A Lot of People Are Going To Die Soon. Here Is Some Clues About What Happens So You Do Not Feel So Bad

in hive-123046 •  2 months ago 


"Modern Christianity" wrote all of this out of the Bible, but you can still find some of the pieces in there. We will correct this here soon. The Vatican gets broken, and many Bibles / tomes / scrolls will be published on the internets.

Also, when we get the "scientific" stick up our butts, pulled out, then we will more simply accept all the tales from people who had near death experiences. (Our modern materialistic science is really anti-religion. The lengths they go to, to write God out of the world, is astounding)

What i will write here will seem anti-Christian, and anti-science, but it is really not, and i do not wish to challenge them. They will come around on their own. Because, this is the truth, and the truth will be found if sought. (however, i can only write so good, and i can only explain so well, and i can only explain these things through the human lens.)

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Heaven and Hell

Although heaven and hell are real, they are not what Christians believe them to be. The Christians have taken several pieces, all mistranslated and combined them together to make them a "eternal" place of life after death.

Heaven is a rest area in between lives. It has many levels, and you will go to the one that matches your level. The third level looks a lot like the Bible depicts. Streets paved with gold. Everyone going to the center to sing praises to God. And this place is important for those who's ability to interact with God is by singing. (and over on that side, singing is a lot more involved. Like you could say that God "sung" the world into being. That song is how you see the real world. and such)

Hell is a place where you go to burn the sins out of you. Being a human is quite hard on the soul. You need to burn all of that out of you. You also need to condense all of your experiences down into wisdom that you would want to carry on to your next life. This is all done in Hell. And so, you will go to hell for as long as you need to.

On that side, there is no good guys and no bad guys. The Earthling experience is planned and choreographed. So, you and your friend may decide to play cops and robbers. Meaning, one of you has to play the bad guy. So, there is no permanent casting of your soul to suffer in Hell.

But the trial is real. But, it is not really St. Peter. It is you, and all of your in-between-life guides all getting together to analyse every part of your life. You are the judge, you are the prosecutor, and you are the defendant. You will see every act that you did, and the consequences of that act, and what everyone involved in that act thought, and how they were affected. And, if you listen closely, you can hear that trial happening right now. All the pieces are there inside of you right now.

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Time In Between Lives

This is weird, and hard to explain. Because there is no time. But, to humans stuck in linear time, even our analogies are poor at explaining it.

To the question:

  • Do we stay with our children and loved ones, after we die, to see how they are doing and watch over them?
  • Do we immediately reincarnate?
  • Do we become out own great grandson?
  • Can we get stuck on earth and become a ghost who doesn't want to cross over?

And the answer is yes.

Yes, even if you are in two places at the same time.

Generally, in your current incarnation arc, you will often be born into the same family, often with two generations in between your lives. This is because you have a great deal of energy built up in between your family members, and a lot to work out. The family group has decided to work on certain things, and work on them together. It is a long, and iterative process.

Or, you may be born into a different family each lifetime. Where you have come to either be completely independent of the family, or to help out the family with what they are trying to do/achieve/experience.

The time in between lives may seem like a few years after you die, but that is not really true. There is no time on that side. So, it is about the dance of life and the stars when you will be reborn.

Further, you may, or may not be born into the same timeline. If you die in 2025, you will likely be born again in 2026-2030, but it could be 4100, or 300 BC, or even 2024. (and it can be said that it is all of those, because all of this is happening at once)

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When you croak

When your body expires, you will begin a process of pulling your soul in from the extremities of your body into your center, and then you will go up through the spinal cord out out the top of your head. This journey, to most people, looks like a tunnel of light.

You will then, usually, be greeted by someone you used to know, or an angel who is intimately familiar with you and guided to the other side.

Then there is a big party of you returning. With all your friends, past and present.

Then there is your trials, or your reviews of your life/lives.

Then you will begin discussing with your guides and friends about how, what and where your next life should be like.

Further, you stay with your children, with the important people in your life and watch over them.

And you go to hell and heaven for as long as you need.

(no wonder many people are confused when you try to talk about this stuff with them)

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There are a lot of rules that have changed since 2012. And if you die and come back, you can get all the advantages of those new rules.

Good has won, so you do not have to start off balanced, in between good and evil, so that you can decide between the two. This means that the trauma you experience as a child can be massively lowered.

Things that are learned this life (life lessons) will be learned, and will stay learned into your new life.

That voice within you that always seems to bring up the worst memories, will now start bringing up both good and bad memories that apply to the current situation.

Good people will start living longer, and being more healthy. Yes, this applies right now, to your current life, but with a fresh start, you will stay looking younger, longer, and won't develop so many ailments.

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Right now we have just about ended the in between times, and now we have entered the time when good has won, and we have to clean up all the evil that was let into the world. This is no small task, but things will get better with each step we take forward. (instead of swinging back and forth)

Now that we are just about finished with the times of change (magnetic field change / energy of earth change) a lot of people will be leaving. Many being that were here only to live through the changes. Many beings who want to reset into these new energies.

So, we are going to see a lot of people die. And there will be so many excuses why they are dead: natural disasters, fires, wars, accidents and the VAXXX.

When you see your friends die, remember that they will be back. You may want to develop your senses so that you are able to recognize your friends when they return. Don't be too sad that those close to you have croaked. Mourn their loss, and remember it is just like walking through a doorway. There is nothing hard about it. There is no pain on that side. And a part of them is with you for the rest of your life.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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