RE: White Straw Man

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White Straw Man

in hive-122315 •  4 years ago 

I watched the video. Nowhere within it did it mention that anyone should kneel down to anyone because they were the first to formally put an end to slavery.

Indeed it didn't. These disingenuous liars would never outright say what they really mean to say. That's also why I never said they "mention" anything worthwhile or truthful; they "suggest" only. With a lie, to be clear. Whites weren't the first to enslave and consequently weren't the first to abolish slavery. And of western societies, America was late to that party as well.

Are you suggesting it is not something to be proud of if you put an end to slavery?

Exactly. Especially when you're only one of the last to do so. Maybe you'll understand it like this: say a group of men, black, white, red and yellow, for decades buy little boys and girls from human traffickers, to take them home and sexually and mentally abuse them. Now take into account this is considered normal behavior in their society. Say a couple of those men decide that what they've done all those years is wrong and free the abused children... See where this is going? Should they be proud? Should they get a pat on the back? And if so, should they be the ones to give that pat on their own back?

If it is not, please note where PragerU or Candace Owens have said that racism no longer exists...

You must not be familiar with Owens. Here's an example: Candace Owens' 'America is not a racist country' comment sets off Twitter firestorm. Or: Candace Owens Says She Never Had ‘Race Issues’ Even Though She Sued For Racial Discrimination. Youre right though; I should have said they claim that systemic racism doesn't exist anymore. But let's also be clear here: Owens makes tons of money from white Republicans by being a black woman who goes around saying that racism is basically a thing of the past, that police brutality is a myth and that BLM protesters are playing the victim-card instead of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.

The video you posted is a great video for explaining the history of slavery and showing that it is not strictly a phenomenon isolated to the United States, as many seem to believe within the US.

There's that straw man again; "as many seem to believe within the US"... This is tiresome. WHO in the US believes that slavery or slave trade is isolated to the United States? Who? I know that many right wingers accuse leftists of believing that, but that's exactly the straw man. And talk of reparations is racist..? You serious? You actually play the "let's all be color-blind" card here? There's a difference between feeling guilt over something your ancestors did (which is wrong and stupid in my opinion), and just acknowledging that history and what effects it has today (which is the right thing to do in my opinion). You know who did get reparations? The slaveholders did. For losing their main source of income.

In short: I have to politely disagree with your criticism and with your opinion on the PragerU / Candace Owens video...

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