One Of the Hardest Things For Spiritual People To Do Is Attract Money

in hive-123046 •  5 months ago 


There are so many issues with money, that all you can do is dive into the deep end and hope you can swim.

Issues ranging from your care of all people, and the idea that there is only so much, so that you having money is taking from others.

Issues of you not feeling "good enough" to be worthy to have money.

Issues of you wanting to help, even when you do not have enough for yourself.

And some of the most villainous reasons, you have been lied to about what money is. So, instead of attracting money, you are really attracting more bills. You are attracting evil into your life, and more suffering into the world.

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An abundance mindset??

If you believe the world is limited, then the world is limited.
If you believe the world is abundant, then the world is abundant.

There is some huge problems with these statements. Although they are true, It is not just you who is believing, it is all the people of the planet. If you are a great compassionate and spiritual being, like Buddha or Ishua, you could easily change your beliefs to live in an abundant world, however, you also want to take all the people in the world, to that abundant world. To not leave anyone behind.

So, you need to live in the zeitgeist of the world, under what the collective consciousness is working with.

If it is food abundance you would like to see more of, then start locally. Show people how to garden, and how to garden efficiently, with all the time saving tools that are provided by our modern world.

You can pull up a few people in your local area. Because we have "space" we can separate into pockets where there is a little more or less abundance. So, you pull up a few people in your area. And others do the same. And we bring more abundance to the world.

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Banksters are really EVIL!

Banksters have turned money inside out and upside down. So that, when you think you are attracting money, you are really attracting its opposite.


When a plumber comes to your house and fixes your plumbing, he then hands you a bill. You then hand him an equal number of bills, and you two call it even.

Yes, The Dollar BILL is a bill. A note, an IOU, an instrument of debt. Just like the plumber's bill. Just like all the bills you get in the mail each month. The electric bill, the water bill,…

So, when you are paying your bills, and you are frustrated with not having enough money, you ask the universe for more bills. Yes, the very thing you do not want. The easiest path for the universe is to raise your water bill.

Do you see how we live in upside down world designed specifically this way by the banksters?

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Attracting money can be really hard.

Do you hate money? Most spiritual people do.

There are dozens of ways people hate money. And if you hate money, you drive it away from you.

From this point, there are a few ways forward. Such as, live in a barter world. Find people you can trade something of value that you make for something of value they make. (trading milk for eggs) In doing this, you sidestep money and all the negative feelings you have for it.

Another way is to learn what money is, and how to work with it.

First, you have to learn its true names.

The dollar bill is a debt instrument. It is also a currency; not money. A currency, like a current in a river, has to stay flowing. If you go grab a bucket of it, it will slowly disappear. Like evaporation. Or it will be used up quite quickly. Leaving you feeling a lack of water. But there is a whole river of it there. So, you must learn to take and give back to the river. You must become a part of the current cycle.

An entrepreneur uses the currency. Paying for goods and labor, to sell a product, to get more currency, to pay for goods and labor… This is what currency does. This is how to use currency. Always in a loop. And then you will find that you will have lots of currency flowing through your hands, and can divert some of it to other tasks, like exchanging for other bills.

Currency is not designed to stay still. Piling it up under your bed is not where currency wants to be. It will flee from these places.

You must learn to invest your currency. (how, for spiritual people is difficult, and the world of "assets" is changing, so i will leave it for another post to discuss investing for spiritualists)

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One of the first steps of attracting wealth is to fix your beliefs about yourself. Are you a poor person, or a wealthy person? This has nothing to do with how much money you have. Most spiritual people i know have a poor person mindset. Or worse, an "i can get by on as little as possible" mindset. Both of these are a manner of hating money, and need to be changed.

We see tons of evil people doing bad things with money, and we hate that. And, with our lack of understanding about money, we find it easy to just hate the money. We blame it all on the money.

And if we actually blamed it on the banksters, and their making dollar bills out of thin air (stealing from people in inflation), then we might affect the world positively, seeing what we don't want, and moving towards what we do want.

However, we typically, because lack of training in financial literacy, do a push / pull thing with money. We want it, we need it, and we hate it, and wish it would just go away. Do you see how that would make your life miserable? And the universe gets beaten up because people are upset when they get what they asked for.

Fortunately, we now have crypto currency, like bitcoin. Leading us back to solid money. Where we separate bills (gas, electric) and money to pay them. So, once again, the world will start working like most people think. And when the person puts their thoughts into attracting money, they may actually get money. Instead of attracting more bills.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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