So Much Evil In Our World, That We Just Consider Normal

in hive-123046 •  3 months ago 


Our world has chosen good. If we had chosen evil, this planet would be a barren rock.

It is the way of these Universal plans/experiments. If evil wins, since evil is inherently self destructive, then reset and let all the souls/beings out of the system. Don't leave them in just to suffer more while the inevitable destruction takes place.

Free will, on this planet just got a little bit smaller. The structures, the magnetic resonances that allowed for evil are gone. It is like the light has been turned on, and all the politi-roaches go scurrying, but there is no place to hide. Everything based/built on evil will crumble. We will watch BigPharma collapse here soon. And they are evil. Imagine building a structure where you profit off of people remaining sick! Now, going forward, no one will deal with a corporation who does these kinds of shenanigans. And the length of time it takes to look out to the public that this corps is doing bad things will get shorter and shorter.

However, these big corporations doing quite evil things are not what needs to be discussed, it is all of the little evils that we consider normal. So normal that we have sayings, like "There is no evil, there is only shades of gray".

Some of the worst evils are things we tell our children so that they will obey us, or to shut them up, or to control them so that they will do what you think is best for them.

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Narcissists and Psychopaths

A group that we think of as just cruel, or bullies, are narcissists.

I use this term as the diagnosed condition where a person does not have warm empathy. They do not see you as another human, they see you as you would see a television, or some cattle in need of herding.

The do not have empathy, so they can kill a person / destroy their life, and they won't have any guilt from it. Their sleep will not be disturbed because of it.

Most people have a line they will not cross. Only this much bad, and not further. But the narcissist has no limit. They will go as bad as they think they can get away with. I have seen them keep up the abuse of their family members, even when that family member was in the hospital dying.

These narcissists want power. And they will do anything, and say anything to get it. The narcissist politician will promise you anything that they believe will get them elected. And then, they will NEVER give it to you. If they give it to you, then they would have to figure out something more you want. And that is just work. So much better to dangle what you want in front of you for as long as possible.

In the future, we will elect people based on how much compassion they have. Narcissist do not have any. They can only mimic it. So, in a contest of who can be more compassionate, the narcissist will expose themselves almost every time they talk.

And truly, you do not want to elect someone who doesn't care about their constituents. Because, they will never do anything good, and will perform as much hurt as they can get away with.

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Parents and parenting

We do all kinds of things that destroy our children.

Of course there is the rape and incest, and physical abuse, but that is nothing compared to making your child the scapegoat.

We, have many sayings and phrases, many learned from out parents, that destroy a young child's mind, and we just think they are normal. Things like "don't you want to please mommy?" "If you loved me you would do X", "Do it because i told you to". All of these are manipulations that little kids cannot puzzle through. And, what is worse is, that when they grow up, they never revisit these and see how horrible they are, instead they see them as normal. It is the water in which the fist swims.

During a divorce (or even if the divorce never happens) the woman tells her children how bad their father is. It is natural thing that women do, talk to their close friends about how they feel about all the other people. And so, they slip into this naturally when they are upset with their man. However, it is VERY DAMAGING to a child to tell them that their father is a bad person. Children take this as meaning that they are half-bad. Especially if they are a boy. This is just one prevalent example. There are many more. Many more that we just consider normal.

This abuse of children has to stop. But, how do you stop it when we don't see it. Or if we do see it, then we go so far overboard that what we do is just as bad or worse.

Things that we consider normal and tiny, are actually huge traumas that will destroy the child's future, and the person, even after they are grown, will continue to run into the same situation again and again until they heal it.

It would be better to not do the trauma in the first place.

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Save the planet, by killing off the humans

We are part of this planet. An inseparable part of this planet. This planet doesn't exist without us. And we do not exist without it. (think about this for space travel)

There are many people who say things like, "If humans weren't here, then the planet would be perfect", or they say, "humans destroy the environment, it would be better if they were gone".

Yes, humans can harm the environment, but, humans can also make the environment better. In fact, humans can make the environment a LOT better. We can get a lot more food out of an acre then nature does by itself. We can help build topsoil far quicker than nature does by itself. We can cause, and we can mitigate overgrazing of areas.


Our use of oil as a fuel source means that we do not cut down all the forests. However, many modern people believe that oil is the worst thing ever, and we are destroying the world with burning it.

The current green energy paths are such as to cause people to have to pay more for less. And really do not save the planet at all. One of those giant windmills will usually never pay for itself. The amount of energy used to create it will never be gotten back from it.

And all of this starts off with people, with evil intentions trying to manipulate our views on certain issues, so that the evil congress critters can pass more evil laws, because "we have to do it, to save the planet".

We need to learn what will really help the planet. Things like, controlled, periodic, burns might be the best things for a healthy forest. Instead of, 'we have to do everything to stop forests from catching on fire!'

We have to realize when our emotions are being used to make us do things that really won't help the planet, and will hurt us.

And we need to learn that, and know that, we are part of the planet. A solution without humans living and thriving is a bad solution.

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All around us is evil. So much of it we need to learn to recognize, and then we need to learn how evil it is to continue the practice.

And we need to do this in all areas of our life.

We must heal the trauma of past evils. And this is THE WAY to stop ourselves from mindlessly passing on the traumas to other people.

This is our path, our mission over the next century. We will see it much more in the media. And if the MSM tries to squash it, the MSM will be squished out of existence. And, it appears that they already are.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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