Good Vs. Evil - Why does this old stereotype exist? What Does It Mean?

in hive-123046 •  5 months ago 


Good vs Evil is the oldest stereotype. Everyone know the meme, but it seems very few actually know what good, or evil is. And if you do not know, then you can't fight for either side. You will just be striking out randomly.

But, the reality is that evil knows about you and your predilections. They know how you think, they programmed you to think that way. So, your "random" striking out will do nothing, or hurt good.

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
Henry David Thoreau

Good is often arguing whether evil actually exists, while evil knows it exists.

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Why Good vs Evil?

Because, that is the root of free will. That is the ultimate choice in a collective, co-creating world. You, we, have the power to decide to build something up, or tear it down. But, that is not a really good description, for good often has to tear things down, or clean the board, to build something new. Evil is destructive. And not in a way of knocking down your blocks while you are building with them. That is just childish. Evil likes to make the blocks just slightly off angle so your towers lean, or slightly rounded so any tower built with them will fall. Evil gets into the blocks and corrupts them.

An example of this is Microsloth, and what they did to the computer.
You see, in early computers, the programming interface was right there. You could make anything.
Winders came along, and now you need to know a great deal to get a programming interface. It became harder and harder to make your computer do what you wanted. And now, you aren't even the owner of the computer you purchased. The software you purchased, isn't even a license anymore, it is "rental" at the whim of every company that touches upon it.

This is evil manifesting. Destroying the basis of your creation. Corrupting the very tools you use to create with.

So, we have good trying to build new and interesting things, and we have evil working at getting everyone to self-sabotage everything. There is huge diversity created when playing off these forces. However, over time, evil will consume and destroy everything. So, if evil wins, evil spirals in to nothingness. If good wins, it spirals out into many manifestations.

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How Good Wins

Evil has programmed to everyone to believe that you go and "shoot" the bad guy, then you save the world. (It is in all the movies, books and other media.)

And then evil divides people into two groups, telling each the other is the "bad guy". We have people who put "COEXIST" bumper sticker on their car, that are deciding people of certain skin colors are evil, because they built up their society, and others did not.

They have repulsivekins fighting dumbocraps, to such an extent that cities are being burnt down.

We have the rich vs the poor, and all the poor believe it, not seeing the real enemy is those who are skimming money from the money printing operation. And that there is even a money printing operation.

The first thing is that good needs to learn to see evil. And then, to not allow evil into their lives, at any cost.

So, we have groups of evil people trying to poison us through our food supplies. We should each have our own verified food supply and never give it up. Even unto death.

We do not fight, in court or in politics, their making bugz and trying to put it in all of our diets. The courts and politics are in evil's domain. The good's version of these things isn't even in our lexicon yet. We just do not partake in the bugz. We don't eat them, we do not buy them, we do not ship them. We expose all packages with bugz in them. We expose the truth.

And we do this because we have our own food supply.

We do this with all institutions.
We do not send our children to govern-cement schools
We do not buy things from businesses that are controlled by evil. We build our own things through a network of cooperations.

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The most important tool in this battle is truth

We have people burning down cities, because they demand people be more kind and compassionate.

This is only doable when you have absorbed too much un-truths. The idea that you can force someone to be kind, or compassionate is a complete falsehood. But there are so many movies. "She yells at him, and he changes his ways" Doesn't EVER work in real life. And if it does work, they have changed out of fear of retribution, which doesn't mean they have changed, it is that they are bottling it up inside, and sometime it is going to explode out.

That we still believe there is an us vs them happening. Why have we not gotten past this? What should happen is that we, our group, our family, has their place, and they protect their place. Killing all invaders. Self defense is extremely important. It is the most kind and compassionate thing you can do for yourself.

After you have your place, and they have their place, you can negotiate and work out mutually beneficial cooperation. Also, you can work on accepting others for being different. Different ideas, different views. As long as they are not destructive to you or the planet. (and ideas of CO2 destroying the earth need to be replaced with truth about pollution, we must stop pollution. But plants need CO2. We may need to work out how to make more CO2)

As you saw in this example, we must be very careful about the "truths" we take in. We have many people believing, correctly, that we are hurting, poisoning, polluting the earth, but this concern is hijacked. That thousands of corporations are polluting the environment is ignored. That is too complicated, and replaced with the simple CO2 story. Now we have people trying to stop CO2, and doing things that are MUCH more harmful to the planet.

We, each of us, will need to become better at discernment. First, we should probably stop listening to known liars (The MSmockingbirdM is known propagandists and liars) for information. But this also means we have to go out and find news sources that are accurate and reliable.

And realize that our entire understanding of science is completely messed up. So, things that we just accept as scientific fact, are not so.

Add to that atheism. The religion of hatred of the idea of God.

The Big Bang. Most people know about it, and think it is a solid theory, because it has been repeated so much. But, really, a big bang could have only created this universe if there was a guiding force, a structure that the bang exploded into. Basically, the rules of universe had to be created first, and loving set down, so that life could exist in balance. A little bit, one way or the other, and the universe doesn't last. Nor would it be able to create DNA. Nor life.

Few science teachers point out this HUGE HOLE in the theory. They instead say that "this" universe won the galactic lottery. Meaning, one person won all the lotteries in NY from the first to the latest. That is the odds that this universe just came into existence unaided by a superior intelligence / creator.

So, you see, we believe a lot of things that are just plain lies, because the "Science" was built on a foundation of quick sand.

We really have to find out the truth, or our efforts can be turned to evil so easily.

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Build new systems. Do not fight the old systems, just abandon them to collapse on their own.

There is no "bad guy" that we can shoot that makes everything better. Of course, there are many bad people, and we should remove them from political office, and the TV, and from any part of our lives.

But, resisting them, fighting them, will only making them stronger. They are nothing but well speaking puppets. Their lives are meaningless and petty if left alone.

We must start again at the beginning.

Each of us must become farmers once again. And never be lured off the land.

A tree is known by its fruit. A bad tree can only make bad fruit.
Similarly, we should probably not trust anyone who is not a farmer.
If they do not grow their own food, they are probably not someone who will be good to interact with.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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