In the Near Future, There Is A Lot Less People

in hive-123046 •  4 days ago 


The evil mother WEFers have done a lot to destroy this planet and poison everyone.

Most everything in an American supermarket makes you fat and sick. It is not as bad in Europe, but they still have seed oils and sugars, the two biggest killers.

The mother WEFers are poisoning our air with Chemtrails and 5G radio waves. And whatever else the cell towers are putting out.

The "green revolution" is just causing humans to waste precious energy. No, really, most of the "green things" do not put out/save enough electricity to balance out the diesel that was used to make them. Battery powered electric vehicles are the worst. They put out more toxic pollution before they reach the show room floor, than an ICE car puts out its entire life. And that is TOXIC pollution, Big diesel engines used to move tons of earth to get the materials to make the batteries. With no regulations ore emission standards. And we poo-poo all over the gasoline engine that has many things to make it run as cleanly as possible.

So, a lot of people are set up to die soon because of the WEF, however, the die off is not really that the WEF is doing such a great job killing people off, but that a great many beings were here just to personally see if humanity could make it past 2012. To personally feel the shift and be a part of it.

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The VAXXX has killed off so many, and we don't even know it yet.

The Covaids VAXXX has killed off a lot of people. It is just that the body is incredibly resilient. Even with many arteries clogged, the blood still gets to every part of the body. However, the restricted blood supply has its toll. Many old people are falling down a lot, because their heart just isn't up to the task, and not enough blood is getting to the legs.

The VAXXX is not something you can just naturally get over. It is a matter of how much of your life was taken by the VAXXX. So many diseases, so many AIDs sicknesses where the body attacks itself, so many heart problems, so many strokes, are all due to the VAXXX. And "modern medicine" wonders why is this all happening now? It must just be a coincidence.

However, the biggest killer is yet to be noticed. Many young women are now infertile. We are only sorta noticing the stats, because, right now, most of the ones infertile are in the group that gets all the abortions. Birth rates have plummeted. And we put that onto economic and societal pressures. But, it is not all of it. We will probably not notice the huge infertility until this group of women actually try to get preggers.

And worst is that the scaremonger media has taken 5 years off everyone's lifespan. This is what constant fear does to a person. It will be obvious when we look back on the whole Covaids incidence, and the life expectancies that dropped when the news started reporting on it.

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A lot of people are going to die off. Good people are going to start living longer.

Death is but a doorway. You leave this life behind, and re-enter the time-stream with a new life.

One of the big things about the death/rebirth cycle is that it was impossible to learn your life's lesson, and then use it right away. You needed to be reborn so that you start off in the new energy, attuned to that new energy.

Today, things have changed. We are able to process the life lesson and change our energy structure with out dying. More and more people will do this as this planet starts to mature.

So, a lot of people are dying right now (or getting ready to die) for these reasons:

  1. They were just visiting and don't need to hang around. The party's over, now we need to clean up.
  2. There was so much childhood trauma due to the mindlessness of the last few generations and the failed experiment of the nuclear family. And so, many are being reborn so that they can shuck off this trauma.
  3. Young people, especially engineers and builders are going to be needed to work with the new technologies. And to erase all that schooling is a pain. So, be reborn now so you will start coming of age when the new technologies are available.
  4. People are going to start living longer. Like, 100s of years longer. And so we need to balance the planet/birthrates. You will notice this if you look, but most really won't notice that as people start living hundreds of years, that we are not faced with an exploding population.

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Cleaning up those mother WEFers and other evils.

There is a lot of animosity and unfinished business left in the hearts of many men. There are groups of people (often countries) who are upset with their neighbors (other countries) and there will be a lot of battles to clear these out. So that people can finally get to an end point, where they realize both groups have rights and wrongs, and need to learn to accept the others as they are. There are going to be many unCivil wars all over the world.

But, an even bigger thing will be the outrage towards those mother WEFers who did many crimes against humanity. BigPharma will be hunted down over the VAXXX. Doctors in hospitals will not be safe. The MSM will be hunted down for their complicity in pushing the VAXXX. The Fed Board Members will be put on trial for their destruction of the world's economies. Monsan-Bayyer's executives will be harassed everywhere they go in the world for what they did to farmland.

You want to know why Epstein/Didly lists are not going to be given out? Because people will go to congress and shoot every one of them. There are only a handful that is not on the list. And, they are all narcissists. Meaning it is of utmost importance to remove them from positions of power.

We will radically change voting laws. Like, it will be easier to vote someone out than it was to vote them in. We may even have to vote to keep them in. Like a monthly vote, where if they fail, they are gone. Voting will be done in rounds, where a person cannot manipulate the vote by deciding which order to present the vote offs. And, we will introduce ways of testing for cluster B personalities, and eliminating them before they get to the final votes.

What the mother WEFers have done will become common knowledge, and there will be no place on earth that T.H.E.Y. will be safe.

And, by the way, good people will be living longer. Evil people are going to be living much shorter lives.

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There will be a lot of deaths, from wars, famines, natural disasters, unnatural disasters, the VAXXX, food poisons and many other issues. But, humanity makes it through all this and comes out much better.

Children will be happy, and tell their parents, "you are the best parents i have ever had". Because they remember their previous lives (and don't just forget them like today) and actually can tell that these new people, and us moving back into a tribes/large family system is so much better for raising children. Just thing how great that will be! Many people are chomping at the bit to croak so they can get in on that good, good, action.

The VAXXX MSM said "this is the new normal". However, there will not be a new normal for about 50 years. There is so much change, so much destruction of evil structures, so much clean up of evil, that we will be shocked just how much there is to do in these 50 years. From those living in it, it will be constant change.

Every major system on the planet is going to be torn down, torn apart, and something completely new will replace it.

Like, children will have an AI empowered, individual learning experience, where they go at their own pace. The classrooms, and boring teachers, and learning to obey the bell will be gone.

Like, there will be a good-news-channel. The old paradigm of news-readers telling you how horrible everything is and how you should be afraid will be gone.

Like, overbearing and controlling govern-cements will no longer exist. What will be in its place will be a group of specialists and high intelligence people that will help groups with their problems. They will not intrude unless asked.

Just a much different world. Just a lot of people will need to be reborn to accept and work with this.

And, oh yes, by the way, we have entered into a mini-ice-age. And that is going to change the face of the Earth.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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I don't know about that. I have watched as ..., participated as ..., stood against..., stood for ..., and be reborn in the flesh? Cloned?

There's some very bad folks out there and they are not gone yet.

We have barely gotten to the part where we recognize that there is shit that needs to be cleaned up. We haven't even gotten the broom and the dust pan out.