Missing Pieces in The Law of Attraction

in hive-123046 •  5 months ago 


Today i will try to talk about why the Law of Attraction doesn't seem to work.

People, so often say, "I think about it all the time and nothing happens for me." Why is that? Are they lying? Does the Law of Attraction sometimes fail? Is it something they are missing? Does destiny block it from coming true?

Other people seemingly don't think about it at all, and they always have good things happening to them. Why do they get to be so lucky? Is it really luck? Couldn't anyone do what they are doing? If there is a Law working here, then everyone should be able to do it.

And further, why do some people succeed, only to then fail, or lose it all?

It's enough for many people to say the firmly do not believe in the Law of Attraction.

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Are you thinking about bills or dollar bills?

When someone says they are thinking / focussing on something, and its opposite is manifesting, it is usually because they are focussing on its opposite. Or, they are thinking of NOT this.

The universe, and your subconscious, doesn't hear the word "no". Like, if you want "no bills", all the universe hears is this person wants more bills.

Further, most people really want bills. They have a cell phone that they really love using, and that requires a payment each month. What they really want is more money to easily afford the bills that keep coming. So, when people say, "They do not want bills", they are both lying, and focussing on attracting more bills.

And lastly, asking for money is very hard and extremely nebulous. Currency is a movement of energy. You can't really ask for a static moving thing. (saying that you want lots of money in your bank account, just sitting there)

The way business people get rich (or seem rich) is they have a lot of currency flow through their lives. And the currency is there not because the entrepreneur is attracting money, but because they are attracting business. (sales and contracts) They are supplying people with goods, they are providing manufacturers with money. They are fulfilling many needs and desires, and so currency flows through them.

Do you see how this is an extremely different mindset to the "i don't want any more bills" mindset?

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Radically changing your vibration

Many people are the way they are, and attract the things they do because of a lifetime of living that way, and thinking that way. If you have childhood trauma, you have coping mechanisms that were essential for your survival when you were a child, but are usually not very beneficial to you as an adult. These things have been with you all of your life, and when you recognize them, you want to change them. But, you so often get again, what you got.

These kinds of situations, and everyone has thought patterns that were programmed into them when they were a child, affect manifesting what you want in serious ways. Such as, if you do not consider yourself a person worthy of having what you want, you will sabotage all efforts to manifest that thing. Or, if you believe you have to do X to get Y, and you do not like X, then you may never get Y, even if there are dozens of ways you could get Y without X. These paths won't even occur to the person. They, almost, literally can't see them, even if shown.

So, changing your vibration here is difficult. You have formed a rut in your energy pattern. And, when you try to leave, you will so often fall back into that rut. And further, you will run into life seemingly questioning you on whether you really want to change. There will be tests asking you if you really want to change, or go back to your old rut.

So, the Law of Vibration is working, there is just a lot more going on than one simple focus. They Law of Vibration keeps bringing you more of what you are putting out, until you truly change inside, and that you start vibrating at a different level.

What is really shitty is that, once you made the shift. After you really changed your vibration, you will often think, "Why did it takes so long?" You, from this new vantage point, can't imagine how the old you used to attract the old stuff. It just seems so foreign, even though, rationally you know what you did.

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Your vibration changes what you see

Modern people tend to think that they will believe it when they see it. Implying that if they can't see it, it isn't real.

However, based on your vibration, your frequency, you are only able to see that frequency or lower. You really are blind to many things. You cannot see solutions to your problems, even when they are staring you in the face.

When the tech level of a planet is at the automobile, it is difficult to see yourself flying around in your flying car. But, we already have the idea in our zeitgeist, so it is only a matter of time before it will be our reality. It will seem that we are stuck using automobiles forever, and then, a trickle of flying cars, and then more, and then everyone has flying cars. And we will look back and think, why did it take us so long?

So, we must understand that we are not seeing the whole world. We might be very intellectual, and think we have paid very exacting attention to the world, however, we really must know that there are parts we cannot see. If you have a problem, it is because you cannot see a solution. When you are in the vibration of the problem, you really are blind to solutions. But, when you are aware of the problem then it comes to your mind that there is a solution(s) out there. And so, you begin looking for one. And by expanding your awareness, by searching, you will at some point come across a solution. And then the solution will be your new reality.

What is important here is realizing that you cannot see everything. And because of that, it is not hopeless, and the solution is out there.

If you are a person who has suffered childhood trauma, you will often let people walk all over you. And it is easy to think this is just the way people are. Give them an inch, and they will leave tread marks all over your heart. However, when you learn to set boundaries and properly defend those boundaries, than people rarely walk all over you. And it seems only the rare asshole does, and you quickly remove them from your life.

When you are being the people please, you cannot conceive of boundaries, and after you have healed that, you cannot conceive of letting yourself go without having your boundaries. Notice that this is a change in how much of reality you can see.

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The Law of Attraction is literally the basis of our universe, the thing that makes our universe work, and all other things are built up upon. However, it is so easy to think that it doesn't work, because we are unaware of our truth thoughts, nor can we see the cage (rut) we are in.

Instead of fighting against the Law of Attraction, it is better to start training yourself to see where you are at, and pay attention to your actual thoughts. Especially the emotions that come up with those thoughts. These tell you how much in, or out of, alignment you are with the things you are trying to manifest, or those things you are in a rut manifesting.

Soon, probably a few generations, humanity will all be trained at a very early age about the law of attraction and how to use it. It will be our norm. And, to everyone it will be, of course its this way. It is obvious how it works.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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