and why I do not think it's a "great day for democracy"...

BREAKING: Fox gets CRUSHED in Devastating MAJOR Dominion UPDATE

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