The Law of Attraction is a word used to describe the base dimension of our universe's functioning.
A lot of stuff happens, many layers are used, before we even get to the 3D aspect that we call "the real world".
Many people call this first dimension, "The Causal Plane". Because it is where "cause and effect" attract to each other, to manifest free choice, to bring about that which you are attracting.
If you are looking for a life partner, and someone else is looking for a life partner, then the Causal Plane bring those two together. If you notice how people meet, it seems like diving right timing or something. Both people were in the same place at the same time for some reason. I have even see people meet in an airport in between connecting flights.
This is a big (to us) happening, but there are constantly hundreds of attractions finding their match and coming into your life.
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Who is attracting?
The problem most people have when they hear/encounter the "law of attraction" is they assume they are doing what it takes to attract what they want, but it is constantly being taken away from them. And so, they say, "The law of attraction doesn't work"
Ah, but it does. The law of attraction brings to you exact matches to your vibration.
But, who is "YOU", in this statement?
For the most part, the YOU that is attracting stuff is your subconscious. And thus, the stuff you have programmed into your subconscious is what is driving your life.
Also, their is you, the thinking, analyzing, self.
And there is your higher self. The part of you that is still on the other side of the veil (so you cannot readily interact with it. It is the body, that is sitting in the chair while the mind is focussed on playing the video game) This part knows about all the major interactions that you made agreements for that will manifest into this life. This is where things that we call destiny get added. You might call this part your unconscious mind.
There are also a bunch of subsystems that keep "normal" things running.
So, it is not just you and your thoughts that are manifesting things.
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Your subconscious is / isn't your friend
So much of how we perceive life, and thus what we manifest in our life is programmed into us from our childhood.
Like, if you were born to rich parents, you have a certain relationship with money that pretty much colors the rest of your life. If you were born to poor parents, you have a certain relationship with money that pretty much colors the rest of your life.
So, read "Rich Dad / Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. Because almost everyone who seeks out reading upon "The law of attraction" really need to change their relationship with money. This is also why Napolean Hill titled his book "Think and Grow Rich".
If you were raised poor, you do poor things, you attract poor relationships, you get poor jobs, you attract more poorness… and all of this because that is how you think things work. It is programmed into your subconscious. It becomes part of your being. It is the vibration that is attracting things into your life.
And so, if you want to attract abundance and/or wealth, you must reprogram your subconscious. You must change your relationship with money. You must think about it differently.
Did you know that rich people do no think "oh, if only i had a million dollars"? That is a poor thought, and when you are thinking it, you are pushing money away. With that thought you are thinking on the lack of a million dollars.
Instead, the rich think on how they will move assets around, or how they will make more assets that will pay them to get what they want. They are thinking, "how could i make it so i had that thing". Now, they are attracting that thing. And the more ways they think that will work, the easier it will come.
These two ways of thinking are almost diametrically opposed.
And so, you really, really need to learn to change your thought patterns.
Every time you think "oh poor me", instead think "look how much i have, and i allow more to come to me"
Make your subconscious work for you.
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It is not cause then effect
One of the weird things about our universe is that things do not happen in the order in which we perceive.
We are linear thinkers, we think that time is linear. But this is a bias that was programmed into us, and manifests as humanness.
Let us take a common occurrence. There is a pain in your leg. You are stressing, you are worried. You are trying to avoid something coming that will require a lot of walking. The pain in your leg is telling you that you are manifesting something. It isn't really real yet, and may just be manifesting as stiffness right now.
If you let this go on, you will soon have an accident. A car accident where you break your leg, or a little accident where you smash you shin into the coffee table, that seemed to jump out into your path.
Now the pain has a focus, a reason for existing.
It wasn't the accident that caused the pain, it was the pain that caused the accident. That attracted the accident to come into being.
So often the "cause" is in the future.
Like, you miss your bus, and so that makes you 15 minutes late, so you happen to be at the correct street corner, when the person you were looking for happens to be there too. The meeting is the cause, and everything trickles back in time to put you on a path that creates the meeting.
This is the driving force behind synchronicity.
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This is only a brief overview about how the law of attraction works.
The journey to using it well is a process of analyzing all of your thoughts and shifting them to better ones. Each and every time you have a bad/negative thought. It is really a pain in the ass, but you are reprogramming your subconscious. And people who know, say you need to have 10 good thoughts to cancel out one bad one. And there were a lot of bad ones in your past.
You can make your life a whole lot better. You can change your relationship with money. You can change your relationship with yourself.
And, if you want a life partner, you HAVE TO change your relationship with yourself. Imagine being in a perfect relationship. Now, look at the person who would be a partner for that person you are envisioning. Imagine them. Become them. Become the person who would be a partner of your perfect partner. When you do this, you will be attracting that person. (do this even if you are in a relationship. The person that you are in a relationship has a high chance of becoming that person. You changing allows them to change)
This is a lot of work.
The law of attraction is no, "oh, i just thought about it for a few seconds, where is it?" thing. It really is a way of life.
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